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Why is Shirley best girl? Why did Kallen end up being a traitor?
What went wrong?
Seriously though, did people really believe Lelouch was dead at the end of season 2?
Can Lelouch actually win a battle if he's not allowed to blow up the terrain
I bet he flipped boards all the time when playing chess back in Britannia
I believe he has. I mean he did get code, and now he's immortal so take that as you will.
Actually, if you look at that PV they did when they announced the new project they show Lelouch with his Geass eye at the end, which wouldn't be possible if the code was the way he wormed his way out of his assassination.
Plus you can't really "revive" somebody who never died.
I think the theory is that since he got the code from Charles and not
C.C. he was able to keep his geass and have the code.
Is lelouch Santa
Interesting theory, but have we ever seen anything to indicate that different codes have different manifestations? Charles and V.V. both died and resurrected in a similar manner to C.C. and we never see either of them use Geass while in possession of a code.
Plus it's kind of overpowered to have Lelouch's Geass AND never be able to die.
He has code and geass he is the "Code geass" think about it
When Nunnally touches Lelouch when he "dies" she sees what the zero requiem was.
We see events similar to this in the past with C.C. touching Lelouch and Suzaku.
I think this adds to the code theory.
Seasons 1 and 2 plus Akito never depict an individual as having both a code and Geass despite all being titled "Code Geass."
Look mate, I'm not against the idea and it might be kind of interesting, I'm just saying it doesn't match up with anything we know.
>Why is Shirley best girl?
She had the purest and most innocent love.
>Why did Kallen end up being a traitor?
Lelouch doesn't see it that way and neither do I.
>What went wrong?
Beats me.
>Seriously though, did people really believe Lelouch was dead at the end of season 2?
He was plausibly dead and plausibly alive at the same time. Schrodinger's Cart Driver.
I'd just imagine that Lelouch could still use the Geass in late R2 because he hadn't been killed yet.
The Geass eye at the end of PV might be more for iconic purposes than story relevant.
The thing is too, we've still got no idea where R3 is in development. They're far enough along to have new footage but they might've prepared it just so they could have something to show to the public. Even as it is the trailer is mostly a blank screen with credits. For all we know the eye scene could have just been lifted from the original series (there are plenty of shots like it) because it's so iconic and shows you-know-who is back in town. We'll need actual plot details to speculate more on whether it's a code-bearing Lelouch, Geass Lelouch, or Lelouch with both.
That was what they did.
Instead of just showing a storyboard, they decided to animate a teaser trailer with their basic ideas for S3 (that aren't total spoilers, of course).
Actual S3 or movie is probably still in pre-production phase.
>Why is Shirley best girl?
She's not.
>Why did Kallen end up being a traitor?
She didn't.
What would that have to do with anything? Charles specifically says he exchanged his Geass for the code, and he got it from V.V., not C.C.
>>Why is Shirley best girl?
>She's not.
>Seriously though, did people really believe Lelouch was dead at the end of season 2?
It was officially confirmed by the production that Lelouch died in the end.
I do like Shirley a lot. But I also like the other girls.
>It was officially confirmed by the production that Lelouch died in the end.
Nah. There is no "confirmation" about Lelouch remaining dead. Only that he was killed. There's a difference.
12:58:03 Q: At the end of Code Geass R2, does lelouch really die?
12:58:21 A: Actually, as you can probably tell by watching the series, we leave that up to the viewers opinion
12:58:56 I think the best part is you can debate and discuss
Also, someone who translated stuff from the show confirmed the light novel was saying something else.
>...The moment I heard the news about this new anime, I had a sudden ominous feeling. In order to confirm it, I turned to the Code Geass R2 light novels which I'd put off reading for a long while. And what did I find when I reached the end? A very insinuating description of the cart driver, highlighting how his face isn't visible under his hat, how he has an unusually slender body for a country villager, and how he smiled ever so slightly at C.C.'s words at the very end... After I thought all these years that the theories of Lelouch's survival were insubstantial...
C.C. died a bunch too, but in the end it didn't mean much.
And before you argue that's just semantics, take a look at her actual "death" process. It's not like she can never die even when she's killed. She genuinely does "die" before being revived. For example, both in Shinjuku and at Narita she gives all appearances of outward death before her wounds heal and she regains activity. Same with Charles, who appeared to have an interesting "in between state" after gaining his code where he could be Geassed. It wasn't until after he "died" via getting Geassed the first time that his code appeared to become active and Lelouch could no longer Geass him. Code bearers certainly don't die permanently but they do seem to genuinely "die" in a temporary sense.
