Kimi No Na Wa "your name"

Just watched this movie. And I gotta say despite all the hype all it is are just great visuals and the creator distorting the plot so much in order to elicit cheap feels from the audience.

I understand that you have to turn your brain off to appreciate these kinds of movies but the plot is just so bad. Why would they go through all that? They're gonna die anyway desu

>hurr I cried while watching an anime movie
>hurr im a guy but I was sobbing at the end

You weebs disgust me.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's Shinkai all right

>>hurr im a guy but I was sobbing at the end
I'll cry if I want to friend.

I thought it was trash or rather I felt nothing and the glaring plotholes dont help.
Would give it a 7 if I hadnt been exposed to all the silly hype

where did you watch it OP

lol why is every special snowflake bashing Your Name right now, Cant wait for it to be released in the US so that more people will trigger it by calling it a masterpiece.

>being nihilist
After many discussions with many skeptical anons, I finally come to understand that no matter how much I explained, there will be other anons who point out all those plot holes. In the end, those user contribute to this film's success in some way or another. That's musubi.

Well, it's just the matter of different opinions user. We just has different tastes, different experiences. That's why we are humans. Maybe this film could reach out to mainstream but not yours.

Because it's obviously a Disney tier cartoon, why would it need to have intricate plot?

The entire story is made for the sake of presentation rather than complexity. What the duck do you want more? It's pretty fucking obvious that it will be like that.

I thought 2nd half was lacking.

I also saw the movie today.

The cinema was packed with people. I guess they got nothing to do on Christmas day.

The movie itself was pretty good though I hate the use of J-pop insert songs.

Feels out of place.

It's as mainstream as a Disney movie or Star Wars.

But you still gotta admit the voice acting is really great.

Sup Forums is so autistically mad about a Chinese cartoon that the need to go to Sup Forums to unleash their shit post. Yes I get it op, you are a cunt. You are probably too intelligent for the movie, now go back to your shithole.

I ask the same question everyday on why OP is still trying to be alive despite him still dying in the end like a faggot anyway.

Anyone who uses this word as a serious "critic" for any medium in Sup Forums is simply too stupid to pay attention to whatever he's reading/watching/listening to.

>kyoanuslickers still mad at based shinkau
>plebs still unable to understand musubi
>cucks still peer pressured not to feel anything
Feels good man

>the movie is sad
>it's emotion manipulailting!
I want this meme to die

Atleast it wasn't out of shitty plot device like because they arent forced shit poor 3rd world fag with missing parents

>Many respectable critics says that this movie is a 10/10
>Beta trashman that thinks he has good tastes saying the movie is trash but the movie went for the heart strings instead of the mind but betas cant understand those feelings because they are lonely.
Fuck off, this is a flick its not challenging Interstellar or Inception in terms of plot so stfu.

But Sup Forums told me it's a rip-off of Keit-Ai

>I finally come to understand that no matter how much I explained
You mean, no matter how much you try to force your warped way of perception onto someone they still wont buy your bullshit and quite frankly retarded explanation for something that essential was just bad decision making?

You can explain anything if you simply say "lol thats how they behaved XDDD". Doesnt make scenes more logical. The last 40 minutes created an incredible disconnect no matter how much you try to justify it.

>this movie is a 10/10
It almost was for its first 60 minutes. Unfortunately it ran for another 40.

What exactly was "illogical"? Point it out (be very specific) so we can all break down and laugh at your shitty "logic".

>Trash that cant understand the feeling of being in love cant connect with the movie because they are lonely and no one would save them like how taki saved mitsuha
>Shinkai haters that thought Your Name will be shit but they got BTFO
>Delusional KyoAnus lickers thinking Flop no Katachi is going to be more successful than Your Name getting assblasted
Get triggered more poorfucks, Your Name was perfect, cant wait to see threads about Your Name when its released in more countries.

I dont get the "Disconnect" part majority of the haters say, I really think it was a good movie.

