What can be done about Yellow Fever?

It seems the disease has spread everywhere, even to this very board. What can be done about it pol?

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Only soyboys go for Asians, so it follows that we need to ban all soy for consumption.

I don't think our elites would ever allow that, but excellent suggestion

You sound like a virgin.

Asian girls are petite, submissive, and their pussies are like vice grips. They're literally a man's jungle gym.

White woman here.
It's clear that all you white boys need some experience so you might as well practice not being so autistic on Asian women before talking to us or our sons ever again.

Ahh didn't take long for one of the afflicted to respond. Asian women are gold-diggers and not white.

> or our sons ever again.
You're not helping femanon

>Go to the gym
>lift weights
>take jiu jitsu lessons
>become a masculine man
>attract white women
>settle down but never complacent
>have children

Neither are you, virgin.

This is a good game plan, but how do we cure the yellow fever?