Zyklon b isn't even a gas. It's made of pellets and can't travel through pipes. How do the Jews get away fooling the masses on sonething so obviously untrue?
Zyklon b isn't even a gas. It's made of pellets and can't travel through pipes...
hydrogen cyanide is a liquid with a bp of 25C and is absorbed inside those pellets, which release the jewish-purging gas
Why not use hydrogen cynide
Checked. They claim it was poured through holes in the roof.
they told them they'd get money if they ate some
It takes a long time for it to fumigate a space at room temperature.
And with no claim claiming the nazis had a heating element in the gas chambers...
Holocaust is like bigfoot.
How come the supposed gas chambers had regular wooden doors that are clearly not gas tight like a gas chamber would be?
Not even trying to argue for or against any of this, but you don't need to completely seal to die from, for example, CO poisoning. There was a recent story about a nigger family of 5 int the US who all died because the nigger father turned some co2 producing machine inside the house and they all went to sleep.
Uy vey goyim, so many questions! Better ask your college professors like good goys, they know best, listen to what they say. You wouldn't want to be an antisemite, now would you?
Wouldn't it kill the guards too then?