Reminder that suicides go to hell.
Based KEK
talk about bluepilled
This was all easily staged. FAKE
What's the logic of suicides going to hell?
Why would a honorable suicide go to hell and 30 years of rotting away in a prison doing nothing go to heaven?
Legends never die, faggot.
If you go to hell, do you burn there forever or just for some time? Forever seems a little harsh
damn I guess I was wrong
>doesn't have a better answer than le fedora
stick hem abdullah
if you actually can make people believe that eternal bliss awaits them after death, you also have to tell them that killing yourself won't get you there (for obvious reasons)
christ is for shitskins
My sides
Jokes on you faggot.
>some pope said so
Meanwhile the bible states there is no deed good enough to grant immortal life, no sin so great as to ensure damnation. Only through belief in the messiah and turning from sin will grant life everlasting.
Catholics are straight up heretics.
>Catholics are straight up heretics
The word heretic was meant/started for all non-Catholics you heretic. The innate hate of protestants whom their sect/dominations were founded by men who just suddenly sprung out saying they are the real church is what caused thousands of Christian separation.
This thread was made for me. I need to kill myself by 2018 to make people rich and happy around me. I really hate my life. Struggle, frustration, no tender heart. I want to die since I I was not killed as a baby. My parents temporally left me in an oven. Some how I am alive. I still ask my self why I wanted to come back in the first place.
Reminder that papists go to hell.
No you don't. Once saved, the Spirit of Life is in them, and they rarely if ever kill themselves.
And they are proud to be so.
No, it started out as against God and the bible.
The papists turned the word to mean against the RCC.
You're the real heretic, papist.
Wrong. Suicide for noble cause doesn't. Even Cato went to purgatory and not to hell. Stop larping as a Christian you fedora faggot
You are alive so that you can reconcile with your Creator and gain eternal life, and avoid hell.
Once in heaven, the travesty of your childhood will be burned away, to be remembered no more.
Let's not forget Sampson, either, as Hebrews 11 considers him a giant of the faith, and he basically committed suicide.
Papists are so lost, because they think they are safe.
Much agreed.
Do you have a pic of that without the text though?
>Doesn't believe in God.
Talk about blue pilled.
Suicide is between the person and God.
>Implying we aren't living in hell right now
Fucking christcuck.
Staged or fake matters not. Trump is yet again front page for tweeting.
Yet the press deny being hysterical about Trump lol
so do turks
There always has to be THAT guy...