It is here
2016 Enkou Ranking
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>Nao Touyama "wins" again
Everything wrong with anime is in this one picture. Juvenile fanbase, commercialization, moeshit, dumb marketing.
Is KMB that well known in Japan that she'd still be up there?
>Aqua is ranked
Just as predicted. Sasuga.
This is old isn't it.
How else is she going to get coke?
Dumb eop poster
Aqua implies it's 2016.
why did honoka jump up to 2nd place- Oohh yeah...
The funniest part is that she's up from 333rd place last year.
Seiyuu from 2nd place is actually a slut right?
The fuck happened? Did she become a 2ch meme or did Kill Me Baby have a sudden spike in popularity in Japan?
I have a suggestion, what if you kill yourself fag
All idols are future JAV actresses.
Christ, I'm surprised I like as many anime as I do considering the general shit taste of the rest of the community.
How does Nao Toyama do it? How can other seiyuus compete?
her VA got busted for cocaine
Kill yourselves nips.
Don't read moon, what is this a rank of?
Was Umi always there?
It says she was at 111th place last year.
top girls most likely to be an enjou kosai
>2016 Enkou Ranking
>what is this a rank of?
Dumb EOPs everywhere.
Umi and Yukiho ranked high thanks to Honoka
Honoka is a bad influence. Nothing worse than a slut that creates more sluts.
Indeed, they memed up an innocent but sexy very sexy mahjong player into slut status.
Maki seems like she would be more likely, but I guess she gets discounted because it is known she is rich
dess neeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Why is monkey so sexual?
So the same thing as the sugar daddy/sugar baby thing here?
Kill yourself, Japs.
I wish I was a rich businessman in 2d nipland. I'd 1, 12, 11, 6, 10 and 8, in that order.
Her mum can't afford all cocona's expensive mountain gear, so she has to seek alternate revenue sources
Is Honoka on there because of the VA in a JAV thing?
Shinka is a nice, ambitious girl who just wants to improve her life. She would not be indulged in shit like this and I'm glad she's sliding out fast, she was 4th last year or something.
People saw Mimorin wearing a ring on a live stream and assumed that she's engaged.
>pillow talk with Mimorin
Unf. Whoever gets that is a lucky man.
Having money is a good means of improving one's life, especially when they're young. A girl like Shinka can easily get the richest jii-sans to spoil her with little effort.
That means she's sliding out of popularity and will soon be forgotten.
Good, I want to be the only one who remembers her.
I did not post this image but it works anyway.
>with little effort
Shinka is a hard worker, she wouldn't want things handed to her like this.
>only one imas but multiple ll
How can they even compete!
Yes, otherwise Honk wouldn't jump from 98th to 2nd