Acknowledging moderate muzzies hatred of Christ ions and showing moderate muzzies throwing faggots off roofs is now...

>acknowledging moderate muzzies hatred of Christ ions and showing moderate muzzies throwing faggots off roofs is now islamophobic.

This is an incredible defense mechanism.
Also reminds me of San Francisco refusing to release video of public transit attacks because it would be "racist" to acknowledge it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who gives a fuck how they feel. They didn't give a damn when their kinsmen were mowing folks down all over the world. Round them out and kick them out. Let them take the Jews with them too.

tell me about her and BF. all I know about them is that they're anti-islam and pro Christianity

I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave my thread sir. This is about muzzies, not Jews.

I'm afraid you're powerless to stop me from being here.



mi6 dafties


This guy was hanged for blashphemy and in the other video there was no muslim


Kek'd and checked

Fuck ‘em. As an atheist I’m literally suppose to convert or die under these asshole.

I'm not surprised. These people say talking about terrorist attacks where 100s of people are injured/murdered is "Islamophobic." Of course they're going to bitch about Trump sharing these videos. I know he can't do it, but I'd love to see him share a video of a Christian burning a Quran. The media would of course write endlessly about how Trump is tweeting anti-Muslim videos. Then you could put the headlines side by side - Tweeting Muslim breaking a statue of the Virgin Mary is Anti-Islam, Tweeting Christian burning Quran is Anti-Islam.

>I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave my thread sir. This is about muzzies, not Jews.
Little difference!

I don't give a fuck how they feel. I hope they're so distraught they commit mass suicide.

Muslims are mentally retarded. If you look at incest maps around the world, you'll find that the Balkans are pretty incestious for European standards, but muslim countries are the biggest sister fuckers in the world.


These faggot leftists aren't even trying to hide their hatred towards Conservatives and Christians anymore.

One day they'll push too far though and some radical Christians will take a leaf from Islam's book and start driving trucks into large crowds of Muslims and leftists. Maybe then, attacks against Christianity will be deemed "Christianphobic" by the MSM.

Probably won't happen though. Western "Christians" are just really secularfags cucked by leftist ideology. Their belief is without the substance you'll find in Orthodox countries who don't rewrite The Bible to accomodate trannies and gays.

1000 cock stare therefore mentally illness confirmed

The truth is....
Fuck Islam
We need to rebrand that shit we are not afraid of them

When even Buddhist monks want to kill you - is a sign you're shitty people


>Muslims are mentally retarded

How come they're playing the media? Over in Londonistan, the doctors are Muslim and so is Mayor Sadiq "part and parcel" Khan.

It's these leftists who are mentally insane.

The Double Think that is taught to white people from a young age doesn't make any sense until you understand what those lies are protecting. What they are protecting is the Mass Immigration/Cheap Labor Scheme.

Cruel Jewish Masters and Good Goy White Front Men need new workers from poor brown countries these days. In previous eras the USA took immigrants from Europe to fulfill their labor needs but a lot has changed since 1900. The white countries all got fat and happy, some of them even if they were leveled in WWII. This means their richest members began to look for ways to increase their profits. Cheap Labor is a great way to increase profits, but too many whites are too well off to bother with work for low wages. Solution: Take laborers from poor brown countries. Don't give them citizen ship (or don't give it to many of them) and you can pay them shit wages and abuse the fuck out them. Long hours, sexual advantages, kill them for sport, whatever the fuck you want. You threaten them with deportation if they are bad. If they are good, you use some of those profits to pay off ICE and the Local Cops to go with the flow.
Now at some point, the local whites and naturalized brown citizens will get wind of your scheme and become very upset. They don't get many benefits from your Cheap Laborers if they are in the middle class. If they are in the poor class they get lower wages or no wages because they lost their jobs. Some of these citizens will try to stop you from bringing in Cheap Laborers. To counter this you have to pass laws that forbid poor communities from regulating who may live in them. You enforce these laws at gunpoint by paying the Cops and National Guard to suppress any dissent.

Don't you realize that your just strengthening Islamophobia? Passing these videos around paints all Muslims in a untrue stereotype.

Nobody really cares what Trump has to say. We're all just waiting for him to fuck off.

Kinda like how the narrative of the Pulse nightclub shooting became homophobia when Mateen’s Muslim-ness got noticed too much and was starting to turn the gays against the Muslims.

Muslims don't even hide their hatred for the West because they know the left will defend them. I mean they're saying videos showing innocent men being killed by Muslims are racist. That's how insane leftists are.

Shut up you aids-ridden somali animal


We're not going anywhere motherfucker -- you are.

Or it's just jews and their eternal jealousy of the white man.

What the hell?
What religion is he and how can i bring more of him here?

