How does it all end?
He's really doing it
Liam Bailey
Adrian Jenkins
I donno. Ask Trump. He's the one with Tesla's time machine.
Cameron White
Hi Barron
Leo Sanchez
Second night in a row calling out 'Deep State.' He's begging for a deep state smack down. He must have something big... feel like he's baiting them.
Aiden Clark
Holy shit. Mueller is going to go public with his findings soon.
Carter Nguyen
Nathaniel Sanders
So the happening is starting soon it seems.
Asher Cooper
This fat fuck is losing it.
Isaac Gonzalez
Best fucking timeline. President Trump, if you're reading this, I love you.
Dominic Cook
Wondering if he is preparing to drop the hammer should the GOP once again stab him in the back on tax reform. I actually think on the merits it should fail, but I know he wants a legislative accomplishment.