What does this mean?
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It means you're all newfags since I've been here since 2010 after they cleared all the pedos out.
What does this mean? Especially what does it mean that these five countries in particular make up 3/4 of Sup Forums users
But srsly it's a good thing, moar redpills for the people.
>cleared out all the pedos
Have you been to Sup Forums lately?
Demonstration of Anglo sphere superiority.
it means they speak english
a shitton of Russian bots scanning for keywords
Gamergate (end of 2014)
Fappening (First rise after the dip)
Elections. (Rise after second dip, continues to grow)
Shareblue damage control
Honestly imo people are getting tired of whinny bitches who claimed they would get better if people cared more about them. So everyone tried and nothing changed except them getting more vocal about their complaints. Now everyone is getting tired of dealing with their bullshit yet agreed to a social environment that doesn't allow for truth because of muh fee-fees. So everyone is beginning to go where they can exist outside of that environment so they can actually relax and say what they want instead of pretending all the fucking time.
It means everything that made this place great 10 years ago no longer exists. Same shitty place as Reddit no. No lurking, no OC just forced shitty memes. If you actually enjoy this place now you're part of the problem
Lurk moar, newfag
Why would the nsa give a fuck about shitposting?
2005 mootxico. Lurk moar.
I just wanted some hentai torrents and ended up here.
>Tfw you remember the first days of /r9k/ when the robot created interesting discussion and games but then forever alone and advice threads killed it so they created /adv/ and killed the robot
>newfags will never remember the days before the JavaScript spam when you could post endlessly and try to create combos.
You are a Fag alright, thats about the only correct fact you got correct.
the first 4 are the largest English speaking countries
AS for the Germans - there's a lot of them, Germany is close culturaly to the Anglosphere, and German is very similar to English
I have been here since the beginning, but never honestly understood this picture.
WHat the fuck does it mean?
2003 - original poster
2004-2006 - oldfag
2007-2009 - newfag
2010-2012 - cancer
2013-2015 - reddit
2016 - now - unknown, but probably will end up being defined by r/the_donald newfaggots
>I have been here since the beginning, but never honestly understood this picture.
>WHat the fuck does it mean?
That we're living a nightmare
lol ofc thx
It means the red pills are working
user the site was already shit in 2007 and even before that. Sup Forums was never good wasn't just a meme. You get used to the jokes but you find pleasure in the culture and probably settle into a smaller board when you want to pick up a new hobby. The boards are broad enough in topic so you can always have an interesting discussion at any time of day. You don't have a Patriots football fan board. You just have Sup Forums and you've got to learn why it is you like what you like because some faggot if ready to tell you it's shit.
This along with the chronologically ordered threads and lack of censorship is why this place will always be better than Reddit.
My grandson days that it's Q and all of his friends coming to visit us "pedes" :)
I blame this partially on the fact that facebook/twitter/youtube are vamping up their censorship
English speaking countries, not really a surprise, but Sup Forums is actually ranked 42 in Norway.
>Sup Forums was ever good
Isn't this what we wanted?
To redpill people directly??
It means the traffic went up when Sup Forums traded CP for Nazism.
>lol ofc thx
OP here, wish I can see the pageviews each of the boards generate individually, so we can really see if its just Sup Forums and similar boards that garnered the extra traffic since Drumpf xd was elected.
Anyone know a tool that can do that?
NZ is letting us down
do TA of a chart
Back in the good old days of the internet when men were men, women were men, and children were federal agents.
That everyone is a newfag if they haven't lurked for more than 14 years.
Chanology was a mistake
It was the start of the faggots who couldn't follow rules #1 and #2. Now it's the kekistan t_d frogposter cancer.
Places without moderation or more fun to be around.
Fuckin kids and normies man....god damn ruin everything