What does one gift someone as perfect as Galgo?

What does one gift someone as perfect as Galgo?

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No idea. However, I know that I'm going to gift Galko with a bun in the oven, courtesy of my seed.

your dick covered in chocolate

Sexual cuddles.

Sounds painful

A friend of mine was making chocolate pudding once. She had just taken it out of the microwave and she wanted to test how hot it was, so she grabbed my hand and dipped in my finger.

I don't know about Galko but Golgo would probably like a supply of modified M-16 along with ammo.

Was there ever a side story showing how he became who he is in the manga?

Anime blu-rays man.
She digs anime.


Big black dildo

did you beat her shit in or what

I never understood why the shirt is red, am I missing something in my sexual intercourses?


Breast reduction surgery


There are multiple origin stories for Golgo published over the course of the series, although none of them actually confirm which one is true and always end with a '...or is it?'


Of course.

She fucked you as compensation right?

Did you cum instantly when she touched you or was she a whale?


Something to braid her ass hairs into pretty designs

Spotted kurwa-fag

i wan 2 fug galko

Some real good anime and not that battle harem shit Otako likes so much. I'm thinking in Shinsekai Yori and The Tatami Galaxy.

Someone post the galko image where she's wearing a santa hat. You know the one.