And that interview clearly doesn't mean much now, since I doubt an anime called "Lelouch of the Revival" doesn't feature Lelouch, and it's hard to feature a character that is dead.
There's very few "bad" girls in Code Geass. Milly blows all girls in Lulu's harem out of the water though. For a buxom blond she's kind of beta around him, she should have gone for it tubeehonesto,
The theory also holds that if you get the code from the one who gave you your geass, then you
lose your geass. Now if Lelouch get the code from Charles, then he doesn't have to give up
his geass. However, I don't remeber if it was explained who Charles got his geass from,
and if it was C.C. then the theory is busted.
capcha: select all images with pizza
>crossboarding retard doesn't acknowledge goddess C.C.
As expected.
He's so hot, why isnt he real
Because Washington actually won.
They never properly explained anything about geass or anything related to it so we can neither confirm or deny the Code Geass theory.
They can put completely new shit or just confirm the CG theory in R3 just like that.
In Akito there were some superior being and Leila having blue geass and all but they didn't even bother with explaining them so it doesn't really matter if they showed us things about geass before or not.
It is possible to for them to do whatever they wanna do with Lelouch's reviving right now.
So who's blowing everything up?
Do you think it's the Arab league?
There were official books listing Lulu as dead.
I can't really remember well but I think the general consensus what that the staff implied he was dead. They always avoided giving straight answers for anything.
Anyways I qlways believed he was alive but the staff implied that he was dead and the official material said he was dead as well.
Official material said CC didn't like him as well so I never took them as serious but that was how things was like for past-2009.
He has VV's code.
If he had CC's code then it wouldn't make sense with her real wish of feeling living & loved in real sense again.
Also she could just off herself now and all.
Welp, there goes my floor.
Just noticed the detonator was designed to look like a chess piece
Nah it's gonna be some rogue Britannian faction that's controlled by another Geass cult
why is he hiding under the hat?
lot of LOYALTY for a cybernetically enhanced human
I can answer a couple of the Akito details. They ere elaborated in interviews and supplemental materials.
-The being in Akito is called the Caretaker of Spacetime. She is a being of the Collective Conscious, and one who "intervenes in the evolution of the universe". Her powers displayed include "rewinding time" by sending Leila's conscious into a parallel timeline prior to the staff being killed, and warping Ashley to Smilas's location to kill him. Despite her power though, she cannot interact directly with the physical world, which is why she needed Smilas.
-Leila's Geass is blue because its, as the Caretaker of Spacetime calls it, a "Fragment of Geass". It's nature of being a "Fragment" is because Leila took so long to awaken it.
cyka blyat
So, been thinking about it, and my theory for the plot of the new Geass series is that its going to deconstruct its own ending.
By this I mean that Lelouch's sacrificing himself solving all the problems.
I'm hoping they just forget Akito existed for the new one, honestly. It fucking sucked.
"Deconstruction" is a meaningless buzzword that hardly meant anything a decade ago and today is basically a generic phrase used to denote "doing something differently."
You're going to have to elaborate what you mean. Do you think the series will critique his choice by showing that it didn't really solve anything at all? Do you think it's going to dismantle the ending by having Lelouch slowing undo his own victory through his own foolhardiness/ego?
Lelouch won't be the one to undo the ending. Rather, what I mean is that these new problems will arise precisely because of the actions he took.
I'm still mad that despite extending the OVA by a whole other episode the conclusion still felt rushed. Smilas basically does nothing except declare his revolution, backstab Leila for like 1 scene and then stew in the background before getting killed IN THE ENDING CREDITS. He never actually engages anyone in battle or does anything significant, he's just an inconvenient plot point they brought up that they remembered "oh yeah, better do something about that" at the last second. The series also never did explain why he was the villain or in the wrong despite raising all these villain flags and having him throw Leila under the bus. Wasn't his faction 100% right when they said that Europan society was decaying and being driven into the ground by people who were aristocrats in all but name? That's certainly what they had been showing in the previous episodes. And why does a demigod from the collective unconsciousness care about some wannabe revolutionary anyway? Where was she when Charles was sitting under not-Jupiter every day chuckling about how he was going to kill it?
