>make state pride thread
>80% of replies are proud Pennsylvanians
Nobody told me there were so many proud Pennsylvanians on this board! Get in here lads, take pride in your state, and discuss how we can utilize our people and our resources to make this the best goddamn place in the union!
/PPG/ Pennsylvania Pride General
psyop intel operation
I just made a similar thread earlier, I''m no shill friend.
I think it's about time people start looking at state government as important. Maybe to help the state we can start putting money back into steel?
>in the union
meh. pa republic when?
The problem is we can't split until we're economically self sufficient. Cali and Texas have independence parties because they recognize they're somewhat independent.
We need to investigate what the fuck is going on in the Pittsburgh area recently with all the child killing. Pic from Victoria Secret Fashion Show in China
Ohio-Pennsylvania Commonwealth when?
Wasn't aware that this was an issue.
Pittsburgh is one of our saving graces as far as cities go.
West Virginia is a better ally.
Let's hope.
IF we want to get anywhere we need to recognize what we're good for.
Coal is one of the obvious answers, but PA also has a number of oil wells, and TONS of untapped natural gas.
We've also had very successful steel and railroad industry in the past, all of the infrastructure is still there slowly rotting away as the jobs move to the third world.
How do we rid the commonwealth of guineas like Louis DeNaples and Louis Barletta? I'm tired of shitty roads and corruption.
Honestly one of the biggest things keeping shitty politicians in office is gerrymandering. I know lots of republicans turn their heads because it keeps their guys in office, but this isn't about parties it's about what's best for the state.
PA Senate Bill 22 and PA House Bill 722 are our best chances at fixing this.
As far as shitty roads go though, that's a PennDot problem. I'm not sure how to tackle that with so much bureaucratic nonsense.
butler fucking sucks
Why does it suck?
Is there anything that could be changed?
niggers and heroin
probably not at this point.
Lehigh Countyian currently living in Philadelphia reporting in.
I say we call for a Conservative migration to the area and start super alliance with West Virginia and Ohio. After we militarize we should march north and occupy New York state.
Out of interest, how many of you PA Bros are in contact with local and state government?
Heroin is a fixable problem, are there any rehabilitation clinics in the county?
I know Johnstown has it bad too.
I'm not trying to make this a larp.
I want real, rational, and currently possible improvements. As fun as it might be to think that PA can take over, it'll take a bit of cleaning up before we get there.
Lancaster county here, living in Indiana currently. Gotta say western PA is gorgeous.
Butler County here. Pennsylvania is a shithole.
t. Guy who's never left Butler
the methadone clinics is what brought the nigs. . they come from pittsburgh, never get clean and stay living like nigs