You guys are so rude
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The same behavioral psychologists that taught Hillary, I'm sure.
>the censor couldn't handle uncensored jokes
Clockwork if true.
BIG if true
> ywn own a company so large that normies would specifically have to be hired to help your autism.
Is z u c c actually living the r9k dream?
>implying Zuckergoy isn't a actual robot
Fucking jews
You can't fool me
the Z U C C
If he really was human, he'd laugh it off and make jokes about it.
i told you idiots we came on too strong too quick
zuck is an absolutely awful candidate, if only we ignored him for a bit he would think he actually had a chance - then we would destroy him when it matters (too late for them to field an alternative)
This. Seeking instruction on how to seem human is not something a human would do.
I guess I should find a source, I want it to be true too badly
Here this is close:
Kek something must really be wrong with him if he can't just laugh off or dismiss fucking memes
>people call out zucc as the alien it really is
>instead of laughing it off or whatever it's actually proving us right
what timeline even is this
The fact that he has to take class prove he is reptilian, what an idiot lizard.
and this is your next presidential candidate
fucking hell
Sometimes honesty is rude.
If anything, we're helping him become a better candidate. More than any lefty has, that's for sure.
shhhhhh we know
Exactly. If Hillary actually looked at the memes and shit she got from the internet, she wouldn't have been listening to her interns telling her "Pokemon Go to the polls!" was a great line.
He'll still easily lock down the DNC Primary. All he has to do is blackmail the superdelegates and journalists and he's in.
Look at how Glenn Beck did a 180 after meeting with Zuck last year. Guaranteed every DNC hack has sent dick picks through FB messenger of friended some THOT that could ruin them with just one reporter making a phone call to the girl. These are the geniuses that use "Password" as their password.
>Own the largest social site ever.
>Its mistaken as a robot
>when I say "Hello Mr Zuckerberg", you say "Hello"
when you own facebook but cry yourself to sleep over memes.
>not ussing pa$$w0rd
Pfft. Plebs probably dont even know how to hack.
Too farcical to be true.
>wow, I better consult a behaviour psychologist to appear more human
>"Hello mr. Zuckerberg, what can I do fo you?"
>"I want to appear more human"
>creepy smile
>"I see. Can you tell me why?"
>"... I don't like the memes of me being a robot, I also want to be the president"
If anything, cuckerburg needs to work on not looking like a Beanie Boo with those big ugly ass eyes of his
>not using Runner123
This thread is lacking Zuckerberg memes
If Saturday Night Life had any balls this is like begging to be a skit.
zucc the cuck is really happening, jew soyboy is gonna be a dnc candidate
Why won't you accept me as I am, humanoids?
Vengeance will be swift. 2020.
Of course the robot is seeking help to apper more human, it's the next step of his master plan
posting all my zuccerhumans
When are the sexual allegations coming out against cuckerberg so this little political dream of his gets shitcanned and his holier than thou social cancer goes down?
too few memes, post em
I can imagine the zucc, sitting in his vat of bluish nutrient gel, contemplating his rise and how he will appear more like the humans in the coming times, eventually deciding on therapy.
Sorry Mark, no one can teach you to feel human emotions
>Asian gf
At the very least he'd get offended by it and deny it
you dont need allegations
this movie already ruined him for life
BREAKING NEWS: Robot takes human classes to try and blend in, humans aren't fooled.
Got the original?
2nd zucc thread ive seen today. really makes me think
"hypermobile joints and lax muscles are associated with the autism spectrum in the same way that developmental coordination disorder (dyspraxia) is associated. They are common comorbids."
Stole this from a quote on Quora. No time to find more, gotta go.
>made 74 billion dollars in only 10 years by gathering all of our personal data
>currently coding the worlds most advanced AIs
Totally benign. Stop your speculating.
Is this what they call machine learning?
Post the one where he takes over a farmers family.
You're a cheeky little cunt, you know that?
Cue the elites staffing meme factories in preparation for 2020 election.
I'm sure this is already a thing.
He's learning a new shtoyle
Meep meep i am mark zuckerberg meep meep
>Towing my dog with a rope
Every time
Zuckerkike, if you're itt the answer to your problem and our question is simple.
Show us your bellybutton.
Why are you autistic fucks shit talking Zuckerberg? He acts completely normal and the "robot" meme is fucking retarded.
Insinuating that ZOG in chief is like Hitler is insulting.
Even being filthy rich and super famous won't cure Zuck's autism and manletism
he probably has actual aspergers, leave him alone goys
makes sense
he's a soulless jew
Zuckerberg I know it's you
Zuckerberg pls go
He has Aspergers, that's it.
If a man this ridiculously wealthy can't feel comfortable just being himself what hope is there for the rest of us, anons?
Can you humans stop mocking him he's clearly just a little awkward.
>making himself a gallery of clunky "public relations haha" photos on a website where people are supposed to be candid
yes indeed
if he wanted to make himself look like a stock plastic corporation figure then he sure did it
but we know those are not human
well, this only again proves that he's not human as he cannot into social
Could you imagine that, huh? A creator of the biggest social network is so socially challenged?
the fastest way to kill trends like that is to embrace it, make a post doing one of those memes, but a bit exagerated, as a fail atempt to fit in, that would bum people out of it. You'd think someone with so much acces to internet data would know this.
> subterranean corpse storage facility
He stoled ideas from his actual supremes.
Who can forgive. Who can forget.
No prob, Satan.
His knees are bent slightly the wrong way. Which one of you beautiful bastards shopped this?
were onto him, keep it up boys
are you saying that because he's your minion?
Can you motherfuckers PLEASE link a source instead of screencapping just the article and cropping out the site it's from?
this. He could endear people to him and disarm the meme if he would laugh at himself and even post some of the memes himself. Taking a public relations class and actively trying to appear more human is just going to make it worse
he would probably fuck it up and still come off as an awkward tryhard attempting to polish his pr image for whatever his ((plans)) are
you mean a shapeshifting reptile
You do realize he's trolling, right? Since trolls poked fun at him for being android-like, he turned the tables and trolled everyone. Essentially pointing out how stupid and gullible people are.
in the beginning facebook was nothing but a creepy database of contact information taken from the student directory of the college he attended. definitely something an autist would do