S the Holocaust a hoax?

I hear shit from both sides and idk what to believe. site your resources pls

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I don't have anything to cite since I'm not allowed to see the evidence. Apparently I can't be trusted to form my own opinion based upon it.



It's not a hoax it's just obviously grossly misrepresented and over-exaggerated. (not that what happened to them wasn't horrible). Of course all people of all ethnicity have been victims of atrocities.



That didn't take long




very few people think its an out and out hoax, they just think its been (((greatly exaggerated))))






No it didn't happen.

Source: I fucking said so

>"wow, he gave some arguments that go againt my le holohoax delusions"
>what a kike xD

try to disprove them, i wanna see you try, you brainlet

Typhus was spread by lice. This is a disease which caused loss of appetite. Combine that with Allied bombing of supply lines, and the result was emaciated corpses. First of all, you should be aware there's no such thing as "open air gassings". Yet the corpses "stacked up like cordwood" were outside, in the open as exampled by this British soldier. Such as these at Buchenwald, and German women being forced to handle corpses because the Soviets knew the bodies were diseased. Allied soldiers had a stockpile of outdoors, unincinerated corpses.


At Buchenwald, nearby citizens of Weimar were forced to walk 4 miles to the camp to witness pre-prepared staged props. Among these were "shrunken heads", "strips of tattooed human skin", "a pelvis bone ashtray" and "a human skin lampshade". The problem was that the sun shone through the lampshade, proving it was not human skin.
There were no tattoos on the lampshade, or stitching seams. This lamp has since conveniently disappeared. Prisoners' heads were all entirely shaved due to issues with lice, thus the shrunken heads would not have had hair. Among those at Buchenwald was Billy Wilder, the famous American film director who was born Samuel Wilder in 1906 to a Polish/Jewish family. He wrote scripts for many German films until Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933. Wilder immediately realized his Jewish ancestry would cause problems, so he emigrated to Paris, then the U.S. After the National Socialists were defeated, he conveniently came back to Germany, to Buchenwald, with that grudge and a plot hatched.

There is no evidence. Holocaust didn't happen. How much Zyklon B does it take to delouse 6 gorillion? Show your work.

Professor Susumu Kato of the book "Pigment of the Imagination" actually collects tattooed human skin. It is described as a "soggy bundle of technicolour tripe", not hardened papyrus or construction paper. Note the lack of ashes or dark ash stains on the "pelvis bone ashtray". The alleged human pelvis ashtray conveniently disappeared after the presentation, along with many other props. Ilse Koch, the wife of Buchewald's Commandant Karl Koch, was blamed for these false atrocities. Konrad Morgen of the SS led an 8-month corruption investigation against Ilse and Karl.
Lying allegations by prisoners were investigated and found to be untrue. For executing prisoners, Karl Koch was executed by the SS a week before Buchenwald was liberated.
Why would "Nazis" execute one of their own for executing camp inmates, when the narrative was "their intention was mass execution of prisoners"? Ilse Koch was acquitted, for lack of evidence.
Even so, she was later given the nickname "bitch of Buchenwald", which the same liars also claimed she wore "human skin gloves", had "human skin soap" made, and fashioned "human skin book covers".
Inmates never referred to her by this nickname. It was applied later.

Alright, how did the Nazis manage to kill 6 million kikes in a four year time span, (Auschwitz was officially opened in 1941) while they were fighting in a two front war? Why would they waste the time killing them when manual labor is much more important during war time? Why were there no mass graves ever found near any of the supposed death camps?

It should be noted that Eisenhower was the first to find dead, starved bodies (from Allied bombing of supply lines of food) in April 1945 at the Ohrdruf camp. Eisenhower found corpses in woodsheds at Ohrdruf, which were removed by German soldiers to keep from infecting the rest of the prison populations. Typhus was small bacteria in the poop of a louse, which are larger lice than average. Prisoners would scratch the bacteria into their skin. The lice died as well. Typhoid was from contaminated water, which caused chronic diarrhea and was the main cause of loss of weight.

You should only pretend believe on who give your paycheck. If a Jew wires me I will believe on the Holocaust, if a non Jew wires me I keep my opinion own this to myself.
I want money to not starve and ideals don't fill my fridge.

