How do we make Sup Forums great again?
Other urls found in this thread:
By reporting every post you make until you've been perma banned.
By making original ideas for making threads, make Sup Forumsnons do more OC and pretty much be creative and don't repeat the same shit everytime
just wait for a legitimately good or legitimately terrible anime to come out
everything is too mediocre to make memes about
sadpanda and djt should be allowed. there are plenty of general threads on this shithole.
>force creativity
The words of someone that's never created something in their life.
Funny how kinomod's autism of forcing everyone into faking "new discussion" has only made the board worse.
Be nice to each other.
Correct newcomers by telling them to lurk more with gentle words.
Telling people that are a lost cause to go away without hurting them.
Be positive.
That way the edgelords that ruin the fun will be left out.
more rules are bad, plain and simple. Sup Forums should be the posterchild for this. every year there are more rules and every year it just gets worse. compare the rules of 2009 Sup Forums to today's and it's night and day
Report bad threads, people that break the rules, and stop spoonfeeding newfags.
Yeah, i'm sorry you can't make shit despite you went to art school
Mod did nothing wrong
>Correct newcomers by telling them to lurk more with gentle words.
Just use a sticky and mention Sup Forums wiki and lurkmore pages
Fire the 90% of the mods with the most deletions/bans/"warnings".
Seriously, these faggots who think they're the Meme Police have turned Sup Forums into Gaia Online.
Go away (without hurting you)
Sup Forums is the only board that has been "great" for over a decade now.
>Just use a sticky
Nobody reads a sticky unless you can post on it.
Why would I go to art school, dumb as fuck ESL?
Can't do that with generals ruining the fun.
This place is becoming more like Sup Forums each fucking day.
By making an actual Keit-ai TV anime.
PV: youtube.com
EP 1: youtube.com
EP 13: youtube.com
Sup Forums has been shit since 2013. It used to be great but not anymore
except lately the retarded mods have decided to shit up the place by forbidding threads that should be allowed in the first place
Sup Forums is on the same level as shit as Sup Forums and Sup Forums
that isn't true, it's just the last board left standing. and it hardly is
>Sup Forums has been shit since 2013.
>I've only been here since 2013.
Im trying my best but I can't stand normalfags. It just piss me off that these people come here instead of any other anime community out there.
I use to think this board was like a family.
>current Sup Forums is 2012 Sup Forums
>current Sup Forums is reddit
The future looking pretty dark.
>has been "great"
Yeah, no.
Try making a non-general thread and see how it slips quicly into the 10th page.
You haven't been to either of those boards if you think that.
Can we get fucking sadpanda and DJT back? FUCKING RETARDS
get rid of Sup Forums's retarded unwritten rules
Fuck off, retard
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are all shit for different reasons but all shit nontheless
Sup Forums is shit because of autistic over moderation
Sup Forums is shit because of redditors
Sup Forums is shit because of lazy under moderation
all three are shit, fast boards
Last thread I told you to suck a dick.
Working on that my man?
It unironically makes me want to smash something when I see blatant redditors and newfags get spoonfed and coddled to. Every board I liked is dead.
Then fucking mention it and don't fucking write a fuckton of shit on it so people can read it?
Make /ag/ and b& anyone who escapes their containment board
just because you don't know about them doesn't mean they're retarded, newfag-kun.
unwritten rules is reddit-tier as hell
telling newfags to "lurk moar" was good enough
To rebuild this board we must first destroy it. Sup Forums has become excessively popular and to combat this problem we should shit it up to no return. That way all users - newfags, oldfags will leave this place. It's the only way to save this board, Sup Forums won't need to be great anymore if it's permanently wiped out from the face of the interwebs.
lurk for 2 years before posting
>gets mad over words on a screen
k3k, maybe turn off the computer for a while, eh champ?
>Make /ag/ and b& anyone who escapes their containment board
-Splitting Sup Forums any further would only harm the board userbase and would end up like a Sup Forumslite, after the /vg/ split.
-We shouldn't have to accomodate to foreigners who think they can make their own subreddit in here by circlejerking in the same thread 24/7.
In all honesty, I'd rather see Sup Forums spammed with a shit series, like it happened when K-On or Bakemonogatari were airing than seeing it so fragmented and dead.
Don't post without your trip on.
True but good luck with that considering how dedictated shitposters are nowadays
That's okay to say that, but mods actually banning people for breaking a new, unwritten rule is reddit.
we're already there. the board has gone to shit. the problem is that no good alternatives exist. Sup Forums, for example, has plenty of alternatives, even if they aren't as good as Sup Forums used to be years ago
You seem to know a lot about reddit, newfag-kun. Maybe you should go back there?
>visit the same place for over a decade
>notice new people are breaking in and shitting on the floor and demand to be spoonfed
>"Fuck off, retards"
Kill yourself.
Maybe it's time to dump Sup Forums for life on your end and move the fuck on
Get Hiroyuki to ban all mobile browsers which is not that difficult to do.
That should get rid of the phone posters.
Not being complete shit head assholes 24/7 would sure be a great start yeah
dubs thread?
dubs thread
No, reddit.
You newfags don't remember the Golden Age of Sup Forums, so I'll skip past the Spam Age and hearken back to the Silver Age, circa 2011 until the death of m00t.
