Thoughts on the Young Turks?
Thoughts on the Young Turks?
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They should be dragged out into the street in the middle of the night and shot.
Love Cenk, a real man, intelligent and principled
They're better than all of you
To be honest I think Cenk is fucking hilarious because he's so stupid and goofy and wrong about everything.
Anita Sarkeesian is a fucking annoying clown.
They’re not very young.
kind of cringe worthy
Cancer. Next question?
unironically this. they are the epitome of the smug know-it-all-without-actually-knowing-anything attitude destroying the west.
why the fuck do you ahve to spoil the fun
what the hell are they even talking about
I'm still mad they fired Jordan Chariton
would guilt fuck the shit out of that bitch
He's like 4 feet tall and even shapiro towered over him, lel
Their election night meltdown is my happy place. I hope they're still around in 2020.
the way she looks at him is disgusting
hahaha lol
the difference between TYT and mainstream media is that the mainstream media KNOWS its full of shit
TYT actually believes the retarded shit they say
I frankly find it disgusting that some 3rd world brown people have a voice in american politics, and even more disgusted that they think they are entitled to it.
At least niggers have some claim to america, they did influence it from the founding, even if it was for the worse.
I'll never forget that.
I still watch the 2016 us election special from TYT every once in a while.
I love tyt.
Alex Jones whipped Chunk Yogurt's ass.
Based, but they don't fall into the "it's duhh jooooooooz" line of argumentation so Sup Forums will attack them even though they're very intelligent and absolutely right on most issues.
They must've fucked at least once, right?
Waiiiit a minute
Does that ass belong to Cenk?
Is he raping her in that pic?
Alex got cucked
Alex Jones became a bottom that day
is he banging that sexy little bitch? Motherfucker.
more Ana pls
fake, fuck outta here.
They plague the shit brains with liberal fallacies that never hold up against reasonable discussion. They’re basically just liberal propagators
One sexual assault expose away from bankruptcy
Hand on ass? Turkroach rapist confirmed?
That hand is a little too low for friends tho isn't it?
D-does she have nudes out there??
is that ana?
I have Ana’s and the Turkroach’s addresses. I’ll have to pay a visit when SHTF.
nvm I see the roach was just photoshopped in
paid shills by google
young turks should go back to hiding under the fridge
Is Ana a self-hating Armenian Masochist?
I mean you just KNOW Chink Nigger runs TYT like a mafia boss and probably pounds that TIGHT Army pussy all night while denying genocide
they just sort of vanished after Trump won. I guess taking the name of the people who committed the Armenian genocide wasn't such a good idea after all even though it must have seemed like such a hip cool name at the time that they thought it up.
Cenk is a fucking disgusting pompous self righteous slug of Turkish shit. Why do we need Turks telling Americans what to think about their own political system.
I'd love to fuck that hot Armenian bitch though. Fantastic body, really cute face. Needs to wear her hair down though. Women need to wear long hair, down, not tied up.
In front of their children, who should also be shot, in front of their mothers, who should then finally be shot.
Just like all leftists.
I don't get the point of the second skill. I guess there are probably a lot of meme creatures that require random 1/1/1 etc of different types. Is that it?
And kikes
Devon destroys TYT again
Have they ever addressed the fact that their name comes from the group of guys that helped orchestrate the Albanian Genocide
They sucked shit hard. But thank god they're no longer around or relevant or whatever. I laffed when they sat around moping after Trump won.
why do they look like they have fucked? aren't they married?
>Thoughts on the Young Turks?
They're are like the WWF. Pretending to wrestle while in character. Reviewing their timeline shows the same tired pathology that goes back to W Bush derangement syndrome. Yawn.
he could do better. she's ugly
Armenian* kek
alright I can't find sauce anywhere, pls spoonfeed if you have it
i don't think about sandniggers
Also stripped naked and have their sleazey semetic noses cut off and kept as a trophy
I so would love to paint her cervix with my spattered gooey jizz
You could order steroids to their house 100% anonymously and you could ensure the package would get caught in customs. You could also order other drugs from China. So many ways to fuck a person's life if you have their address.
Yes, we know Cenk, we know..
Extreme but I like it.
Damn, nice shop OP, hardly noticed.
Cenk dripping with sweat is priceless
Subversive. Should be hung in streets on lamp posts for at least 6 months.
But you know, it is the jews, it's so obvious.
>Albanian genocide
I fucking wish
thoughts? none
>Name themselves after donmeh crypto Jews/Freemasons who massacred millions of Armenian Christians.
They're less American than I am, and they're working to harm your country.
>hook-nosed sandniggers genetically close to hook-nosed sandniggers
Well WOWEE, color me shocked!
They're Clowns in America Mockingbird trolls.
I never said I wanted to marry her. I just want to blow huge sticky wads of seed into her womb, that's all. Then move on after a few weeks.
No, you won't find any thoughts on the young Turks
shut up whitey we is white
Left-wing Rush Limbaugh.
she is better than you though
ChloeLamb mfc
except the left doesn't lie like the rights media does.
No fucking idea who they are. Thought the hoe was naked in the thread's thumbnail when I saw it on the catalog.
they're ok but not enough talk about Turkmenistan like i thought. seems like false advertising
this kind of shit should be outlawed
why? it's an improvement
He just laughed at him and didn't back down. How is that cucked?
think of the children
so what? it doesn't change your shitty genes