Is he next to go pol?

Is he next to go pol?

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We really ought to have a running odds thread about this. For Current Year Man I would say 5 to 1.

Kek wills it.

Go for what?

kind of sad. there was a time before the late night shit that I really admired this guy

These digits say yes

From the late night crowd I bet its David Letterman, he just looks like a rapist desu. I'd rather 2scoops or currentYear to go down first though obviously.

Go to

thats because youre a fucking moron

Being this new


god will it

He has already proved how much of a kike agenda bitch he is so I do not think it can get much worse for him. Getting fired would be a holiday compared to what he has to do to keep his job.

If he was going to go down, he would have been exposed already. I'm not holding my breath.

It would be a wonderful end to the year.


I hope so, he's a fucking faggot

He is the final boss of the trump curse, there is no greater prize

yea he used to be alright that first season of the Colbert report was pretty funny

He was a Ron Paul supporter in 2012 too

Yeah, I liked him at first, too.

Jesse Jackson?

Letterman built a literal rape complex inside that studio he inherited. I doubt he could resist using it.

no female or male accusers

that only means once thing

he's a kiddie diddler


The Trump Curse can strike at any moment, but while we wait, it gains more energy, like a supercell ready to unleash the storm.

Colbert will get his, and it will be bad.

That's actually a good plan. Must be someways to accuse a tv personality for sexual harassment, Dilbert here doesn't really seem like that type of person to do so but Jon Bon Oliver on the other hand looks like a fucking creeperoni. Anyone would believe that shit and with the current climate you don't even need proof!

Lurk more faggot

But Colbert's studio IS Letterman's studio. HMMMMMMM.

Can't fucking wait.

That's why I said 'he inherited.' I was referring to Colbert gaining access to Dave's rape room. Are there any IT guys, contractors security consultants in New York we can bribe to give us more details on these secret facilities Letterman and Lauer had?

Colbert is borderline gay, John Oliver on the other hand definitely has some skeletons.


Whether or not this email is nefarious is debateable. However, it is still fucking hilarious how all these getting roasted today were implicated in the leaked emails.


Pretty much. I think Current Year soygoy is a literal cuck, but Two "GHRUNULHRHD GRBLUMRPF" Scoops would be like the great white whale.

Jon Stewart taught comedians that they could make a ton of cash feeding confirmation bias to young twits. You don’t even need to put any effort into being funny. And young twits are THE demographic for Colbert’s advertisers. He likely doesn’t believe half the shit he says but has convinced himself he isn’t doing any real damage. And he’s probably right since most of Stewart’s audience grew up to cast off his ideology.

God I hope so. I am enjoying the perverts being almost all Jewish as it makes the final exposure of the Jewish disease more likely, but Colbert would be quite the prize. I really despise him, especially since when I was younger I fell for his and Leibowotz's tricks.

His accuser shall be a humble ice cream merchant.

Even if the entire roastie hoard accuses him nothing will happen because leftists switch from "listen and believe" back to " innocent until proven guilty" whenever it's a leftist hero being accused. See George Takei for details.

Nobody escapes the curse

He may be odd at times but he's not likely to be a viable target. He's counter to our beliefs but not a total scumbag like the rest. Roll for validity?

All papists into the sea—Ra.Ho.Wa.!!

I just can't help but wonder who could be behind the fall of all these left wing icons...

You admired an actor.

End it.


He is soon to come....and it all shall relate to pedophilia accusations.

Yeah didn't john oliver basically have to flee england because of some sort of allegations? anyone remember?

He molested boys in a SC church. So yeah, I imagine one of em will speak up soon enough. Tonight Show and Colbert Report cash is keeping things quiet for now.

I would unironically dance on his showbiz grave.


him and McCain will be next

I hope so. he's a traitor to the South.

too late. its over for grumpf

South America? No, user., he's very good to South Americans and advocates for them colonising the United States, helping out his fellow Vatican-Romanists.

Hopefully he gets caught up in a tanker explosion while on the highway on his way home. God that would be sweet.

He was a kiddy lovin’ cuck on the coalburner report I hope he gets daily shoahd

>mfw when this thread
>mfw when Sup Forums is always buttmad at Colbert
>mfw when Colbert's show is genuinely funny

Letterman is known - he got in a lot of trouble for fucking his employees not even that long ago. I'm sure he did plenty of inappropriate shit over the years.

Colbert, though, is a kid-fucker.

Colbert is like the mold for numales.

I think Alec Baldwin will be the next

kys, faggot

this, Id imagine Colbert is squeaky clean.. thats why he is the one chosen for his position

>a fucking leaf

God I'd love to bury a khukuri into that mug

Sup Forums so desperate to silence those who mock and criticize their paranoid and childish belief system.

