Why does Sup Forums worship this reddit tier man so much?

Why does Sup Forums worship this reddit tier man so much?

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Because he is Donald Trump Father

Because he is Donald Trump Father

This man knew more about the nature of our reality and was truly enlightened. The only reason his inventions have been kept safe and locked away is because if the ZOG had the tech we would all be fucked right now.

After the ZOG is dead the mysteries of the universe will be unlocked.

Because he revolutionized the world and is the father of Aspies.

because every 20 year old believes they're an undiscovered genius because they exist so they think they relate to a guy who autistically slaved away at actually doing shit which is kind of like making attempts at "prolific" posts on a message board.

it's cool from an underdog story and he had amazing breakthroughs but narcissists take it beyond what he actually did and just try to relate to the fact that they think they're also geniuses

>Why does Sup Forums worship this reddit tier man so much?

jews follow smart people around, spy on them, steal their ideas, and wreck their lives.

Kys shill

>calling me a shill

>Reddit tier
>Pretty much discovered electricity

Have I been trolled?

He did develop an improvement for transmission and distribution of electrical power. Dumbasses like how he had kind of a feud with Edison. Edison was a bit of jerk about it, most of the devices he made could work with AC anyway, but apparently he wanted to sell copper.

Anyway, Tesla went nuts on his later years, trying to build death-rays and earthquake machines.

>Pretty much discovered electricity

Tesla is a pretty whacky dude, also alternating current is probably one of the biggest inventions for our modern society.

Lol, reddit tier, alright then idiot, most yall dont even know what youre talking about when referring to tesla, he never went nuts, just beat down because he offered innovation the world couldn't handle at the time, edison was also a great innovator, so dont give me any of that horse shit tripe you nitwits know nothing bout, fucking fags

>anyone that reddit loves must be automatically bad
why are you then asking questions if you already have the answers for them
if you don't like him, then turn of you computer, turn of the light in your room and turn down every electrical apliance in your house and then go live in the wood
where you belong you inept mulato nigger

Tesla's a meme scientist who's only as popular as he is today because of a rabid online fanbase of steampunk queers and conspiracy fags. He made a handful of noteworthy contributions - namely inventing a brushless induction motor and popularizing (not developing) AC current for long range power transmission - and spent the overwhelming majority of his career spending a fortune in other people's money chasing after confirmation biases and gut feelings.

Edison, meanwhile, personally developed hundreds of inventions, and funded the development of thousands more at Menlo Park, where he pioneered the researcher patron system utilized by every successful private research group of the last century from Bell to GERL.

This old meme doesn't check out

>reddit tier
Einstein, Sagan, Nye and that nigger meme scientist are reddit tier.

Tesla made it possible to transmit energy over tens thousands of kilometers. My computer is powered by a hydro-electrical turbine that is very far away from my house.
And the loses are minuscule.
Not to mention his other inventions.

I don't know how you reached that implication.
And I don't dislike Tesla, but I won't elevate him to a status of prophethood like the r*dditors do, he did contribute to EE, but he also went legit nuts.

Because Sup Forums is a Serb board

tsk tsk tsk

>Tesla's a meme scientist who's only as popular as he is today because of a rabid online fanbase of steampunk queers and conspiracy fags.
Hmmm. How old are you? Should you even be allowed here. This is 18+ website you know.

because he sucked quite a few dicks in his day (no procreation proves his faggotry)

He didn't invent it. All he did was sell power companies on using it for power transmission.

It's also worth pointing out that semiconductor and solid-state devices rely almost exclusively on stable direct current - DC won in the end.

>but he also went legit nuts.
and which scientist/genius/inovator/great mind didn't?

>if you don't like him, then turn of you computer, turn of the light in your room and turn down every electrical apliance in your house and then go live in the wood

Then Sup Forums would die because the computers everyone is using right now wouldn't exist without jews


Because he is Donald Trump Father

Because "muh Intel"?



he was the first faggot in america. and it resonates with your average millennial soy boy

He was only half way genius because all the wireless current fried his brains and he lived the rest of his life a crazy shut-in.

>reddit tier

Fuck off you kike.

the answer is nu/pol/, this and scientific illiteracy combined with r*ddit-flavoured contrarianism

the problem is retards glom onto the myth of tesla as opposed to the actual man himself and denigrate the true impact of his inventions and innovative mind and somehow turned his lore into that of a feud between another great inventor

tesla was a true genius in the sense that he single handedly brought electrical experimentation to its full fruition, and developed the modern world via AC, wireless, robotics. His lectures and patents are quite interesting in amazing and his on short coming is he never delves too much into the mathematics behind his ideas, the work of tesla was later put into an engineering language by the likes of steinmetz, alexanderson, bewley, bell labs, etc...

>Tesla didn’t invent anything

Are you braindead?

no one even uses DC any more edison shill

cud he make dem big turds witj his butthole

because he reminds them of their favourite fast food and energy beverage review based online personality

cars use DC you clown

must be from all of that monsanto (((natural))) soy that goyim is consuming

And yet here you are

only primitive cars that can't fly.

Why are you people so stupid?

and like really who wants to drive one of those around, silly.

Because he was dinaric and born in croatia and secretly croatian!