It doesn't deserve the $200+M that it "earned"

I'd say about $25M is reasonable for something of this "quality"

I already did so about a dozen times in these sort of threads, and I am pretty sure that youre the same little cock sucker who always jumps onto people who criticize the movie by doing nothing else but claim that "no dewd this is fiction lol people do diz".

It was, but that doesnt change the fact that there is a shit ton of wasted potential. The last 40 minutes hardly do anything with the relationships that were established in the first 60 for example. Its not about the movie being shit, its about the first 60 minutes being 9/10 and the last 40 being something like 6/10.

The fact that you use the term haters really doesnt give your post any more substance by the way. In fact, it doesnt the exact opposite.

those songs were written for the movie though. i dunno, i thought they fit pretty well

>I believe the body swapping but not the altered perception/memories.

>I already did so
Then you can surely do it again. Copy-paste only takes 3 actions, lazyboy. And remember to be specific.

Else, you admit to having no actual complaints.

>Their Interactions werent ENOUGH I need more
>Complain fags just wanted it to be a series instead of a movie
If it became a series it would be fukken generic, just imagine an episode where Taki in Mitsuha's body on Swim practice day.

Should we judge this movie by animu standards or by western film standards?

>Film is popular and doing very well
>Few people do not like it or understand the hype (which will always be the case given the millions of people which will have seen it)
>Some of those few people who do not like it get angry at such hype because they feel such praise is unworthy so they make their position known loud and clear and piss on it
>The more popular the more of these there will be

What in the last 40 minutes that was wasted? Taki going back to his own body and that gong when mitsuha was going to get hit by a comet was perfect and the reveal about mitsuha was chilling. i dont really see any problem.

It's a movie for literal autists.
The movie would be fine if it removed the super retarded and pointless comet plot and was just a romantic body swapping comedy/drama. Also the end where they just pass each other must have been made by a literal autist or to deliberately evoke FEELS for literal autists.

Interaction fags are the worst. Right up there with Exposition fags

Shinkai think so, but that's how musubi works.
After many discussions, I realized that you won't be satisfied how much I tried. If you could not show detailed example of how can one explain a plothole reasonably to you (not needed to be this movie), no point in bringing those discussion up again.

nice one you pathetic worthless retard
popular =/= good you worthless retard

>Else, you admit to having no actual complaints.
Thats not how it works. I am currently visiting my parents so I dont have direct access to my browser history. You can just go on the archives and search for the threads, they usually hit bump limit and theres like a handful a week. I dont need to prove shit to you, especially since in your opening statement you already claimed that "you explained why people are wrong multiple times" which means that I know that spending time talking to you is an utter waste. I've already been through this a bunch of times.

Not like it matters. There is nothing like it made by western companies. The only animation we have is CGI. We even started to remake films like the Jungle Book.

I dont think you even knows what a plothole is. I never ever claimed that the movie had any. You dont need PLOTHOLES for something to be badly written, pacing going to shit and decision making being off. Something being illogical doesnt mean its a plothole.

this is too retarded to be real. I do wish you're falseflagging

You seem to be a minority, critics and viewers praise it highly. See on what happens.

Interaction fags are the worst, they are the kind that always like the good situations but when shit gets real they are indecisive and scared as fuk and they will complain if their girl gets stolen when someone takes action, they are the cucks

I bet you like shit anime like K-On and Umaru too,fkn fag.

Does the movie deserve its critical and financial success?

Why would he be? The last scene makes literally no sense. They see each other on the train and are so caught up in emotions that they run towards each other but then the second they reach the train almost fuck it up again. Of course you can find some convenient explanation to explain this. Be it insecurities or whatever. But that bit was nothing but forced drama. They already ran towards each other and are still too insecure to speak up? What sort of personality disorder must a real life individual suffer from to do that?

This movie really captured the vibe of a boy that is madly in-love about a girl he haven't seen eye to eye then when the swapping stops, does all that in his power to save his girl. why are people complaining?

