What is a good comeback to "gays should be allowed to marry each other because why would you think otherwise...

what is a good comeback to "gays should be allowed to marry each other because why would you think otherwise?" without sperging

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You cannot argue with a fool. Just eat your wheeties and ignore your sister.

The state has no interest in two dudes buttfucking, society only has a vested interest in marriage because it creates babies. Fags can't do that.

The benefits of gay marriage:

Same-sex marriage policies are associated with reduced adolescent suicide attempts:







A majority (37) states had already legalized gay marriage when the Supreme Court decided to legalize it:


Gay marriage makes older LGBT adults happier:


But user there are way fucking too many people already I do not care about this issue one smidgen

how do you guys deal with blue pilled friends who wont listen to anything because they just assume that youre backwards thinking and delusional

1) You don't tell me what to think.
2) How does a homosexual marriage profit me? Normals have babies the right way (don't need to violate another person outside the relationship to reproduce ), those babies become productive members of society. Homosexuals can't do that.
3) Also, I don't want to pay extra for your preventable and abnormally high medical bills and extra costs for law enforcement for the inevitable domestic violence.

29% of gay couples in the US state of Mississippi have kids. Why should their family life be made harder because you want to pretend they don't exist?

The state has an interest in simple, clear, equal legal doctrine for all good faith parties and citizens.

The state has no interest in pushing harm with a face of religious hatred.

Great than you should have no problems supporting gay marriage and more importantly, b) not getting one yourself unless you are gay.


Straight people adopt kids and hire surrogates too.

Black people have higher rates of domestic violence as well. They are allowed to marry.


Well I usual-
oh wait all my friends are far-right, thank fuck

Best comeback is to abandon marriage as an institution. Leave it to the fags and soon, it won't mean much anyway.

That's a small minority of normals, just like homosexuals are 1.4% total population. They're a miniscule minority. We have more important things to deal with than making faggots feel.

The amount of normal people having kids through surrogacy is probably more than the total amount of gays doing it, as gay are such a small part of society. Homosexuals are disproportionately wealthy and productive, babies are likely to turn out successful within gay marriages. Your arguments are entirely ideological and not practical.

Under the state fine. Whatever. If a church does it, good luck with that. I wouldn't want to be that pastor. Try reading the old testament sometime. Not even the usual anti gay verses.

Men seeking other men for red-pilled companionship and abandoning the vaginal jew is bad?

The best argument is to have the State withdraw from marriage altogether and allow religious organizations do it again.

Marriage is not a civil right, it's a religious rite.

State can have civil unions, but not marriage.


Over 20% of gay couples have kids.


Proof or it ain't happening.

What you just said there can be taken in the opposite manner as well, since they're such a small minority, giving them those rights isn't going to effect things very much at all.


>The state has no interest
Gays consume products and pay taxes

Society has an interest in giving gay couples the right to marriage as they will go on vacations and shit

Because being a fag is a sin and all cocksuckers will burn in hell. So will the people that support them and allow them to commit unnatural acts.

>20% of faggots have kids.

No wonder mental health costs are so high.

I agree but will go further. The (((state))) is interested in babies of only certain controllable groups. You, I, and most of the individuals on this site probably are not members of said groups.

7% of millennials identify as gay or bisexual. Almost every survey of sexual identity has found rises in gay identification in the last decade, as well as among younger generations. You can argue that's just a phase, but then that's your entire argument. If it is reveled 7% of the population really is gay or bisexual, well that's a lot. Blacks got rights at 12.5% of the population in the 1950s and 1960s.


Excuse me, where did you provide proof of the things you said in your post?

Here's 75 studies showing kids turn out fine raised in gay marriages.

Seriously why would you care?

>stop liking sex that I don't like!

>stop it or else an ancient Semitic blood god named Yahweh will torture you forever!

You know how ridiculous you sound right Finn?

> without sperging

There's the challenge. It's a different paradigm entirely - someone who thinks homosexuality is okay has no reason to think gay marriage is not.

Gay are ok. It’s the trannies that need to go. We need to turn the gays against the trannies.

>the right way


cause i'd like to hear a more nuanced argument for gay marriage than the usual "gays should be married because we should spread positivity and what not"

Oh shit sorry, if I said it angers Allah then it would be ok right? You hypocritical cucks are so pathetic.

Why is "marriage" necessary? Why not civil unions, or filing out the correct paperwork that already existed to mimick a civil union? You faggots had the ability to create an entity without the need for anything else.

Why is it necessary to force marriage, a religious function, and society as a whole to play along with your delusional ideals of a miniscule minority that has no real place in a functional society?

We already are yet you waste your time fighting us gays in a losing battle.

Uniting all couples under the same legal system limits the burden for gay people.

