Not-bowman kills not-bowman with a not-arrow
Spoil series without context then guess the series
Two-headed boy dies.
Fate stay night?
Shiro is the red man.
wacky main character actually starts becoming wacky in the head
good job lads here's the next one
twelve die
The final boss was the MC all along.
Idiot doesn't fuck the evil lesbian, too in love with own dick.
neutral milk hotel?
14 year old girls becomes god with one weird trick. incubators hate her.
David bowie dead in Ambulance accident
futari wa precure?
MC gets raped as a child, watches lover get raped by his best friend.
There was always one girl missing
all floating in glass
Deadman Wonderland
>deadman wonderland is immortalized as a fsn meme
Pretty much everyone dies.
No one is happy.
There's a lack of context, and then there's uselessly vague. This could be any of hundreds of manga.
All swords broke.
Teacher achieves harem ending by marrying his student.
Zetsubou sensei.
You got it.
SHE was the patient, not her brother!
Gud job
Due to rampant dissatisfaction in the ranks the MC and his crew become insurgents against the corrupted part of the fascist state and win, vaguely speaking.
It's a movie, not a series though.
Conor vs Aldo the anime.
Girl wants to become Madoka but her cat doesn't let her
Preparing everyone to receive visitors from a far, far place.
Homosexual male gets all females interested in him killed or permanently scared for life, while becoming a single father.
Wings of HonnĂȘamise.
The hero subdues her enemies, ensures happiness for her friends, and attains supreme power, but suffers for her sins alone.
Gundam 00?
Mirai Nikki?
An autistic girl (male) was the "culprit."
He meets her granddaughter
Are movies fair game?
Up is down. Down is up.
Up is up. Down is down.
Up IS down. Down IS up.
Jojo part 4
Despite many warnings, people don't listen.
Nothing of significance happens.
K-On or just about ani slice of life
good job
Right, that was too easy.
MC's girlfriend's dead body was reanimated with a robot brain so it could be possesed by the will of fate and then killed to kill fate.
Final boss' true identity is the MC.
Part of an experiment to deal with PTSD from the death of her brother, who was dead all along.
Not O;9.
(First I just wanted to write KyoAni but autocorrect rewrote it to any, so I improvised)
Lucifer and the biscut hammer?
card captor homura
im pretty sure all of these are wrong
They actually made a fucking game.
Everybody stripped naked, the end.
It's funny how close, and yet far, that guess was.
One man plots for decades to join two bloodlines.
The main girl who was gone for so long returns, except it wasn't actually her but a lookalike.
MC is a door
Nobody remembers Dennou Coil? How sad.
MC's saves the day, then gets arrested.
The protagonist doesnt get much screentime and gets bullied a lot for lacking presence.
The sheltered princess is a traitor.
Everyone fucking dies. Good job.
The beasts came from a super powered tree.
Some Thug dies early on
Dragon Ball
Girl dies after being eaten by a monster.
The aunt and the teacher were the same person, and she was dead the entire time.
Welcome to the NHK?
"Literally nothing happens"- the show
"literally any slice of life"- the answer
Musicians try to solve mysteries. Main boy is a literal faggot
A girl has to pee and another girl is smashed into a wall by ghosts. Meanwhile, a guy who likes the girl who was smashed into a wall receives a ghostly phone call, then commits suicide because of it. Finally, there's a lesbian who loves her best friend who has mutual feelings for the MC.
Bonus: name all the characters I mentioned.
Final boss was not a FutureMC but a Future!not!MC. Just want to save the world. And "I'm glad i met you".
man who doesnt want to kill anybody kills his edgy brother
Corpse Party. I forgot the names.
Cute girl moves to a new island, wins a competition at the end of the series and becomes friends with the antagonist.
A bus
Gay guy barely loses, the ending is a threesome.