Libertarians are officially on suicide watch.
Anyone who still takes this guy seriously is either a kid, or a degenerate
I still remember when he was blaming women for all the problems in life
Now he's the sole speaker of racism
He's going to call himself a "fascist" any day, mark my words. 50 year old and still on YouTube with his finger on the pulse of disenfranchized teenagers. Best sign of a cult leader
> Swede
> Now he's the sole speaker of racism
>To solve Sweden you have to call every foreigner a subspecies
t. people who wonder why they get nowhere in life
> Not an argument
>Now he's the sole speaker of racism
can't wait for the subhumans to destroy your country while calling those who address that actual problem "racist" you people live in a fantasy world.
That plebbit spacing, typical of swedish cucks.
Molymeme has been a retarded, trumpcucked statist for quite some time now. This is nothing new. Taxation is theft and apparently he has now forgotten even that.
If you're not from Germany you're a cuck. If you are don't talk shit.
> Lolbertarian
Not an argument
>molyneux is smart to brazilians
You'll wish you listened when you're being shoveled into a mass grave beside your kulak family by military grunts
> Lolbertarians want no state
> By holding their principles at all cost they actually increase the size of the state(Ex: Migration)
You can't make this shit up
> Swedish who loves black cocks can't rebut any argument he hears
Literally Plato
You're the one who strawmans and says not an argument. smhtbh
> Doesn't know what a strawman is
You fuckers are LITERALLY the same as Stalin. Stain created a dictatorship, then closed borders, because of migration, because of "WAHHH CAN'T ACHIEVE REAL COMMUNISM WITHOUT BORDERS". You want to create a dictatorship, in order to close borders, because of "WAHHH CAN'T ACHIEVE REAL LIBERTARIANISM WITHOUT BORDERS". You do realize, motherfucker, what exactly happened next, as literally happens in all statist societies??? Stalin FUCKING KILLED EVERYONE, RETARD!
Nice association fallacy.
He is denouncing in civic nationalism in that video you dumb huenigger, why did you mention libertarianism instead of that
There are only TWO types of ideology, those that embrace the NAP and those that do not. What I just described by nature encompasses ALL ideologies in the latter group. It's not an association fallacy if they are LITERALLY the SAME THING, retard!
Europeans work best when in a traditional hierarchical societies with relatively little economic control - culture and nationality, alongside with religion formed the main moral determinants of behaviour and those were enforced violently. Economic element did not destabilise the society to a degree we have it today, where morality is absent and money rule is rampant.
Libertarian dream is essentially a love letter to antiquity, where state only worried about military and religion and where economics was sufficiently free because it was underdeveloped and not an element of an advanced civilization. Libertarian thought taken to it's logical conclusion ends with monarchy and feudalism.
Whites are an imperial, advanced race and our state of being is only within a hierarchical, hegemonic framework of a medium-size, tradition-oriented government and personal liberty.
Ancaps and their retarded NAP are the joke of the libertarian movement. You're like communists in your utopian naivety.
>with relatively little economic control
but most European countries were practicing mercantilism until 19-20 century
Yes, but the state wasn't grabbing 30% of your total personal income to give it out to niggers and retards, and mercantilism supported your own national industries.
When economy was based on gold, it was important to keep the trade balance positive and to avoid capital outflows. Keeping the money in the country increased personal economic freedom by allowing people to become more entrepreneurial as more credit was available, thus spurring more mercantilism.
Why do you think Europe boomed until 1914 and why it managed to take over the world so quickly? The fiat Jew ruined it all, and communism burdens us ever since.
i agree, but i think most libertarians will disagree with you
He still doesn't get it that you can't have libertarian state with a democracy, does he? Race have nothing to do here, in europe we are mostly white and still live in deep socialism. All democracies will inevitably lead to socialism as politicans are not forbidden from buying votes for redistribution of money.
Most libertarians are Jews.
>most libertarians will disagree with you
Which is why most people laugh at them
>All democracies will inevitably lead to socialism as politicans are not forbidden from buying votes for redistribution of money.