And am I really supposed to believe that while Schniziel was steamrolling through Western Europe Leila and her super-elite commando unit decided to just fuck off and live in the woods with the gypsies? I mean I get the Europeans hadn't treated them very well but it's kind of cold blooded to just sit back and watch your countrymen get massacred, especially for a typical mecha princess like Leila, who is supposed to be more dutiful, more talented and more compassionate than everyone else.
I kept waiting for the series to get better but honestly OVA 3 was only slightly better than the rest. Only genuinely good thing to come out of it was Leila's body desu.
Well, thats because its blatantly obvious that it was rushed. Akane clearly had a lot more he wanted to do, but couldn't because of time constraints due to the format. He wanted to do a full series.
>something is taking up space in my ancient computer
>it's the last episode of R2, in exquisite quality, by gg-THORA
Fuck, I'm keeping it.
CG without Lelouch and his usual team sucks anyways. They'd better not make something similar again.
Also where is the FULL STREAM of the event!? We need it dammit.
Eh, I thought Akito was fine. I just wish it had been longer to properly flesh things out.
I wanna fuck
>CC, Jeremiah, Cecile
in this order.
>There are people on this board that think Lelouch didn't take C.C. route at the end
"I wanted it to be longer" doesn't really work as an excuse when you had like four fucking years to plan/refine it, knowing the runtime you had, and were even given an extra episode. Sometime during that long period, he should have sat down, accepted reality, and tailored his plans to the format he'd been given. Also, five one-hour OVAs is already longer than most TV series get, and a longer series honestly wouldn't have fixed a lot of the shit wrong with it, like the terrible villain, constant sentimental tripe, shoehorned fanfic-tier Lelouch appearances, etc.
There was a lot of other stuff wrong, but most notably on the subject of rushed endings, they never did fucking anything with the comatose guy.
>There are people on this board that think Lelouch wanted any route but Nunnally
>not Lelouch himself
I'm a little torn. On the one hand I'm interested to see what they could do if they had more time to flesh the characters and concepts out. On the other hand most of the characters were so bland I'm not really sure how you could salvage them with time alone and many of the story elements were in questionable taste. I can only hear a character cackle like a moron while screaming "Die! Die! Die!" so many time before I can stop taking them seriously. I know the original series did push the boundaries of edgelord chunni moments, but Akito just sprints headfirst into retard territory. And you'd be hard pressed to find a more poorly written villain then Shin. Shin is basically what would happen if MOM'S GONNA FREAK was written into an anime character and somehow manged to take themselves even more seriously.
Should I even watch Akito?
Is it like the Rogue One of CG?
I don't know what Rogue One is, but don't watch Akito, please. It's shit.
A what of Geass? I don't play games, please explain.
>Kallen has unnatural balloon like tits
Well I've never been a tits man but this feels not good. But at least she has a nice ass.
she looks good enough
N-no comment...
Avoid it like a plague. It doesn't provide anything to the plot of the series as a whole. Just an easy cash cow borrowing Code Geass name.
Shin was like if you took Luciano Bradley, gave him Itachi's background, and made him the main villain.
The lelouch parts were the most entertaining parts of the series, t b h
Akito was shitty.
Still do we know what was the deal with the skull that gave Akito's brother geass?
Also why didn't his command work on Akito?
>The lelouch parts were the most entertaining parts of the series, t b h
That would be Ayano bellydancing. Don't get me wrong, fanfic Lelouch is still better than the rest of the cast, but it had nothing to do with anything and really just served as a weak link and to jack off Shin.
>Still do we know what was the deal with the skull that gave Akito's brother geass?
Of course not.
>Also why didn't his command work on Akito?
The plot said so.
Akito is undeniably worse than the original series, but if you have the spare time it is notable for being one of the few series to have CGI mecha fights that don't look like complete garbage. Whenever people say "yeah I know a lot of CGI mech series look bad BUT series X proves that doesn't have to be true" Akito is what they refer to a lot. So it doesn't hurt to be able to see all that for yourself.
There's also some fairly nice fanserivce and the last episode does expand on some of the Geass lore, admittedly in a way that makes no sense and doesn't even really jive with the rest of the series. With that said, there's no indication that they're looking to retcon anything in it as of right now, so it's all canon information. Also, given how all the characters from the series should still be alive as of the time of R3, they may have a cameo or even potentially a steady presence in the new series.
If you're a busy man don't bother, but if you have some time it wouldn't hurt and has a few redeeming factors.
Eh, different motivations though. Luciano just loved to kill. Shin meanwhile thinks life is a curse, and his Geass reflects that, which is why it only works on those he loves.