No, Hitler believed the jews were the source of evil in the world. He made every effort to remove them from this world.
>pic related is report from the occupied polish government regarding Nazi activities

read every pic related i posted, your answer is in there

Only IBM knows the truth. Too bad can’t freedom of info a corporation.

>can't bother to explain it yourself
You're just as bad as all those faggots who dump infographics without posting sources.

And don't give me that shit on the (((Nizkor Project))) either


The Holocaust is exaggerated, but it is certainly not entirely a hoax. There were absolutely no 'death camps.' There were work camps people starved in while producing shit for the war effort. Almost all stories about systematic execution are fabricated. It was still a human atrocity to make people work against their will to death, but the bullshit surrounding it is just too much to not question it further. I don't have all the answers.

Trips of truth. Although looking back on what the (((Bolsheviks))) did to Russia and tried to do to Germany, they were asking for it

>i can't bother to read it myself and will ad hom you instead xD

suuure buddy, be as delusional as you want to be, mommy will be serving dinner soon, don't larp as a nutsac for too long, or no tendies for you

>every jew thinks the same and follow the same agenda

damn, that 6-year old kike will end thw white race with its pinkie finger!!!!

The fact that you can't even bother to defend your claims without resorting to your """infographs""" shows you really have know what you're talking about. You haven't disproven and telling me to read 300 paragraphs of Jewish bullshit isn't evidence

It's laughable how new you are. The way you post just reeks of cancer


Wrong pic

yes, call it's jewish propaganda, it's far easier to live a lie like you do and hide from the truth, instead of using your time to read a few paragraphs

also, not every jew was disposed of through the concentration camps, the rest were hunted down by firing squads, mostly in eastern europe

so yeah, 6 million jews weren't gassed, but 6 million jews were still killed

Yeah killed by lice because jews are filthy fucking animals.
Plus being able to go to jail when you decide to deny/not to believe in the holohoax should be the number one sign that something is fucking off.

no prussian blue on the walls means there was never any extensive use of xyklon b

comon user are you retarded enough to believe the jews when they say people were gassed in shower room in majdanek? There's a fucking window

it's quite simple, no one wants nazis in power again, and how do you identify a nazi easily? he spouts lies about the holocaust, or how you call it, the holohoax, so instead of wasting time on your retarded mongoloid ass, they deal with you the quick way

>implying I'm a le evil nazi
I just don't enjoy inconsistent shitty stories being spouted by people so that others feel bad for them and give them what they want.

Slaba brat, sramotiš mamo in očeta. Learn the etiquette pa to, kdo je tebe vzgaju hjao. Ajde hitro nazaj drkat pa sanjat ljubezni.

>live a lie, carry the whole of the abyss that is pol
>my infographs are better than yours JUST

Ne spomnm se kdaj me sem nazadnje tok grdo cringnu.

6 million weren't killed and you basically disproved your whole point while completely ignoring mine. Killing 6 million Jews isn't the issue here, and neither is gassing them. The real issue is the disposal of the bodies which, as many Jews have claimed, were thrown into an oven and cremated. However, it's impossible to dispose of that many bodies with the ovens they had at the camps in that short of time frame, and that's not even taking fuel into account. Those fires didn't light themselves or generate their own heat, so wood and coal must have been used instead to keep the ovens hot but that's also a waste of precious resources in wartime. Then there's the claim of the Einsatzgruppen, (killing fields,) but there's no way of knowing just who those bodies belonged to. They could've all been Jewish, but they could have just as easily been Soviet, German or even just random citizens that got caught up in the crossfire. There's no evidence whatsoever that supports the claims that 6 million jews were gassed, cremated and disposed of quickly.

Kaj pa ti hočeš? Če že govoriva o starših, verjetno mi ni treba govoriti kaj vse si tvoja mislita o tebi, ker tvoj prosti čas uporabljaš na na skupnosti ciganskih nacistov, s katerim to žaluješ tvoje prednike ki so se proti njim bojevali.

>inb4 d-domobranci so pravi branilci Slovenije xD

ne, oni so glih taki izdajalci kot tvoja smrdljiva rit ciganska

Cremating isn't the only way to get rid of bodies, mass graves in a fuck-knows-where place are also a way

How come none of those mass graves were found outside of the killing fields, especially near any of the camps? It would be a waste of time to dispose of the bodies far away from the sites and with the Allies closing in on them they didn't exactly have any men or the time to spare

you can hire mercenaries quite easily to do the job instead

The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.