Is it already available in 720 or 1080?

How would you have written it?

Hard for me to say since theres nothing to compare it to. Considering the fact that Marvel movies rake in more than a billion, I'd say that almost anything deserves its financial success more than these piece of shit film do.

Critical acclaim is also hard to judge. Sure as hell doesnt deserve the 10/10 ratings, but it definitely deserves a high average because if all you do is watch and enjoy the feels then the movie is truly enjoyable. Issues only kick in as soon as you start to analyze it which is something most people dont do anyway, so to them (which might very well be what critics judge) its probably perfect.

People also seem to misunderstand our/my intentions. I dont dislike the movie, not at all. It wholeheartedly enjoyed it. Doesnt change the fact that I am mad at the wasted potential because it could have been so much better.

They literally havent seen each other for Years and they dont have any memory of their feelings for each other, they probably dont know what to tell that person that they havent met but have a strange feeling of longing with. I too wouldnt know what to say because its literally their FIRST time meeting.

See, this is exactly why no one bothers to argue in these threads anymore. Youre doing literally what I said: Presenting a convenient explanation. There is no point in arguing with people like you because youll always pull some shit out of your head. To an autistic monkey such as yourself this might be logical behavior, but to me it isnt. There is no reason for such level of insecurities when both of you are CLEARLY connected and youre aware of it. There was no reason for this shit after they've already missed each other twice before. In fact, it just cheapened the moment.

I wish this thread will be full on discussion with banter and not keit-ai meme and hopefully no images will be posted

fukken hell, how would you write? They would Run into each others arms? They were overwhelmed to finally see that thing , that piece that was missing to finally complete them. its already good.

Fuck all logic.
Love wins.
Merry Christmas to you all anons.
Pic related is from original character design.

Not even consider the cultural context of reserving society of Nippon?

>I am currently visiting my parents
Excuses, excuses. That's what they all say. Try again later, kiddo.

>Presenting a convenient explanation
Oh, the irony. You do know that you, yourself, are presenting the "convenient explanation" of "it makes no sense"? You're probably just too retarded to realize this yourself.

Very cute. Merry Christmas Sup Forums.

>he gropes her tits every time, because it's SOOOO FUNNY (insert laugh track)
>there's nothing to grope anyway
High quality entertainment, 10/10, best movie ever. Haters BTFO

>girl acts a bit strange
>Y-you are not X, w-who are you
>as if they immediately knew someone hijacked her body
10/10, I love this trope, best deconstruction of the trope ever, as expected from the best director ever

/̶v̶/̶ Sup Forums suddenly hates Your Name? What happened?

Hitoha knew because it's 10 times already and it made her recalled being swapped with someone.
Toshiki because knowing his daughter, she wouldn't be like this and he also used to be a priest and a folklorelist.

As if it even need to ask. It got popular.

As soon as it became mainstream

>They would Run into each others arms
No they wouldnt. That wouldnt even make any sense because based on the whole storyline they dont even know each other, so love itself is already a hard thing to sell. You could simply cut the 'walk past each other' bit and it would be fine. Just immediately confront the other person. You wouldnt even have to change the dialogue. Thats how simple it would be.

>reserving society of Nippon
Thats why Taki then turns around and shouts, right? Hes pretty reserved.

I am not the person who starts his post with "I explained it to people dozens of times that their problems make no sense lmao XDDD :DDDD". I simply state issues me and others have with the film, whether or not you agree is irrelevant to me personally.

Opinions are nothing but that, and criticism cant just be voided by providing convenient explanation as for why THAT SPECIFIC ACTION made sense, especially when the explanation essentially is "lel dewd just enjoy". I dont think that anyone in here has a problem with people enjoying the movie. Its the people who disliked certain parts of it who are being "criticized" for it (assuming this shit flinging can even be considered criticism, looks more like blind fanboyism to me)

It's popular

>hurr im a guy but I was sobbing at the end

>Sup Forums suddenly hates Your Name
>implying Sup Forums is one person
>implying everyone likes your teenager melodrama shit
No, this shit is overrated just likes other shinkaishit

TL;DR: People with feelings deeply disgust me.