It used to be that a single shitpost could derail any thread. then something amazing happened. As the userbase matured, Sup Forums learned to ignore trolls. All without hair-triggered snowflake mods who wanted to remake Sup Forums into their own personal Safe Space.
We had crazy offbeat threads. Tongue-in-cheek sardonic threads. Threads that Went Places. Trolls and autists still posted, but this time THEY were the ones who got frustrated and gave up. It was a magical time and I despair that we won't see the likes of it again.
>even if they aren't as good as Sup Forums used to be years ago
Sup Forums years ago was guro so I guess that says something about you
Sup Forums's decline started when we weren't allowed to tell narutards to fuck off anymore.
We'll never be able to go back to those days.
>the people that have been here have to leave
why would this ever be the case?
I fucking hate you piece of shit normalfags.
The time when even the laziest of trolls could derail any thread was fun too
Remember when we had roreny threads ;_;?
I wonder what happened to all the supposed hikkis who frequently posted in them.
you mean, like a decade ago. yeah, i didn't start coming here when Sup Forums was created, boo hoo faggot.
Don't worry, we all hate each other here
Stop bringing this up again you fucking shitposter.
And the fact that nu-Sup Forums applauds the mods for being hair-trigger faggots just makes it worse.
No I love the good Sup Forumsnon they are the best.
I just don't like you.
It's not about splitting but about containing the generals there
It's fine to do stupid shit sometimes but still posting after the show aired some weeks ago it's not okay
Do you want to post on this site by posting for free or with a Sup Forums pass?
Honestly, this. What the fuck happened to this place?
Probably got jobs or banged up chicks or worse, killed themselves
Friendly reminder that every single person who makes a genuine post in this thread has not been here for longer than two years.
Looks like I'LL have to kick it off with this 11
Just take this board out of its misery.
Fuck off you idiots. It's Christmas and I don't want to see this garbage.
Repeating digits.
It was just the naruto ending, we can tell them to fuck off now
Dubs confirm
Well, I don't like you either, bucko.
>you have to have wasted as much time on this website as I have in order to fit in
>It's Christmas
You mean it's "the last capitalist holiday of the year"
Ban cancerous samefagging Narutards who constantly spam the same thread over and over again and don't even hide it.
Just look in the archive.
For example, they always spam a Narutard thread with variations of why is Naruto shit or how do we fix Naruto and everyone who posts in them have been caught just copy and pasting their old responses that it makes me wonder if Narutards are using Bots to reply to their own threads.
Don't get me started on that Narutard who makes anime opening threads and posting the same youtube links over and over again in the first three posts.
Also, let's not forget that Narutard "Sakuga" Fag who keeps posting the same Pain webm over and over again.
The entire Narutard fanbase on Sup Forums is probably botting.
No way can anyone not notice reading the same post over and over again so many times without noticing something funny is going on.
Either that or the Narutard /vg/fags are raiding Sup Forums despite having a 24/7 Naruto General on /vg/.
>tfw Sup Forums has more board culture than us at this point
I'm still here. They were still great when they moved to /fit/ but after the scooby dox and Zyzz died they brought fuck tons of retards to the board. The only thing close to it recently were /comfy/ threads, but then frogposters ruined that too. /ghost/ is probably the closest thing to it but it's only used for drawfags, "no it isn't yes it is", and shitposting when the board is dead.
What's your interpretation of waste?
Because to me your existence is a waste of oxygen and the world's resources.
>mods delete DJT and panda threads
>/ak/, /ai/, GuP, Drawthreads, jojo, YoI and other just as cancerous generals are still allowed.
Somebody explain this meme to me.
Don't fucking betray me, Sup Forums.
The contradiction of ""oldfags"":
>This board is overrun by newfags!
>If you're a newfag, you won't fit in!
Go to /h/ and /d/ for that.
yes, it is fucking retarded.
Check em.
it's shitty board culture, though, so they're still the worse board
>It's not about splitting but about containing the generals there
His point was, why the fuck should they be accommodated at all? The only people who post in generals are outsiders who cannot adapt to the volatile Sup Forums format and come from shitty forums with "LE OFFICIAL X THREAD [STICKY] ONLY POST HERE - 3,557 pages" threads. Why the fuck should they get a board of their own to use up the site's resources, ever? They should be shitposted and permabanned to death instead of being rewarded with their very own circlejerk
>literal pedo thread in the front page
>board culture
Sup Forums is literally the best board in Sup Forums and if you disagree you're wrong.
This is pure delusion.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums-tier
The fujoshits have allowed tumblr to fester on Sup Forums.
We need to kick those fujoshits out.
Notice how there is an increasing amount of people aka fujoshits that care about ANN staff opinions on Sup Forums and spamming feminist articles on Sup Forums as well.
These fujoshits spam these trash articles and trash ANN employee opinions only because the articles shill their fujoshit garbage hard.
We need to clamp down in the bud before these fujoshits start making it okay for Anime and Manga Reviewers from Youtube to be shilled on Sup Forums, eventually.
You can't fix it. The cancer has spread too deep, it reached the bones long ago.
I say delete Sup Forums and/or wait for Sup Forums to shut down entirely.
Very nice
"Daily Japanese Threads" devolve into something that's not even related to learning Nihongo
Panda threads are basically porn
>board culture
I bring christmas spirit to this trash thread.
Deck the halls with dubs and trips.