Which is why populism must not be allowed - if you want economic freedom, state must be removed and must be remote, ideally in a monarchic or a limited republican system. Fascism and National socialism are just modernized versions of those, but still rely fundamentally on traditional values which shelter the people from their economic resources being used against them.
Finally one of those faggots who were the economic version of flat earthers stray away from the ideology, I don't care if they become a Tankie, Anarkiddie or Fascist, anything is an intellectual improvement.
Noticing a lot of anti libertarian sentiment recently on Sup Forums
lefty shills get off my board
Hippity Hoppity fuck your monopoly
Private Enterprise fucks wages sloppily
Fuck the rich and your exploitation
The people get to own "your" plantation.
>He's going to call himself a "fascist" any day, mark my words.
I stopped watching him months ago. I wouldn't expect him to outright call himself fascist but something else that signals him as a crypto-fascist.
Ancaps are niggers.
You want a society in which money is the sole arbitrator of law and morality. Never mind the public services; after all, it's bearable dealing with your rusty shit when JewEx Industries only costs you the low, low price of $59.99 per day from you for running water and electricity.
Never mind the roving gangs of beaners that pay the local security company- itself a shell of JewEx- to leave them be when they rob, murder and steal. Never mind that you live in a state of constant terror, since failing to pay up or leaving your contract with JewEx usually results in a visit from these gangs.
Never mind the fact that the public suffers from anarchy, as the private law enforcement can very simply be bought with sufficient cash. Never mind that the JewEx factory you work at for 4 bucks an hour- one of three of your JewEx jobs (as you can't find another company's employment or a gang will club your young daughter to death)- has hideous worker's safety and rights, and complaining can get you fired or worse.
Never mind the burning of your house from the Molotov thrown through your front window, a gangbanger and his buddies laughing as their truck peels away. Never mind the rap-rap-rap of your daughter on the door, locked in for her own protection against gangbangers, as she chokes to death on the smoke.
Never mind the long-nosed bank teller smiling as he tells you the $500 you've withdrawn will have sky-high interest. Never mind the quizzical face of the gunshop owner as you purchase the handgun and a magazine.
Never mind the taste of oil as the barrel slides into your mouth. Never mind the brief pain as the top of your skull explodes in a flower of gore and raining bone fragments.
>Never mind the taste of oil as the barrel slides into your mouth. Never mind the brief pain as the top of your skull explodes in a flower of gore and raining bone fragments.
You describing a gulag or a concentration camp, you insufferable statist faggot?
Not an argument.
Explain to me how a monopoly is not just a state with no restrictions or constitution beyond what the top men do.
I'll stay in my white person bubble where society moves forward thank you.
cry you fags, cry
time to abandon your fantasy ideals and pick a side
Alright, so what's the king of the arguments, argument for Nationalism?
Or is this like his soft endorsement of Christianity where he still says he's an atheist but Christianity is totally important guise but I don't believe in that cooky stuff but it's totally central to a free society.
This would be funny if it wasn't so unbelievably retarded and disconnected from reality.
Wages increase when labor is competed for.
Labor is competed for when there are more employers looking for labor.
The only way to maximize the number of employers, and therefore the wages of the laborers, is to allow anyone who wants to start a business to do so with no regulations to stop them.
Please kys
styx cucks btfo
Didn't he write some book where he calimed he "logically proved" that liberatianism is the "only moral form of government"?
Be interesting to here how he deals with that LOL
I honestly believe this a roundabout response to Jordan Peterson's retardation on Twitter over the past couple days.
Taxation is not theft. Theft is a legal term, so the state defines what is and is not theft. And property rights are a privilege granted by the state.
Someone give me a quick rundown about what Stefan is about in that video....
Don't tell me he is trying to convince us that Nationalism is bad...
So.....the Jew shills were right all he another Jewish shill........
why are you jumping to conclusions
thats not at all what happened you retard
Nationalism is good. Third worlders vote big government. Whites need to protect their homeland. White males want small government. If you want small government keep your country white. He also hammers down that IQ is genetic and niggers from Africa will always regress to retards.
This was bound to happen.
Lolspergs are literally following a kike made ideology.
Lolspergs always shit on the Third Reich.
Lolspergs hate White Nationalism
Lolspergs advocate for (((Civic Nationalism)))
Lolspergs are mostly Alt-Lite faggots or Non-white themselves who know they will not exist in a NatSoc State.
He made a rational case for the fact that the seed of a stateless society cannot take root in this soil, much has to happen in the way of immigration and demographics before it can even be discussed seriously. I've been waiting for him to come around to that.
it wouldn't surprise me at all, news is slow expect for peterson's tweet sharts yesterday
Why don't you watch the video? He is telling why he was wrong about nationalism being bad, which was his positioning about it a couple of years ago.
Not only that, but he also attacked the general Libertarian points on the state itself, and how it is necessary if you don't want to end with a bigger state.
This video was sorely needed
> Third worlders vote big government.
Did he address how European countries and Australia, China etc implemented socialism with homogenous societies, the European and Australian ones being vastly white at the time?
Did he address or argue why we ought to use statistics to predict behaviour instead of accounting for a vast array of other factors that determine behaviour? Or what to do with people that act the complete opposite of their statistical category? (Ie. treat them as individuals based on their actions or as categories)
If he hasn't addressed any of this then there's no hope for him being intellectually thorough or honest.
I think we all know that Stefan dropped Libertarianism shortly after the election. He's been building up to this for awhile. I'm hoping he comes out swinging against the Jews again - his video on Israel Palestine crisis was great. Hopefully he goes full 1488, but him going full 1776 is pretty good too. He finally realized we're not going to vote our countries back.
This was bound to happen.
Lolspergs follow a kike ideology
Lolspergs always shit on the Third Reich
Lolspergs hate White Nationalism
Lolspergs love (((Civic Nationalism)))
Lolspergs want a multi-racial America.
Lolspergs are mostly Alt-Lite faggots or nonwhite themselves.
White Lolspergs will eventually reach the end of the redpill and become NatSocs.
This always fucking happens, they will eventually see that race instead of an economic system is what matters here.
Oh....whew...thank God....
Based Stefan.
Really can't believe anyone can listen to this guy talk for more than 5 minutes without moving on. The content can be middling to good, but his cadence, mannerisms, all around faggotry -- there's no way I waste time with Molyneux.
> racism is bad
> n-not every nonwhite goys
> sees flag
holy fuck
I can watch mexicans disembowel someone that's still alive on liveleak but I can't watch his call in shows...
Why would he ever do that? Democrats are the real fascists.
Anybody who takes a Swede seriously in current year needs to be castrated/hysterectomied, have their tongue cut out, and have all electronic equipment taken away.
had to post the same thing again due to phone posting fuck
It's been a long time coming. JBP's retardedly hardcore individualism will only get Whites wiped out.
>Did he address how European countries and Australia, China etc implemented socialism with homogenous societies, the European and Australian ones being vastly white at the time?
He talks about that a lot, and he's said that small government is an "American white thing, specifically white male thing". Note that he specified American.
Did he address or argue why we ought to use statistics to predict behaviour instead of accounting for a vast array of other factors that determine behaviour? Or what to do with people that act the complete opposite of their statistical category? (Ie. treat them as individuals based on their actions or as categories)
We're dealing in aggregates, therefore generalities are not only ok but necessary. Furthermore, Whites are done justifying their own fucking existence.
Your rights are great, and your society free, until you inevitably have to let statists into your society in order to not violate NAP, then watch as they vote to enslave you. Childish morals dont make safe homes, threat of violence and sufficient power make safe homes. You are opersting in a world of relativism, especially moral relativsm.
> Whites are done justifying their own fucking existence.
For sure
> generalities are not only ok but necessary.
Fucking stupid and illogical.
> "American white thing, specifically white male thing"
Hmm, I love the American culture but he seems to ignore that cultures change, Europeans produced classical liberalism, US produced libertarianism, neither Europe nor the US support these anymore since WW1 & WW2, so I'm not sure why a white male ethnostate full of statist nationalists is the only environement we need/can get.