How many phases dick wipe, lets see if you get that right.

because they can only read bill nye's do butt stuff formulations.

It’s obviously two phases you mutant mutt.

>posted from AC power smart phone

Smart phones are pulsating DC.

He didn't have blue prints because he edited his mechanical plans in his head. He invented AC current, and he wasn't a money grabbing jew like Edison, nor was he an animal abusing conman nigger like Edison. He hated roasties and never married too.

What's reddit tier about him, faggot op?


Nearly every digital device uses a DC battery or an AC to DC converter.

good job user! You figured it out!

((worship)) is reddit tier.
knowing about person and celebrating their undoubted achievements isnt worship..

Well yeah. People itt saying DC is not used are retarded. Do they even binary?

do you even know the diff between emf v/i and displacement current v/i


Because most faggots here takes history lessons from a retarded internet comic where the "artist" seems to be very emotional about Tesla.
Nikola Tesla scientific contributions are indeed great, but Tesla and how autistic people sees him since this shitty webcomic came out is more a meme than anything else.

It's reddit tier to think that he invented "free electricity" and "time machines" among other idiocies.

Many of them did pursue whacky theories, but Tesla went into supervillian tier bullshit. Good thing none of it actually worked.
And why are you sucking his dick so hard? Because he was the only noteworthy thing Serbia ever produced?

Because he is Donald Trump Father

>wireless, robotics

a fucking leaf

what is this meme?

what internet comic are you even referring to

tsk tsk tsk

Yup, and thats the prob because none of these assholes have every read any of his lectures, or his colorado springs notes, and studied his patents, or read any of his late interviews

people love tesla, and in the same breath praise einstein, this just shows how disconnected society is because they dont even understand two diametrically opposite views of the universe...

>primative needs to use fossil fuels.

This shit :

>didn't think electrons were real
>didn't think atoms could be split
>ranted against QM and relativity when they are two of the most empirically verified theories of the 20th century

>knows everything

Tesla was first to patent the 3 phase AC motor in the USA 1888, but read on: Galileo Ferraris had come up with the same design months before in Italy, and Ferraris had talked about the motor as early as 1885. Ferraris was a university professor with no interest in making money from the invention.

Tesla just stole his work and patented it himself, he didn't invent shit.

He's as much of a faggot as Steve Jobs, a self promoter that steals others works and then cries when someone else does the same more successfully (Edison to Gates)

Because I liked tesla coils in C&C

wow thats like everyone from that time period how original

A nigger lover board?

Your an idiot




idiot, fuck you are stupid

>1896 - Marconi demonstrates the first practical remote control
>lol, whatever, his name sounds like macaroni
>1898 - Tesla sticks it in a toy boat
Go back to counting your potato

thats not a comic retard thats them saving / making a museum ofcourse they are emotional they are buying property.

He's a cuck

Dude, teslas polyphase motor was 4 phases, some people cant even history right(ie you read it in a book and didnt actually read his patents)

Marconi. *Chuckle.

>gives Tesla credit for transistors
>Tesla vehemently denied anything remotely quantum physics related
It's like giving a rabbi credit for inventing the ham sandwich

oh, wow, tesla made patents for things that didn't work (wireless power) or already existed (RC) like mr burger here said

There are a few good biographies about Tesla. Marc Seifer wrote a good one. If you take the time to read a biography of Tesla, he becomes a lot less bizarre character than if you just read Reddit posts and pop science articles by Millennials about him. The main thing with Tesla is that he never would have been rich no matter what he got credit for. He had no fucking clue of how to handle money. He was an impossible business partner, was one of these people who claim that the next huge breakthrough is just around the corner, and he spent money impulsively without any plan of what to do when the money was out. He could schmooze and kiss ass if he needed to, but it was too unnatural for him, and he ended up alienating all potential investors with his willfulness and eccentricity.

how is he reddit tier?
also Sup Forums is full of american nationalists who will defend edison to the death, so I dont see your point as even true.

>read a book
>knows everything about Tesla

>quantum physics

I read his biography. He was born at midnight during a thunderstorm in what is now Bosnia.

his wireless is radio you moron, you just might be too brain dead to understand that is what that patent is, polyphase motor was invented by him, it powers your house, i'll leave it to you to figure out what marconi added to actually impede the transmission of a wireless signal to what tesla had already perfected, lets see if you figure it out

>how is he reddit tier?
he wasn't reddit tier, but the cult that formed around him is pure reddit


you don't need to be ashamed, not everybody knows how transistors work

an now look at us. really makes me think about activated almonds.


What is now Croatia. Then Bosnia.

Yeah, thanks to your posts and others in this thread, I know a lot more than I do from reading a bunch of stupid books. What is the point of people like you?

>his wireless is radio you moron
your post says wireless power, did he make it work? no?
>polyphase motor was invented by him
ok, I never said he didn't invent it
>it powers your house
my house isn't powered by a motor. I have a pump with a motor, but its a monophase

Italians aren't white

Tesla made a 2 phase one in 1888
then he made a 4 pole, 3 phase one
both of these were after other people had already invented them
I don't think you know the difference between poles and phases

here's a link even a simpleton like you can understand with figures from his patents: