WTF I love christmas now

WTF I love christmas now

>cultural appropriation is only bad when whites and non-fags do it



>Why weren't we invited to the White House Christmas party again?


hot to be honest

Nothing is sacred to these people.

I really don't get why a magazine like TIME advertises for a book like that. Its always been shit, but it just seems so unprofessional and unserious.

Jesus fucking christ, this is from Time? How the fuck did we get this far? I thought electing Trump would stop this? Is there actually going to be a civil war?

This. This is just pathetic.

Santa Clause is literally Satan. Santa has a good side and a bad side. So, technically, this is pretty accurate.

Save us, Generation Zyklon.
You're our only hope.

>denigrating Christmas
imagine my shock

Santa is a faggot anyway. Christmas is about Christ. CHRIST MASS. DEUS VULT!

Did you know that before american corporations burgerfied santa he was actually the god Odinn. WTF

Nuke them.

>Brought to you by Schlomo Shecklegruber

8 reindeer= 8 legged horse

This fucking timeline

FUCK JOULUPUKKI ei ooo mikään hompeli?

>faggotry totally isn’t tied to pedophilia

Why do I only see this degeneracy online but not in public? I don't see shit like this on the magazine rack next to the registers at stores, I don't see it on TV unless you switch to something that's intentionally for gay audiences like Logo & cooking channels. Nobody ever brings it up in conversation either. I think the internet is just a warped demented place that really shouldn't be preserved, future generations will get the wrong idea about us.