The only minor criticism I can give is the pacing felt a little off past the half-way mark. They spent too much time showing Mitsuha & gang going around town to save people, and not enough on her and Taki (only the twilight scene, which admittantly is very good), which is the centre-piece of the film. I guess they went a little too deep into plot and dialed back the characters, which should have been the primary focus on a film like this.

But ending was 10/10 though.

>But ending was 10/10 though.
this is what literal autists actually believe
I bet you worthless retard could relate when they were looking down and passing each other pretending not seeing the other

>Sup Forums is one kyoanifag

>I bet you worthless retard could relate when they were looking down and passing each other pretending not seeing the other

Projecting much?

It makes perfect sense, considering they both lost memories of the events, but only has a feeling that something is missing. It is only nature to be unsure and hesitant in that situation.

Same here. Teenager romance isn't for me

Same here. Rather would watch Koe no Katachi, at least it's a story for smart and mature people, just like me.

Just watched it a couple of days ago. It was ok. The visuals are great, especially during the vision scenes, but it didn't feel like there's much of a connection between the two, at least not in a romantic way. Instead of him going SUKI DA, I thought it'll be better if the movie focus mainly on the guy wanting to save her (plus the town) in a purely platonic way. I just felt like they should spend more scenes using the journal to try and find out more about each other.

Also, I think the ending would be better if they both don't say 'Your name is', as in after initial conversation, it just cuts to the title credit. It's a minor thing, but I found it rather redundant, like, they both said Your name is...? And the once again, as if to drive the point further, the title once more showed up to remind us Your Name is the title.

But hey, I'm among the minority who was fine with the ending for Erased/BokuMachi and saw them as platonic as well, so what do I know.

>in all the time he didn't figure out what year and what city it was
quality writing right there
shit like this is why only literal retards can find this movie good, the movie is full of retarded stuff, shit writing and no sense making crap
>randomly see each other for a second
>immediately crazily chase each other through the city
>when they finally meet they pretend nothing happened and just walk casually by
>y-your name
only a literal retard would find this good or even relate to it
>b-but they lost memories hurr durr

Exactly, can't stand fucking kids who type such faggy shit like "sigh omg I try to explain that this movie doesn't have any flaws but you won't accept it :(" Just fucking reeks of fanboy cancer who doesn't actually want to discuss anything, just wants his circlejerk back. I blame generals, every show is anime of the year and no haters allowed!!

Well, that's Sup Forums for you.

hey literal retards, the movie is full of plot holes
are you worthless retards mad people are finding out your autistic circlejerk movie is actually shit?

>everyone will die
>I guess we'll just believe you, we are friends after all
>let me get some dynamite and blow up the power plant
>that's what friends would do

>i-it's not a dream
>first thing they do isn't trying to figure out who they are, where they are and trying to meet each other
>they just continue their lives as if nothing happened
explain this you worthless autists

It feels as though a lot of these die hard fans take it way too personally, as though criticism against the thing they like is some kind of direct criticism against them.

What kind of entitled dumbass do you have to be to essentially tell someone the equivalent of "the feelings and perceptions you derive from this movie are wrong, your emotional response to it is wrong"? The greatest thing about media is the room for interpretation. I'm not even trying to be a "hur dur my opinion" type of person, but Jesus Christ.

>It feels as though a lot of these die hard fans
...are underage and/or autistic
no you fucking retard
liking a shit movie is OK if you don't pretend it's the best movie ever and accept its flaws
these retards hype this shit movie as the best most perfect movie ever and every criticism is wrong, like these retards

How many threads do you need user

There's been numerous shits talking about this

>Thats why Taki then turns around and shouts, right? Hes pretty reserved.
Well, for me, they behaved like how typical Nipponese behave at first. But in the end they couldn't hold their feelings anymore, something like that.