Burma Buddhist.

Trump is truly /ourguy/. Honestly, this is the sort of stuff that he tweets as president? Amazing. He truly hates Mudslimes!

The mental gymnastics the media are engaging in here is staggering, by their same logic they should have never reported on Harvey Weinstein on the basis that it'd be anti-Semitic.

>Dat like/dislike ratio
lol, people sure do hate people speaking ill of muslims

I thought this was b8, but then I saw the flag. Now I’m not sure.

>the Jew cries as he strikes out at you
>the Muslim outrages as he explodes at you
>the Nigger chimps out as he asks for gibs

>that flag
>bring more of them here

I hope they fucking felt like they should go back to their own shithole. Because they contribute so much, that will teach us the best lesson ever. They should just let us poor Christian/Atheist/Buddhist/OtherFatherInTheSky believers languish in ignorance due to their absence.

Hope so!

someone has to do the fighting so he can watch and jerk off in the corner

At this point its Sven's only option. Its almost impossible to remove the parasite from its host, so the next best thing is to introduce its natural enemy.

This is what upsets them?


I think it's bongistani for "cia nigger"

>reveal the truth about Muslims is hate crime

We need to, as a counterweight
Trust me, right now Sweden is in dire need of help and its coming to a tipping point where we cannot do this on our own

Why not?
Because most whites are too afraid to speak ill and many whites are on the muslims side in this because they are "anti-racist" and so if another brown person attacks muslims its ok because you cannot be racist if you are both brown

Does your average Muslim hate Christians though? I genuinely believed they valued Mary as a prophet of sorts and only despised the Jew.

Can we go back to a time where there were no muslims in America? How does a demographic that has been here for barely a few decades begin whining about everything? Fucking scum of the earth.

"How it felt as a christian seeing Muslims rape and kill my people day after day."

>Muh oil money
They aren't playing the media, they're paying the media

Shhh Pajeet, let the white christcucks jerk themselves off to their fantasies.

During my parents generation if you were wearing a head towel you would get your assbeat because you didn't belong here

Remember muslim shitskin scum, you're not welcome here and you never will be

And you just stated why the second ammendment was important enough to be the second rule of all rules for the United states.



more like kike drumptards still worshiping a jewish puppet

I doubt the Jews forced mass immigration on us for "cheap labour". Just have a irrational hatred of White people since they view themselves as the master race and our presence bothers their fragile ego, so seek to destroy us.

As far as I know they accept Jesus as an important prophet, just not the son of God

ask finland for a million when Russia's not looking

Ah right. The anti-Christian Muslims like that degenerate Trump retweeted are irrational morons then, going against their own scripture even. Symptom of a sub 85IQ I'd guess.

Muslims can be mad, who cares? What was funny was Britain's reaction.

>Labour: ban trump!
>Sharia May: No Trump is still coming but I'm very disappointed in him

As if he gives a fuck

reminder radical muslims are what Sup Forums wishes they were so badly

while you LARP on here about muh day of the rope they really do throw gays off buildings, stone sluts and behead traitors in real life right now

Glad people like you will stay rent slaves in Chinese owned slums. Fucking Toronto rats.

The situation has made me feel so ashamed of my country. There is no national pride and desire to protect one's nation and family unit. No community spirit aside from 'we must let everyone in, EVERYONE'. Makes one feel a tad alienated.

Not even from anywhere near Toronto you fucking manlet.

Muslims don't plan much for the future.

Whites are scared of losing everything they have. Plus Britain has cameras everywhere and they'd punish you for trying to kick Muslims out.


At least you guys still have some fight left. You have people to vote for, brexit (probably) and some right wing media on the internet at a very minimum. Germany looks hopeless.

That only makes sense until you realise that none of these bloody imports work, unless you count the nepotistic chinks. Refugess have an employment rate lower than 40% even after the second and third generations.

A knife in your belly, shill.

Who'll punish you? Have you seen your police force? 5 thousand well organised Anglos could take over London. The only thing keeping you bongs in line is your paralyzing fear of authority.

Tasty Khazar milkers!!

They probably got nostalgic for home

triggered kike shit

Joke's on you my Nordic friend, your government will just start bringing in the fucking Burmese muslims instead.

Just like there are no "good cops" that turn in bad cops. There are no "good Muslims" that would turn in the bad ones. Except iman from new york trying to warm about NY city truck driver that ran down people, kudos to him. Where are other "good" muslims? Just like the cops muslims get the bad rap but it's their own fault for covering for bad apples.

The left is annoying, they are more upset over the fact that someone has tweeted this proof of muslim disgustingness than the acts themselves.

Pathetic lefties.

She's single iirc or she's dicking the guy that you see her around.