Hey, Sup Forums. So
>be me
>be 18
>coming home from school
>get a snapchat from someone
>"user, are you a nazi"
>say no
>people have been spreading rumors about me
>quickly say no
>say I go onto Sup Forums to trigger special snowflake right wingers
>want to redpill normalfag but too afraid
>school president and top of class gradewise
>now it might all start coming down because of sharing one dumb pol link with a friend
What do, Sup Forums?
>inb4 underage, see pic related
>inb4 hurr durr not politics
Hey, Sup Forums. So
Kayden Morales
Other urls found in this thread:
Matthew Reed
stop being a nazi you piece of shit
Ian Cook
Get off Sup Forums for one newfag
Samuel Peterson
School Shooting.
Joshua White
Josiah Hall
Great minds think alike
Joseph Barnes
It appears so
Juan Baker
The absolute strength of Americucks. Just show some balls, be strong and fearless in your position. The weak always fear the strong. It's human nature. Right now, they can smell your fear.
I am not saying you to accept you a Nazi. You don't even need to answer to them. Don't say yes and don't say no. Be enigmatic, puzzle them.
Adam Wilson
just like the muslims don't have to admit to being muslim in the quran
Alexander Young
Heres a good track to play. God bless user