What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

You cant be racist against whites
- Bill Nye

>he wants to be enslaved by chinks

The niggers want America to be like Africa.

there is literally nothing wrong with this

I dunno but it looks racist and hateful

White marxist college students should live (or die) by example.

They are ant people, with no individual minds.

send these niggers to Auschwitz

>someone somewhere says the same shit Sup Forums says everyday but opposite victims.
Oooh lord the rage!

>Rudy Martinez, a 25-year-old philosophy junior, says that he identifies himself with the Communist party. Martinez is registered to vote but did not because his preferred candidate, Bernie Sanders, did not make the primary election. Because of Martinez’s interest in politics he likes to discuss them with others.
> When asked how he approaches politics with others who have different political views Martinez said, “Aggressive but still reason and logic and just looking for debate with the hopes they can see where I’m coming from.”

is he DACA/illegal?

>Communist party

Whaddya know a communist calling for violence how shocking

>President of Socialist Alternative Rudy Martinez

this is why I hate beaners. for every conservative there are like 3 socialists gay commies


Texas State is a libshit cesspool-niggers, kikes, and homos everywhere. So I’m not fucking surprised. Fuck em.

I hope shitskins realize that they're digging their own graves right now.
They can't honestly believe they stand any chance against an angry horde of racially charged Europeans.
It would be hilarious, the wetbacks might last a couple days but the niggers would be stomped out within an hour.

What will happen when 400 white nationalists lay siege of a medium sized city?

What will happen when 400 BLM'ers lay siege of a medium sized city?

somebody ice that fag

>is he DACA/illegal?
No, Martinez is a full blooded white American name.

texas state is the college where the kids that didnt get into a&m or UT go

>I hope shitskins realize that they're digging their own graves right now.

This. If white race is the “murderous, genecidal race xddd” why do they post things like this?

I’m glad the internet is around in our current timeline. People will look back in history and say that we were completely justified in shitskin removal.

Keep at it. So excited for the future.

Somebody is going to kill him. I don't even say this as a joke.

blessed yank knows whats up

Can’t wait to team up with based leafs on DOTR.

Disgusting. And what's worse is that people like that are protected.


it is though

maybe, for such a frail looking guy he sure has a big mouth

He's a wannabe Trotskyfag. An ice axe would be more appropriate.

Shitskins dont want to kill white people

Retarded marxist liberal cunts do.

t. shitskin

[C]lowns [I]n [A]merica agitating in the public schools (asylums). Creating division to fund the MIC. End the Clowns and this shit stops very quickly.


I was prepping for her to down that whole, came away disappointed. Kinda want cupcakes now desu.

anybody have a link to the original article?

A strong breeze could kill that little twat.


This anti-white hate will keep accelerating until white male students finally sacrifice their comfort and resort to violence. If nobody at that newspaper gets stabbed to death, the white males of TS are accepting their fate passively.

Terrorism simply works:
>Breivik allowed Nords to talk about immigration dangers
>McVeigh forced the FBI to radically revamp guidelines for determining ROEs, to prevent another Ruby Ridge
>NDSAP was fringe until they created the Brownshirts to fight back against KPD thugs
>muslims would be nothing without terrorism and jihad
When a people are dangerous, politicians(and the public) listen to them.

Is it not ok to be white?


Someone tweet this to Jordan Peterson.

I can't fathom why people seem to think spics are somehow better than niggers, they're all equally incompatible

Same thing Sup Forums has preached for many years.


Which is pretty great, means we can use them as puppets to remove the kikes. After kike removal we'll go with the race war and be perfectly justified due to Holocause 2: Electric Boogaloo.

good goy meow

Accelerationism continued

They harder they push the more right-leaning normies and centrists will come to our side

>This. If white race is the “murderous, genecidal race xddd” why do they post things like this?

Because they know it's not true and they just want weak, gullible, naive white people to feel like shit because they hate them?

This isn't hard to understand.

This doesn't fit my narrative and therefore I'll ignore this.

I'll always portray non whites as wanting to hurt white people.

I wonder if this is a response to "it's okay to be white"

nobody here thinks everyone dark is evil
most of us do think surrounding our grandchildren with dark people is evil

>blaming the evils of the Jew on "white people"

It's generally better and simpler to portray non whites on average as being like that Martinez person. He sees us as vermin that must be eliminated. Presumably, most non whites believe some version of this.

We can only hope. I would unironically smash his face in if I caught him in public.

Beaners have a genetic disposition towards implementing crony socialism

This shit just red pills whites faster, this guy is a gift to Sup Forums.

Tsk tsk. That's just you being impulsive. What's smarter: have a lone white guy beat a brown person, or using that brown person's hatred against white people to destroy social trust between the races even further?

Like, what's your objective here? You want non whites to like us? You want them to NOT say they hate us?


stfu neither of you keks are going to do shit and we all know it


>Now I am become white, the destroyer of worlds.
That has a ring to it.

