What does Sup Forums know about Leon Trotsky?



his fair is funny,

He looks a bit like Yuri from Red Alert 2.

*A filthy Russian kike



A jew.

Worst kind - radical, reckless and disrupite to order.

Revolution for the sake of chaos and destruction.

Had to be cast out or better yet, stripped of power and authority.

He's dead. Which is funny. Even nature hates commies.

commie faggot axe'd by bigger commie faggot

I know a dead communist is a good communist.

I would reincarnate him just to kill him again, slowly and with greatest pleasure of torturing.

t. Armenian

he is a jew
financed and lived in the wall street house of jewish banking family Schif
there he was planing how to overthrow a Rusian tsarist family because the Russia were not in debt to jewish banking families

Surveytaking and one-line writing prompt one-posts are spam. Anyone who writes them is a shill and their content is illegitimate regardless of ideology.
>but I see them here all the time
Yeah and lately you'll have been seeing dick pics and calls to violence. We are all but unmoderated and we are raided every day by the DNC's idea of a new media outreach program.
Want to start a thread? Don't prompt responses. Have some sort of source. Make some kind of argument. Limit yourself to some sort of context. Write more than one line, ideally a short paragraph.
That said, stop what you're doing and look up the movie "The Assassination of Trotsky," with Richard Burton and Alain Delon.

>"The Assassination of Trotsky,"
watch a subversive kike movie about a subversive kike

lol what a gullible goyim

He was an intellectual prick who sucked at politics.

Jewish communist faggot who got icepicked in the head.


the fate of commies

More like Trotskystein Shekelberg amirite

Kike who believed in the faggiest brand of socialism until he got rightfully icepicked by a based Stalinist.

You're so funny user

>Invented the red terror
The starvation of millions of russians

Fuck Stalin too.

somehow he became the inspiration for American neo-"conservatives"

He's Jewish