Civil unions never 100% matched the rights conferred by marriage. Having a separate but equal system was doomed to fail. Segregation didn't pan out either.

>nuanced argument for gay marriage
Who needs nuance? It's simply a contract between other people and not you, assuming you're straight, so what do you care?

Assuming things about me because I'm Canadian? You're a leafophobe


People in civil unions were discriminated against and only given the rights of married people in a few states. In many places, people in civil unions weren't even allowed to see their partners in hospital. Thus the need for federal law. Civil unions would've been fine, but you guys hated even that and ruined it for yourselves.

>marriage, a religious function
Marriage is a contract. The legal debate over gay marriage is about marriage contracts, not ceremonies. The religious ceremonies associated with marriage were already legal for gays under, you know, freedom of religion.

This post is gay.

Why should marriage and civil unions have different legal names if they do the same thing legally? Oh wait, because they don't do the same thing.

The state doesn't force religious institutions into marrying homosexual people; it only mandates it for institutions which want tax deductions.

This is not a civil rights issue as homosexuality and other deviancies are either choices or products of mental illness - civil rights only applies to birth situations and disabilities.

Second of all, why not just start your own religious organization and have faggot marriage ceremonies. Why force Christianity to do it, apart from revenge?

That's what I think.
Whenever anyone asks what I think of fag marriage, I ask them why they aren't content with civil union.
What's the difference and why is there a separate class?
Why not have civil union be the legal aspect (fuck it, make it between any number of consenting adults) and all the marriage aspect can be, is whatever religious shit you want it to be.

>Elementary students haven’t even hit puberty yet and for some reason the left is bound and determined to make sure they understand all of their options when it comes to sexual behaviors.


It does in Sweden and Denmark because they have state religion. That said I couldn't find a single case of a hostile priest or church being obligated in either locale to actually perform a gay wedding.

>Why force Christianity
It was never about that retard, it was about the contracts... in no way are priests now obligated to do any ceremony they don't want to.

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

H-Y Antigen and Homosexuality in Men

Blanchard, Klassen


In men, sexual orientation correlates with the number of older brothers, each additional older brother increasing the odds of homosexuality by approximately 33%. It is hypothesized that this fraternal birth order effect reflects the progressive immunization of some mothers to Y-linked minor histocompatibility antigens (H-Y antigen) by each succeeding male fetus, and the concomitantly increasing effects of H-Y antibodies on the sexual differentiation of the brain in each succeeding male fetus. This hypothesis is consistent with a variety of evidence, including the apparent irrelevance of older sisters to the sexual orientation of later-born males, the probable involvement of H-Y antigen in the development of sex-typical traits, and the detrimental effects of immunization of female mice to H-Y antigen on the reproductive performance of subsequent male offspring.


The biology of sexual orientation has been studied in detail in several animal model systems. In the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the complete pathway of sexual differentiation of the brain and the behaviors it controls is well established in both males and females, providing a concise model of biologically controlled courtship.[26] In mammals, a group of geneticists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology altered the sexual preferences of female mice by removing a single gene linked to reproductive behavior. Without the gene, the mice exhibited masculine sexual behavior and attraction toward urine of other female mice. Those mice who retained the gene fucose mutarotase (FucM) were attracted to male mice.



Female relatives of male homosexuals have 1.3x as many kids:


Bisexual females have more teen pregnancies:


Hamer 1993:



Hamer 1995:


doi: 10.1038/ng1195-248

Hamer 2006:

Human sexual preference is a sexually dimorphic trait with a substantial genetic component. Linkage of male sexual orientation to markers on the X chromosome has been reported in some families. Here, we measured X chromosome inactivation ratios in 97 mothers of homosexual men and 103 age-matched control women without gay sons. The number of women with extreme skewing of X-inactivation was significantly higher in mothers of gay men (13/97=13%) compared to controls (4/103=4%) and increased in mothers with two or more gay sons (10/44=23%). Our findings support a role for the X chromosome in regulating sexual orientation in a subgroup of gay men.

Extreme skewing of X chromosome inactivation in mothers of homosexual men

Sanders 2014:


doi: 10.1017/S0033291714002451


In the case of blood type and the Rh factor, however, interesting patterns emerged. Heterosexual males and females exhibited statistically identical frequencies of the A blood type, while gay men exhibited a relatively low inci- dence and lesbians had a relatively high incidence (p < .05). In the case of the Rh factor, unusually high proportions of homosexuals of both sexes were Rh- when compared to heterosexuals (p < .06). The findings suggest that a connec- tion may exist between sexual orientation and genes both on chromosome 9 (where blood type is determined) and on chromosome 1 (where the Rh factor is regulated).

