Europe becomes atheist

>Europe becomes atheist
>Islamic invaders flood in

Coincidence? I think not!

Other urls found in this thread:

>Europe becomes pagan again
>Islamic invaders stopped

>anything other than obvious LARPing


>Deus vult
>Thinks the pope would ever call another crusade


Not this current Pope, to be certain. To rule it out entirely in the future, however? Come on, now.

there would have to be a complete re-conversion back to the church to provide funding and man power. and a reason to go on crusades(help middle eastern Christians who make up a large percent of the population)

back in 1090s asia minor which fell to turks had a majority christian population along with syria, iraq, egypt, lebanon and palestine. nowadays many of those communities have been exterminated by islam

japan is the antichrist

>europe becomes pagan again

I'll take things that will never, ever happen for $200, Alex.


Where a void exists, powers will seek to fill it.
Where a spiritual void has formed in society, the powers of evil have begun to swarm in.

Letting others in would be the Christian thing to do. So these atheists follow your teachings better then you do.

This brings me back.
Those were simpler times, nigger and kike were just funny words you could not say elsewhere without getting banned.
There was no hate or anger, only fun.

shame i was too late, must be fun

To be fair, on the other boards things have mostly remained fun. I think people have just gotten super pissed at the political sphere, and thus they forgot to not take things so seriously.

Funny, I actually would have thought the Communist girl would be more into folk. Stuff like Utah Phillips, Phil Ochs, and Tom Morello.

>Europe becomes more atheist
>Nothing happens for 50 years
>Globalists flood Europe with shitskins
>Churches start to virtue signal by welcoming them
If not for the christian ideals of altruism to the point of martyrdom, which is still present in european atheists, there would be no cultural weakness for globalists to exploit.

>replacing a Jewish religion with another Jewish religion

Europeans are destined to be cucks and slaves of the Jews.

Everything was more weaboo, "anonymous", nothing was really political or serious, lulz were the only thing that mattered and dude we did have a lot of fun.

Not really, I started getting told to go back to pol for saying things that everyone laugh at some years ago. That's the main reason i actually ended up in here.

Fascist girl all the way desu

Fascist girl seems like a stronger person but communist girl seems like a more feminine person. Definitely a tough choice between the two.

>atheism implys nothing matters
>males and females become weak and androgynous
Coincidence pol?