Laughs at newfag
Posts old tired meme

You think they can dispose of that many bodies without anyone noticing? Sure they could transport them easily enough but where would they dispose of the bodies? Not to mention, you once again ignored my claim and cherry picked a statement you could answer

>can't even greentext


the real redpill is knowing the holocaust was real and still support nazism




Is that what the green text is for



you know realize they will lie to you for any and every reason

no, but with that flag why am I even going to try to convince you

Why do you need >>>extensive use

Explain to me why you think this is a lie and couldn't possibly have happened.

mindy kaling is fucking disgusting but i would still seed her up. am i in the wrong here?

Obviously it happened, why else would it be illegal in Europe to do an independent investigation of the purported facts. There's no way they would make the very act of doubting it criminal if it is the case that it didn't happen, I mean surely they will also outlaw researching anything besides which is already been proven (space, time, history, math etc), surely?

>s the Holocaust a hoax?
Of course it is.

>I hear shit from both sides and idk what to believe.
Ask yourself "what real evidence have I seen that proves the Holocaust happened."

>site your resources pls

If you're asking here on Sup Forums flying a Nazi flag then you know exactly what answer you want so why waste the thread?

Right on time, JIDF

>illegal to deny is proof it is a hoax

Logical fallacy #1

>investigating the holocaust is illegal in Europe

Lie #1

Believe what you want. It still doesn't give jews an excuse to kike everybody or claim they're victims

Just say you’re investigating a company called “Dehomag.” It’s their records that hold what you want.

The compilation of Norm calling that other guy a holocaust denier as a way to make Jew jokes is some of the best comedy I've ever seen.

Something certainly happened. Watch the video evidence Eisenhower ordered to be taken after the war. There're videos that most documentaries won't use because it's too disturbing and were even taken off YouTube two years ago. I wish I could name specific name of a documentary we rent from the library a few years back, 'Unseen Holocaust Footage' or something. Anyway, a friend of mine's dad bought a bulldozer used in burying uncreamated bodies that was in a museum until the mid 60's, put in storage and then used in a country-wide travelling museum. I rewatched that documentary the night he showed me it and it was 100% the same. The only serious thing I've heard against the holocaust occurring is that the number of deaths per day seem too high, or that the census numbers don't add up. I just think people don't realize how brutal people can be and it doesn't surprise me at all that secular Jews would identity as Christian in that environment. The murder of poles, homos, disabled people, the mentally ill, Russians, and dissident groups isn't mentioned enough though. It wasn't a Jewish only killing spree. There were literally german army units designed from the beginning to wipe out Russian villages behind the frontline operations.

Yet they've never found 6 million corpses. 6 million burnt bodies would leave enough ashes to fill multiple football stadiums. They never found the ash pile. There are no trace of those 6 gorillion jews much less the 6 million non jews that got killed. What about the 6 million dead gypsies and gays and cripples? Why don't you care about them? What about the 20 million Russians who got killed? Why don't you care about them? What about all the Chinese the Japanese killed? Why don't you care about them? You only care about 6 million dead jews for some reason. Even if all 6 million jews died are there deaths more tragic then other deaths? It's been 70 years. How much longer do we have to care? Do you give a damn about the dead Armenians from 100 years ago? Do we have to care about dead jews in 30 years or can we just stop then? Will people ever have to stop feeling bad for dead kikes? Why don't you feel bad for anyone else user?

>Herr just hire mercenaries like EU4.
Into the trash heap with you. You must be 18+ to post here.

Total hoax.
Source: Adolf

Maybe he just finds it funny baka. We'd have to look up the densities of waste. Is it easier or harder to swim in a cesspit? I would assume one could just float on it? Wouldn't the dissolved solids make it heavier then just water? If it's harder to swim in alcohol that is less dense then water then it should be easier to swim in a cesspool. Was this imagined cess pool 30 feet deep? You'd think there'd be stairs or a rope in case someone fell in? It's the little details that show that someone is lying.

I also have a fetish for disgusting vapid cunts. Something is wrong with us friend.

where are the cyanide canisters, then?

they remind us of our mothers desu