Eye Color, Hair Color, Blood Type, and the Rhesus Factor: Exploring Possible Genetic Links to Sexual Orientation

Das S. 2007

Identical twins are not 100% identical due to differences in womb environment:

Mechanisms for differences in monozygous twins Paul Gringras, Wai Chen, 2001


Another issue is the recent finding that even monozygotic twins can be different and there is a mechanism which might account for monozygotic twins being discordant for homosexuality. Gringas and Chen (2001) describe a number of mechanisms which can lead to differences between monozygotic twins, the most relevant here being chorionicity and amniocity.[13] Dichorionic twins potentially have different hormonal environments because they receive maternal blood from separate placenta, and this could result in different levels of brain masculinisation. Monoamniotic twins share a hormonal environment, but can suffer from the 'twin to twin transfusion syndrome' in which one twin is "relatively stuffed with blood and the other exsanguinated"


Twin resemblance was moderate for the 3,826 studied monozygotic and dizygotic same-sex twin pairs. Biometric modeling revealed that, in men, genetic effects explained .34–.39 of the variance, the shared environment .00, and the individual-specific environment .61–.66 of the variance. Corresponding estimates among women were .18–.19 for genetic factors, .16–.17 for shared environmental, and 64–.66 for unique environmental factors


Långström N, Rahman Q, Carlström E and Lichtenstein P (2010) Genetic and environmental effects on same‐sex sexual behavior: a population study of twins in Sweden. Archives of Sexual Behavior 39(1): 75–80.

Bailey 1991:


doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.1991.01810360053008




Straight males carry gay genes:





Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:


A novel predictive model of sexual orientation using epigenetic markers.

Authors: T. C. Ngun [1]; W. Guo [2]; N. M. Ghahramani [3]; K. Purkayastha [1]; D. Conn [4]; F. J. Sanchez [5]; S. Bocklandt [1]; M. Zhang [2,6]; C. M. Ramirez [4]; M. Pellegrini [7]; E. Vilain [1]







Androgen receptor gene linked to XQ28




Who forced Christianity to do it? Your head is up your ass. Can you attempt to research the world outside of image macros?

Marriage is not a contract. It's the creation of a new individual: the symbiotic pairing of Male/Female that results in offspring and completeness for both persons.

>I ask them why they aren't content with civil union.
maybe because there's no reason not to call a marriage contract, a marriage contract - except for your stupid feelings

yeah but state religion is fucking gay m8 so we don't have it here

Nobody is forcing these churches to allow gay celebrants:







because i inherently believe that being gay is not normal despite how much gays want people to think it is. by approving gay marriage people are only furthering a taboo and glorified fetish that has obviously gone too far. im fine with gays being gay but im just concerned about what door gay marriage may open

Once of the As stands for Allies. I don't even know what the hell that is.

I had to look it up obviously
"That stands for: Lesbian, Gay, Genderqueer, Bisexual, Demisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Twospirit, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Allies, Pansexual, Polyamorus"

Polyamorus? so whores is a gender now.
Pansexual? so it's like bisexual but.. it isn't
Questioning? so you can just not know and that's a gender

Get the rakes please

You throw them off the roof and scream allahu Akbar

What's the best response to when some faggot says "if gay sex isnt natural, why is there a g-spot in a mans ass, why would God put that there?"

No, that's sexual intercourse.

In Denmark I think the policy is that a priest can opt out but must find a replacement but that churches must agree to hold gay weddings because of state religion.

Are you really retarded or just pretending?
Make ALL marriage contracts just be a civil union Dumbass.

Tax deductions and exclusions must exist for religious institutions and organizations or the government would violate the 1st amendment.

That's fine but our rights don't end where your feelings begin.

There's tons of evidence being gay is a biological reality and you being too ignorant or lazy to read it doesn't make me wrong.

Marriage contracts exist. I'll repeat myself:

>The legal debate over gay marriage is about marriage contracts, not ceremonies. The religious ceremonies associated with marriage were already legal for gays under, you know, freedom of religion.

You don't understand how the law has even changed do you?

>i inherently believe that being gay is not normal
no fucking shit sherlock it is called being 'queer' for a reason

>gays want people to think it is
no, they just want to be left alone


Marriage is also historically a contract between families. Why do you think dowry exists in every single traditional society?

You're retarded (or maybe pretending for all I know). There's no rational reason to start calling marriages "civil unions", get over yourself.

>The state has no interest in pushing harm
queer pedophiles

And yet the state lets them adopt anyway.

>Why should their family life be made harder because you want to pretend they don't exist?

Because pedophilia and other aberrant sexual behaviour is vastly overrepresented in the fag community

Because you are a mentally unsound buttfucking faggot that shouldn't be raising a child

Because a child having two mommies or two daddies will have stunted development without the ability to biologically pair bond with both of its biological parents

Because marriage is between a man and a woman, meant for the conception and upbringing of children.