When you portray them like that then can you blame them?

I doubt it. There ain't nothing but steers and queers in Texas

Sup Forums is hypocritical, but we enlightened few must fight racism of all kinds. Fight the alt right and the extreme SJWs alike

Since when people care what a redneck thinks?

There are whites on both sides of the bell curve unfortunately

I wonder if he considers himself to be white? If so, he should set an example by killing himself

>Haha yeah, let's all be centrists, no way that'll backfire!

This shit is like 300 words. Our 5th grade school newspaper had longer articles than this piece of shit. And better writing.

Be the Jews and give him a platform to be even louder

They mean they want to mass slaughter white people and offer justifications for it.

Nazi scum will be defeated again, just like we beat them in the past. It's over, Sup Forums.

just tell the cartels he's a snitch and he'll turn up quartered with his dick in his eye socket. problem solved

Right, everyone being extremist divided works WAAAAY better.

Why is that I just KNEW that he was mostly white and kind of a wimpy cuck? For that matter, why is it that the most anti-white "latinos" are of almost entirely white ancestry? The only thing that surprises me is that he hasn't legally changed his name to something in Nahuatl.

So what's the endgame here? What do you want to happen?

The writer should get punished I guess, but is it his fault that he just wrote what he was thinking and the retarded editor allowed it to be published? It's the editors fault. She should get canned at least from her job as newspaper editor.


That ungrateful spic vermin should have its head stomped in.

For the most part, what Sup Forums advocates is political and territorial separation from nonwhites rather than the wholesale slaughter of all nonwhites merely for being nonwhite.

"You were not born nigger, you became nigger.
You actively remain nigger."

Wrong. America is the new weimar republic, and unlike the germans we arent autistic cuck faggots. American natcap/natsoc will win because who will take us down? We have nukes to destroy the entire planet. All you niggers, spics, communist traitors and sympathizers will be gassed.

Someone with a gun go in and shoot that fucker.

>free education
Education is free, go to the public library and get all the education you can stand. What they want is free credentials when they should be criticizing the whole bullshit system of credentialism which contemporary academia has become.

based nips

With a picture of Hitler. Well said, fuck that.

$15 an hour is socialism, what low goals.

Well, he can go to the relatively white free utopia of Mexico or Brazil and experience it firsthand.

But he won't, because you know, it sucks.

>Shitskins dont want to kill white people
Don't matter if they don't want to, the fact is they do kill white people because they're low IQ, highly aggressive savages who lack impulse control.


No my dude, that commie faggot isn't white

facebook com/profile.php?id=100009875443562
lol looks like we have mutual friends

kek has taken note of this

>there is perhaps only a dozen

>I continuously meet individuals that either deny the existence of white privilege or fail to do something productive with it.
Does this dumbass think being white is a free fucking meal ticket? "Fail to do something productive with it?" He must be joking, even though I know he's definitely not.

>You were not born white, you became white.
>Dude just stop being white lmao

>There will be millions of cultural zombies... Until then, remember this: I hate you because you shouldn't exist. You are both the dominant apparatus on the planet and the void in which all other cultures, upon meeting you, die.
>Whites don't have a culture! Give up your white culture! Cease to exist REEEEEEE

Hey guys we should totally threaten whites to the point where they have no choice but to band together in some sort of nationalistic wave of righteous anger. This has never happened before and never negatively affected people who weren't white in any significantly bad way.


Nice digits

A steer could kill him if he tried to fuck it.

I've been thinking. I've been neet the last year because I hated my job, I still have a fair amount of cash saved up but I'm pretty bored.

I could buy a return flight to the states and get a rental car for a month or so. If some like-minded fatty in the states could provide me with a (preferably) untraceable few firearms, a couple of handguns and a long rifle, we could put together a list of all these anti white cunts and I could spend the month murdering them. Apart from their political views there would be no pattern to the killings (and no location pattern, no 'motive' etc).

The spic nigger masses trying to out-breed us in order to capture said advanced atomics. They cant make a civilization they have to capture one with rotten twats.

And Universities wonder why public trust in them is reaching an all-time low and why tax reform is written to target their revenue.

Reforming Universities means expelling students and faculty that push this bullshit as the outcasts they are instead of normalizing it. It also means eliminating ancillary programs and fields that do nothing to address real labor issues in the US, especially when it comes to STEM.

Imagine the world without white Marxists.

Instead of "Whites should just fucking die" why don't we just get rid of all these whites who hate themselves?

I recommend banishment from the west and re settlement in Somalia. We can give the Somali government a bit of money for taking in all the white trash liberals.

>Sup Forums is hypocritical
No, we're not, because we neither preach nor subscribe to a universalist ethos. We're pretty blatant about being moral and ethnic particularists.

It means the writer should be expelled or fired.