All politicians are corrup--

All politicians are corrup--


> Doggo played everyone, has been taking backroom bribes for years and runs underground kitten brothel

Hillary Clinton los-

Stop with this fucking thread. What do you accomplish by posting the same thread over and over, you promiscuous faggot?

Some repeat spam threads are actually good. I kind of miss the steve-o ones, too.

Dutchess.... not the bitch we wanted, but the bitch we needed...

Naw he actually runs all the drug sniffing canines in his town so drugs flow thru without any problems.

Every board has this kind of shit poster.

>doggos face when the ATF calls

Globalist pupper

I have evidence of Mayor Dog exposing his asshole and sexually assaulting inanimate objects in the presence of a minor. I also have accounts of him consuming cat feces.

Meanwhile in NY

>implying anyone takes the ATF seriously

>I also have accounts of him consuming cat feces.
Also known as
>caught with his paw in the cookie jar

Dogs are one of the easiest shapes for the reptilian overlords to take.

Try posting on Sup Forums, where that one guy keeps meme'ng Zelda BoTW is good.

No shit, that's why they shoot dogs first, so you'll listen to them

Autism certainly has a role in it

If that orange clown Flumpf won the election, the American populace would be retarded enough to elect a doggo for president. This doggo would be a better president than Drumpf and Hilary, probably the best in Amerimutt history.

kek better than having a muslim mayor mohammed

That dog looks like Winston Churchill.


post dogs

They should have elected a dog.

>When your deep fried carrot just isn't cutting it anymore.

oh, you mean the guys who kill muslims for fun? kek you are a braindead retard.

That dog is better fit than trump to be president

>le some shitskins are based XDDDDDD
dumb mutt.

Are you retarded?

>britcuck can't deal with being exposed to his own hypocrisy
oh i'm laffin


As long as there was a bark to English translator, I bet a dog ruling only on common sense would do more for America than most

>one line one post
>reposting the exact same thing every single day without new content
>that proprietary CTR format where you interrupt yourself
There are only eleven mods and none of them care about Sup Forums. It's up to you to sage spam when you see it.

To be fair, if trans people aren't lining up to oppose you you are probably doing it wrong.

>amerimutts talking about hypocrisy after electing a nigger Muslim twice

>inb4 that dog is dead
well what are the dogs policies? Does the dog care about family values?

>doesn't know what hypocrisy is
oh i'm still laffin m8

Guess again drumpf
>doggo accused of peeing on the floor when he was 2 months old

What's his endgame Sup Forums?

What? This thread is both relevant and awesome. Get fucked.

Stay strong, doggo.

We put all kinds of animals in office, apparently.

Only dumbass catholics and evangelicals think religion should be political.

>sikh mayor

May he be shift in cleansing his town of filthy muslims.