Your "evidence" is very subjective. Not good science. And from your reaction, it is about revenge against Christianity. Forcing mommy and daddy to accept you being a faggot than getting mental help and accepting the boy parts go into the girl parts.

Jesus christ leaf, really?
What's the legal difference between the two?
My point is, and I'll be sure to use small words for you:
If there's no legal difference between the two, but there is an added religious component referenced, whoops sorry, talked about, in the marriage version - then scrap that part and make them legally the same as the simpler of the two.
Get it?
You can fucking call it marriage, a civil union or whatever you want for all it matters, I'm talking about the legal aspect.

Marriage is the joining of two people to produce offspring that is a mix of them both. Faggots can't reproduce and will never produce a mix of both their genes to create one. These "marriages" truly put the (((sham))) in shambolic.

Read Hoppe

"...in a covenant founded for the purpose of protecting family and kin, there can be no tolerance toward those habitually promoting lifestyles incompatible with this goal. They – the advocates of alternative, non-family and kin-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism – will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order"

tl;dr shut the fuck up and go back into the closet before you get removed

This, there is literally no reason for gays to marry

You haven't been married, have you?

You're just sticking your head in the sand and ignoring the simple fact that what you're so worried about (gay marriage rituals) were legal ALREADY. This is about contracts so you can take the mystical shit to anytime

I get it, it's just stupid to start legally defining marriages as civil unions to satisfy the feelings of superstitious people

MS reporting in. I'm with you homosexual user. I've always laughed at the idea of "family values" on account of it always being exclusionary instead of inclusive in it's application. I'm in favor of marriage period. Instead of looking at family values from a moral or religious standpoint, we should be looking at it from a social standpoint. The data is in. Kids who grow up with two parents, heterosexual or homosexual, do better than single parent households. Is homosexual marriage and family life better than traditional marriage? Hell no. Nature has declared traditional marriage to be better for raising families, but with that said, homosexual marriage does just fine too.

>”This sin, the impact of which makes one’s skin crawl, which words cannot describe, is evidence of perverted instincts, total collapse of shame and honor, and extreme filthiness of character and soul… The heavens, the Earth and the mountains tremble from the impact of this sin. The angels shudder as they anticipate the punishment of Allah to descend upon the people who commit this indescribable sin.”

>That's fine but our rights don't end where your feelings begin

Does that apply to the rest of us?

No one is threatening your rights.

>The legal debate over gay marriage is about marriage contracts, not ceremonies. The religious ceremonies associated with marriage were already legal for gays under, you know, freedom of religion.

Get it through your head, daft motherfucker.

>no, they just want to be left alone

we both know that not true. truth is most sheeple are idiots and the left media isn't helping by making gays normal. normal would be in line with nature and natural as it is and being gay is a total antithesis of that

> called being 'queer' for a reason
so it is a taboo? whats your point

> tons of evidence being gay is a biological reality

link. its pretty cut clear its a mental illness.

That’s essentially the reason why everything in the world has gone to shit

Fine. Then we should chance the debate to end government intervention into marriage as a violation of the 1st Amendment.

Cut them off.

>Why should their family life be made harder because you want to pretend they don't exist?
Their kids have it hard enough with all the child molestation. If you fags stopped touching kids then it wouldn't be a problem. Fags reproduce by diddling children, you deserve to be wiped out.


Homosexuals do not want to be left alone. If they did, they wouldn't had done the damage they've done so far.

>we both know that not true
Yes it is. Gay people do not want to have gay sex in your living room, they want their own private life. It's about individual liberties.

>normal would be in line with nature
Animals have gay sex too. It's abnormal but not unnatural.

No one wants government to stop issuing marriage contracts. Just get over the fact that queers exist.

Moses approves of this.

Who performed the ceremony?

>Because marriage is between a man and a woman, meant for the conception and upbringing of children.

>a man and a woman
[i]Notices spooks.[/i]
OwO What's this?

Except people get married and don't produce children sometimes. One of my neighbors was married but couldn't have kids because she was infertile because she had cAIS.

>the symbiotic pairing of Male/Female that results in offspring
That's sexual intercourse. You're insane.

is subjective.

The state could always redefine "civil union" to justify discrimination, if it wanted. It couldn't do that if it was under the same name as straight couple unions. The difference in name already creates a potential for unfair treatment and social alienation.

Can you tell me why whether gays getting married or not is any of your business?

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a pervasive problem with myriad short- and long-term consequences for victims and their families. Its impact is far-reaching with recent estimates that 26.6% of girls and 5.1% of boys experience sexual abuse or assault by age 17 (Finkelhor, Shattuck, Turner, & Hamby, 2014).















About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
-Mendel, 1993.