People always disagree until one side accepted the defeat. Isn't that normal?

>remember my name
>my name is
>I will definitely remember your name
>they always forget it nearly immediately
This shit got annoying really fast.

Normal Japanese don't keep running around a city chasing a girl/boy they saw for a moment through a train window. Stop excusing the shit writing.

okay okay, To some people this is the best Anime for them despite the plotholes, to Others its very good but overrated,We all have different tastes would you look at that?

The only good thing was the "subtle" cake NTR at the end.
There was literally no reason to show the ring, it was only for the NTR.

>Isn't that normal?
No? The fact that you think that way is why Sup Forums is shit at communicating with each other. Having a different viewpoint isn't about being right, it's not a match, there is no 'win' or 'lose' hence silly to think of 'defeat'. The point of a discussion is to try and consider things in a way you didn't. If you don't agree, try and find out more about why it's as such or isn't. If, given all that, you can't agree, then so be it. Just accept that you simply cannot accept that position and move on. There is no 'defeat' and the moment you do, it's when it becomes a shouting match and you just want to be right, not to have a discussion and gain further insights because now you can't concede that the other party could have raised a good point, as that would mean 'defeat'. That is a very detrimental attitude as it means you would rather be 'right' and 'win' than actually expand your perspective.

"People always disagree until one side accepted the defeat" is a very warped logic to hold, so unsurprisingly that's how internet argument turn to shit.

Okudera's ring?

What did he mean by this??

That proves how more popular and better Kimi no Nawa is

Fanboys are always literal retards, of course you can't actually discuss stuff with them.
You can only make them shut up hyping and circlejerking something after you point out how shit it is and how retarded they are for thinking it's good.

It was not NTR. It was obvious the romance wasn't working out. The senpai flat out said that he wasn't being the person that charmed her and that pretty much meant that they weren't going anywhere romantically. Therefore, it can't be NTR; there was no betrayal, both parties know that they didn't fit each other and the senpai moved on.

That's not even the main issue to me. I kinda just chalk it up to Tessie knowing about the generations of miko having visions (which Mitsuha's dad calls madness of the family) and being the occult otaku he is, he believes that his friend was seeing a vision and believed she knows what she's doing.

Nah, my bigger issues is with Mitsuha convincing her father. Just moments earlier he already saw it as the hereditary madness of the family. And then after Mitsuha got back to her body, she manages to convince him off-screen.

It feels like Shinkai's just all like yeah, don't worry about the details, let's just gloss over all these technicalities so we can focus on the emotions and cool visuals and shit.

Protip: no one cares about your opinion. People only reply to you because you state your opinion as if it were fact.

>The last scene makes literally no sense
This is not an opinion. It's a factual assessment (ie, a claim for a case). If you meant for it to be an opinion, then state it as such. You will never last in a court of law if you can't segregate your opinions from your factual claims.

Ok, I see your point, but despite not wanting to be that guy, you are being that guy. We all know everyone is entitled to their opinion, that means I'm entitled to think the movie is overrated because of retards who rate it 10/10 on MAL before its even released and then get irratated when some one dares to discuss the weaker points. As usual, fanboys usually make people dislike a work even more because they feel a need to balance out the hype with some actual nuance.

>made 20mins later
probably some butthurt Keitai autist

Plot holes only exist for stupid people. You literally stopped thinking by calling something a plot hole. The internet exists today because smart people in the past thought past reality's "plot holes".

It made money because it had pretty colours and time resets. All if needed was bankais and the weebs would have jizzed themselves to death.

Seriously how did no one realise what year it was. It's 2016.

Tsukasa fucked her.

Damn. OK, in other form of writing, they were speechless because their feelings welled up. Until Taki decided to released them. But in the actual movie it looked like another feel bait. I just got convinced from reading another source, quite cheating, right?

WTF. I have understood the point of discussion wrong for all this time?

The issue with Toshiki was really solved off screen in side story novel.