I hope so user

Doubles say he's next, trips says he's a pedo.

I bet some shit comes out about Jon Stewart. He was real close to both Louis C.K. and Anthony Weiner. Birds of a feather.


He fucks anything, and there is a big tape collection, an orgy with children, adults, animals, aliens and dead people

Sup Forums is so fucked, I have seen the most mind numbingly awful material posted here, yet such serene and hopeful things all the same. It has been an honor and a privilege.

He only funny to those who have an infantile personality.

Check'em Holmes


Holy shit between oliver and colbert i'm not sure which one i'd rather see fall. I mean, inevitably won't it be both? Can't we have both?

You liked watching a conservative who wasn't some boring old guy, even if it was an act.

It would be genius if this current iteration was a far leftie character and Colbert is actually the most brilliant comedic mind in a generation. Just imagine if he came out and said that The Late Show was the leftist version of The Colbert Report and he's apolitical irl. Maybe he wants to milk CBS for a couple decades before retiring as a filthy rich icon


Too big to fall.

He had a funny impersonation of an atomic bomb and did funny send ups of conservatism inc

I could definitely see some juggie accusing him of something. Not Carolla though, he's not worth nearly as much as Jimmy

Letterman was gifted Drew Barrymore on his birthday one year.
Drew was a teenager, and had been drugged and used by Spielberg and friends since she was a toddler.

Shit is going down

Jon was a frat brother

he will burn in eternal fire

Sup Forums Did Bill Oreilly foresee this coming?? FF to 6 minutes in...

What are we thinking?


Of course the head of the entire Late Night Propaganda Crew is king kike himself

Jon has been keeping a pretty low profile lately now that you mention it

It would be absolutely amazing but it will never happen.

Digits confirm

so it seems,
so it seems

We will end up living in one of four timelines:

>Trump colluded with Russia, not because he wanted to win, but because he wanted to start his own TV network and Russians possibly had kompromat pee tape that may or may not be real
>He accidentally keeps Hillary from becoming president
>Hillary was going to start a war in order to distract from wikileaks and heat from pizzagate
>Mueller investigates both sides, Trump gets impeached but is generally well-liked, gets Pardoned by Pence
>Colbert is implicated in Podesta emails and all of your favorite celebrities go to jail and the alt-left is never spoken of again

>#1 happens but all your favorite celebrities DON'T go to jail
>People like Tom Hanks and Colbert are found to have raped children
>Californians fiercely defend their liberal jew masters
>Pedo sex becomes legal in California
>Young blonde boys are openly being systematically being fed hormone blockers and fucked
>The heartland has enough of their shit and Pence declares war on Southern California
>Russia, Japan, and China are our allies
>A civil war occurs over it
>The right wins handily
>Jews are expelled to Israel or murdered on sight

>nobody gives a shit once pizzagate breaks
>Trump reveals that this is why he and Pence ran
>Trump used to be fairly buddy-buddy with Clintons
>Trump used to go to billionaire loli sex island with Bill and Hillary and they exchange favors (Hillary was New York senator)
>Trump grows a conscience once Russian spies tell his family OR when someone offered to pay him a million dollars to fugg poor sweet Barron
>Trump sits down with Steve Bannon and films a TELL-ALL interview about everything
>I'm talking Jews, pizzagate, possible ayys, who knows what else
>MSM paints him as crazy but it's too late
>Pence pardons him fully
>Trump disappears, helps countless children
>Left never recovers

>Evidence emerges of Stewart and Colbert bankrolling Trump's campaign to ensure he has material for at least 4 years

I rember when this was just a couple of screen grabs, look at its beauty today

Strangers with candy was a documentary

This is the only situation where I could ever dream of hoping a person was a child molester. Wow that's so fucked up, he just comes across as a pedo.

Hopefully the entire Daily Show Cabal gets torpedoed. Including the ones without a show anymore.

Colbert touched me inappropriately-thats sexual assault. The story will come out soon.

I have a soft spot for anyone who can rattle off the entire lineage of Finwe and the great lords of Valinor.
Really wish he would go /oldleft/ and push Sanders rather than this mainstream nuleft shit.

If not? Will he be the last chance against drumpf in 2020?

Rob Cordrey - Statutory Rape and Contributing to the delinquency of a minor ( selling pills to get his dick sucked )

Samantha Bee - DUI and Intoxicated Manslaughter

Stephen Colbert - Human Trafficking ( he introduced several young girls to Saudi benefactors)

Black Guy - Niggardry in the 3rd degree ( tax fraud and petty theft


God I hope so. He’s a mopey dick on his show. I hope its because he dredding his future. His most popular youtube clip is of John Stewart guest hosting.