I think part of this is he can't address his failures to persuade people on things like parenting etc so he just wants to blame women and minorities for his own failures. (partly, partly partly.)
Surely you get what I mean though, the awkwardness of his call in shows is phenominal. I don't know how/why he does it, if its just the people that call in or his social skills.
As Hoppe has said, as long as the state exists, they should administer and enforce borders.
If you want no borders, no boundaries between your society and another, then blow your head off now.
Play with this in the background
>Being a Libertarian
No he's describing what happens when you commit NAP against megacorp by not paying your air breathing membership.
Ahmed detected
whoops. Forgot link
>posts his picture on Sup Forums
Shit nigger you trying to get doxxed?
Here is my argument: Here is my opinion which is not meant to be an argument:
But neither of those are arguments.
>being a lolbergtarian in 2017
You aren't white, are you?
Shoo shoo bootlicker
> mark my words
molymeme is making the same ideological journey as every libertarian true intellectual in history. he's observing society as it really is and properly recognizes the fact that some people simply can't be trusted with freedoms and liberties.
>Fucking stupid and illogical.
Europeans produced classical liberalism, US produced libertarianism, neither Europe nor the US support these anymore since WW1 & WW2, so I'm not sure why a white male ethnostate full of statist nationalists is the only environement we need/can get.
Because the U.S became a full blow shit pit when the 1965 immigration act was passed so that Democrats could replace White people with insta-voters. Throwing out the illegals and curb stomping immigration will put us on track to a smaller government, increasing the likelihood of a Libertarian order arising eventually.
> he seems to ignore that cultures change
Explanation & Evidence:
> Europeans produced classical liberalism, US produced libertarianism
> neither Europe nor the US support these anymore since WW1 & WW2
A flaw in his logic:
> not sure why a white male ethnostate full of statist nationalists is the only environement we need/can get.
Ie. It does not logically follow based on his current arguments.
Good day.
The truth Sup Forums does not want to hear.
If you listen to Stefan you are a retard.
>we need ancap, government is unethical
>we need closed borders
Choose one and only one libtardarians.
..but what I'm saying is that all of these Western Countries were implementing Authoritarianism and Socialism well before these immigration floods of the 60s & 70s - 90s, look at their policies from WW1, WW2 & The Great Depression.
> increasing the likelihood of a Libertarian order arising eventually.
Maybe. Maybe a crisis/civil war is a larger catalyst for liberty based thinking, maybe propping up and arguing for ethno-nationalism will set us back. Is it really that set in stone and certain? I don't see how it is. I mean Atlas Shrugged from a commie refugee had a larger impact than all of the internet debates of the last 10 years imo. Thomas Sowell appearing on a TV show with Milton Friedman also did quite a bit. How can we say which is the most likely if we ignore so many other factors?
If you disagree you are the ultimate cuck.
meant to greentext the middle part there.
>libertarianism is feudalism
You have no basis in saying this at all and you are an extreme fucking retard.
A free market increases living standards for all especially the poor.
>he seems to ignore
That's supposition, and your argument about culture changing hinges on the premise that it only changes in one direction. That it's a two dimensional facet of society - which is patently false, there have been plenty of times throughout history when we went backwards culturally. The Renaissance for example. Literally "The Rebirth" or "The Revival" of classical culture, and it would stick until the enlightenment. When it would be reversed again.
The argument is that the only societies that value these ideologies are pre-dominantly White, Western European societies. Unless you're arguing against that, then you don't really have a point. It fundamentally ignores the fact that when Women became enfranchised and immigration outside the Western world began, our government has steadily grown ever since. You could argue the impetus for that is White Men starting the ball rolling - but it still ignores the fact that they're by and large, the only one's culturally who've ever opposed the idea. Or perhaps more pertinently, the only one's by and large who continue to oppose it in the modern era. The idea that we live in a world today where you can convince the opposition via dialogue is a farce, you can convince a selection of society that has no convictions; but not those who have true conviction. And many do; that's why our society is as polarized as it is.
Jesus Christ im a libertarian and your ideology is far more retarded and illogical than mine