Be honest for once, set aside your understandable fear and anger related to the imminent demise of your poisonous race and just accept the truth, whiteness is the problem, the white race is the only thing standing in the way of a united brotherhood of man.
We wanted to do this the easy way, let you stay a while, breed with you a bit and wait for you to die out, we wanted you to play along, accept responsibility for all the shit you've done to every other race and bow out gracefully, with a whimper you might say.
But no, you have had a little wobble, a bit of panic has set in and all of a sudden you seem to want to hang around, well, I'm sorry but it's too late for that, you have been earmarked for extinction and the machine is already in motion.
Europe, you've got maybe 40 years before we start literally rounding you up and executing you, America, if you're lucky you may have 60 years, although we are hoping to trigger a race war long before that.
So, it's time for you all to make peace with the world and prepare your souls for an eternity of nothing, you're out of the game, we're kicking you out, this is our world now, you are no longer welcome.
are you kidding the white race is the kindest, most generous, most benevolent race that's ever existed, once we're gone it'll be dog eat dog until the North Asians (hopefully) take over what remains.
Oliver Stewart
So move to Africa. This is a place without whites, and this is what places without whites are like.
Liam Perry
Whiteness is not a problem if shitskins stay out of our countries.
Parker Allen
No no no no no, you don't seem to get it, we're going to have it all, the whole planet, once you shitheads have kindly fucked off we're going to fix the environment, stop the wars and get along like one big happy family, you know, like when the abusive father has finally done the decent thing and died.
Samuel Rivera
You don't seem to understand just how loathed you really are, sad but it doesn't matter, within a century you'll be nothing but a bad memory, and 50 years after that forgotten completely.
Carson Cook
Aaron Collins
Yeeahhhh, niggers really care about the environment. Without whites, they will starve to death. Blacks will save the environment. LOL.