What the Sup Forums think of this. Wolfenstien creator said he created Wolfenstiein to piss of Nazis and I guess it worked.
Wolfenstein Creator "fucking hates Nazis"
Is that swedish guy? If it was, whatever.
I feel really bad.
Not that he hates Nazis. I feel bad for all the low level grunts who worked on a shit game that barely broke even
>a soyboy hates nationalism
its the only non-shit game
He looks like some insufferable Antifa faggot
>"I fucking hate nazi's"
makes a game where nazi controlled america is paradise
The technological progress portrayed in the lore of the game made me feel sad for destroying it in the first game.
I didn't buy the second.
I have it on good authority that Goebbels is SEETHING right now.
>Nationalism = Nazism
Nice try
The narration made the game shit is what I am assuming. Didn't play it yet.
What do you think the "N" in NSDAP means?
They tweeted "make america Nazi free again"
Clearly implicating they think trump supporters are Nazis and should die
Anyone who buys the game is a full blown dicksucking cuck
Trumps brother fucking owns the company too so everyone who buys it is doubly cucked
> It worked.
> No one bought your game or cares.
When will advertising shills just go back to >>Sup Forums
Yeah, but do you really believe that?
Take that back. I love nationalism, what I hate is Nazis.
gutentag fellow nazis
provide proof of having purchased mein game
>i love nationalism but fuck these nationalists!
As if most of the content put out by the entertainment industry wasn't designed to piss off white men.
N stands for "national". Dipshit nazi
It's hell man, it's hell
Well if we buy it that means we like Trump and thats based.
Everybody hates the Nazis.
They lost the war and are the bad guys, remember?
I used to be a Nazi, but after playing this game, it's over. I can't buy into Nazism anymore. Love is the way of the future
It's a bad game, if only they could leave the graphics to the side a bit and focus on the gameplay.
Stein stopped reading
I loved New Order and would have bought this, but like ~4 hours of gameplay and mandatory DLC:s to apparently even finish the story sound like too much bullshit to me.
And? I love humanity, yet I had serial killers even though they are HUMANS. I love nationalism but hate Nazis since they kill innocent people
Fuck the Nazis
obvious bait
t. current year soyboy Swede speaking as if he personally fought and suffered at the hands of Nazis
let him have fun. You are 14yo only once.
You see a larping piece of shit, I see sad, lost kid that can't masturbate without crying and just want to have fun in the internet with other of his kind.
>fascist flag
Shitty trolling bro
Trump is not a soyboy and HATES Nazi trash.
based Poland
Nazi is pretty much the new "racist" so if your not a cock sucking commie leftist your considered Nazis.
>literally hate speech
get reckted, you stupid cuck
I don't see an issue.
>I love humanity
You fucking lying ingrate. Both you and I have fantasized about killing those we deem unfit for living and you know it.
But the nazi America looks like paradise desu
im a trump supporter and hate nazis
no one not even psychopaths do that.
liberals are so far gone they can't even make a fake nazi run america seem worse than reality
>Piss of "Nazis"
>Not realize "Nazis" constitute the majority of the gaming populace
Gosh, who could've seen this coming?
You have to admit the graphics are britty gud
Well too bad you are a nazi.
This, either this or he's just a normalfag that cares about (((humanity))).
>in his mid 30s
>looks like a 17 year old boy
How do we fix the soyboy epidemic?
I see pretty good opportunity for great Nazi cosplay with this game.
No they don't, they're worse than a fucking 2013 game's.
>Tfw you'll never live a society where Nazi made a magitek utopia
Nazis no longer exist, falling for a boogeyman like that means he's bluepilled and just wants to virtue signal to jew stiens
>unless you're a nazi you shouldn't be opposed to killing nazis
ahh classic peter Hines intellect
Well TNC flopped, so good job loser.
There's that hate speech again.
The amount of people speaking German in ww2 games is hilarious.
You can be national liberal, national libertarian, and so on.
>Did worse than a sequel to a game that was widely panned and received next to no marketing
This and nuGhostbuster are the poster child for "Not all attention is good attention"
Nazis today are a bigger threat than they were in world War 2
He better never show his face at a convention.
T. Kekistan
your opinion surely matters
Nazis have to be living in a National Socialist system, otherwise they're not Nazis.
Not really. Libcucks and lolbergs are almost always globalist shills.
You are an idiot! Fuck off gay ass bitch nigger faggot
Wow what a brave thing to take a stance against, Nazis! More people need to know about the horrorshow that was Nazis! If I was this brave I would definitely be afraid for my life after taking such a strong stance against Nazis!
Who cares. Their game was already $30 this past weekend. Liberalism is a mental diaeaae. Rather than make millions they pushed their stupid political opinions and ended up costing them
Nobody cares about this shit tier game or the cucks who made it.
Stop letting Sweden make games. Any other franchises ruined by these fjordniggers besides Mafia and Wolfenstein?
Cheap controversy advertisement. Just ignore like the game was ignored.
Fucking swedes man
>Wolfenstein The New Order
>Blazkowitz is fucking badass
>Wolfenstein 2
>B.J. is a pussy crybaby
Maybe he should have put more effort into making a good game instead.
Didn't this fucking game flop?
The dude that is the lead artist for this game makes some based viking art.
Anyone with good tastes in fps would know that RTCW is the best Wolfenstein and that these cinematic hallway fests aren't even half the game that one was.
I hope my temperament was worth his wallet
This. I don't know why that retard thinks nazis being a video game enemy is somehow new or innovative.
It's just a shit game, top to bottom, politics aside.
fighting Nazis in videogames is nice because they were really powerful and their technology was extremely advanced, they were a real challenge, not those communist starving faggots
>commie zombie mode
Dank Castle
Germans have a cool history
>create game that fails
Same. A fucking moon base, man...
They're fucking garbage.
But the t-34 and ppsh blew Germans out of the water. Soviets innovated artillery warfare and completely wrecked the Germans once they actually mustered a defensive force instead of just getting bombed by planes.
Lol crysis looked better and that's from 2007
Explain to me exactly what is wrong with National Socialism without crying about the 6 gorillion
>Growing up in the uh... in the 80s, in Sweden
stopped watching right there. don't even need to watch more.
Nixon was a nazi while living in a democratic state
>the one time the shitposter doesn't post with a meme flag
>it's a fucking leaf
You mean the game series all about killing Nazis, and that has been about killing Nazis for decades, is made by people who dislike Nazis?
How is this shocking? The alt right sure is dumb ffs
Nazi = White male
Hating Nazis is up there on the list of traits of a civilised human being. Nazis are basically humanoid demons.
Nah, he may have had right wing views, but he wasn't a Nazi. You have become a legitimate national socialist to become a Nazi. Libshits are gonna keep chomping out regardless though. Facts hurt muh feefees and critical thinking is too hard for brains irreversibly damaged by pot
>5'11" vs 6'1"
Weapons don't win wars you fucking retard.
Take that shit to /fit/ where you guys measure each other's dicks by "accidentally" touching them
>What do you think the "N" in NSDAP means?
American education at work