Islam Red Pill Thread

In honor of the hysteria surrounding Trump's retweeting of an "anti-Muslim" twitter account I believe we should share red pills on Islam/Muslims which are easily digestible for the average pleb.










you can tell how wrong a religion is by how hard the members push it

ex muslim here.
Islam sucks! BABAY PEACE!


Reminder for you shee/pol/ to verify all images for yourselves. Oh who am I kidding, this is all about winning an argument, not the truth.

Right? Lmao
I assume he misread title and autist took over

arenr you scared you're on a list, waiting to be murdered?


>The Koran states that everyone is born a Muslim
>The Koran states that any Muslim who is an apostate (rejects Islam as their religion) should be executed
>Every Muslim either believes you're life is forfeit or that their own holy book is full of shit

Honestly, the best redpill on why Islam is terrible is the Koran. I recommend The Koran Reloaded series on Youtube. I've tried reading the Koran several times and always give up because I can't take the unending series of ridiculous bullshit and amazingly convenient "messages from Allah" that just happens to benefit Muhammad that week. It's easier with two fat fucks laughing every 30 seconds about how nonsensical it is.

The real redpill is that all these threads are just full of butthurt white christcucks who are insecure about their own religion so they desperately try to mentally invalidate Islam using mostly false propaganda about Islam.

What ITT is "false propaganda"?

It's an ancient Arabic word meaning "truth" and absolutely haram.