>Still do we know what was the deal with the skull that gave Akito's brother geass?
Supplemental stuff explains this: It was his father's skull. Shin's father was a Geass user. When Shin killed his father, he "stole" Geass from him.
>Also why didn't his command work on Akito?
Akito was too young to understand the concept of death at the time.
The CGI during the fight in that european town sucked ass, but by episode 3 they improved their CGI game greatly.
>it only works on those he loves
Wait, what? Really? There was no indication of that in the series, as far as I could tell. Hell, it even seemed like the only reason Leila didn't die was her own power.
I hope the geass resonation stuff from Akito makes it in R3.
but that's from a different timeline user
She stepped aside so that Shirley could have him, but then she died and shit went south around the same time.
>Supplemental stuff explains this: It was his father's skull. Shin's father was a Geass user. When Shin killed his father, he "stole" Geass from him.
Lol what? Can you steal the geass power from the ones you kill if they were geass users?
First time I've heard of this.
>Akito was too young to understand the concept of death at the time.
Kinda make sense but well, such a stupid twist imo.
Yeah, I agree with this.
>First time I've heard of this.
Well Akito made it canon (for now) and we still don't really know all the details about Geass.
I kind of want to root for her to win round 2 but no matter how Lelouch makes his comeback I doubt he'll be strutting around town interacting with rank-and-file newscasters.
>Why did Kallen end up being a traitor?
She tried to defect when the Black Knights betrayed him, Lelouche convinced her not to join him since he planned on dying.
>Army of Knightmare Frames designed purely for self-destructing
Red herring as to Leila's Geass, most likely. The reason it didn't work on Leila was for that reason. Shin just wasn't aware of the limitation, as he hadn't encountered that situation before, as those he used it on until then were those he cared about.
>Lol what? Can you steal the geass power from the ones you kill if they were geass users?
It is now. We still don't know the specifics, but this is how Shin got his Geass.
>Will you let me suck your dick?
>Okay then... farewell lelouch.
>Will you let me suck your dick
>Fuck off faggot, you can't replace Nunnaly. I wanted to kill you many times already, just drop dead somewhere else scum
>I will save you no matter what brother
Rolo didn't believe Lelouch, though, because Rolo was a delusional faggot.
Rolo was truly best sibling.
Nunally can go fuck herself.
Did Shin get a geass specific to his own body or just got his dad's one?
I mean Shin dad's geass was about commanding people to suicide as well?
Also I wonder if any of Black Knight members got a geass when they killed the kids in the geass village.
You have to be delusional if you want to be loyal to someone.
Breakdown Breakdown
>never killed any of Lelouch's friends
>killed Shirley (and lied about it to Lelouch), and tried to kill Nunnally, to monopolize Lelouch's attention
Are you crazy? Rolo wasn't loyal in the slightest.
Rolo had a hard life.
A person's Geass ability is still a reflection of their own desires.
He stole Geass from his father aftr he killed him, but the ability is a reflection of Shin.
He hates life, thinks its a curse, and thus he "frees those he loves from that curse"
>Are you crazy? Rolo wasn't loyal in the slightest.
Rolo is loyalty gone wrong but Kallen is loyalty gone nowhere
Rolo was a yandere bitch but was still loyal to Lelouch to the bitter end. Shirley was someone that he didn't know what kinda person she was and he thought of her as someone dangerous. And Nunnaly was a weak spot in Lelouch and an obstacle to his greated plans.
He did many things wrong but he was loyal to him and always thought of his best interests no matter what.
Well this doesn't really make sense imo but okay I guess.
You're just as delusional as Rolo is.
the best she can hope is to get with lulu the same relationship L had with his news reporter girl
Full Stream when?
>people actually like Milly
What timeline is this?
Just because you're loyal to your husbando doesn't mean that you can't take out the competition.
>What timeline is this?
People liked her better after the sound episode that hinted she had a thing for Lelouch at one point.
What was it like in your timeline?
>Lelouch of the Revival
merry fucking christmas
what's his stand?????
>be loyal to the bitter end
>get betrayed by the one you love the most
>sacrifice your life for him because you still love him
Everyone wanted something out of Lelouch/zero. Be it fame, glory, dicking,etc.
Rolo just wanted a big brother
Rolo a best
Loyal in the sense of romantically faithful, maybe. Loyal in the more common sense generally rules out lying to, and killing those dear to, that person.