Living in Atlanta vs living in Seattle?

Next year i have the choice of studying in a university in either city. Whats it like living in these cities? What should i know about these cities? Is there a lot to do in Seattle? The weather isnt a concern to me since im from the UK and from what i gather, the weather is pretty much the same in Seattle as it is here (Rain!!)

One thing that i REALLY like about Seattle is the legality of marijuana. I am from the UK if that means anything.

HARD MODE: 'Atlanta has Niggers' isnt a reason

From what ive heard, Seattle (UW) students/residents arent very 'social' compared to Atlanta. To what extent are these stereotypes true?

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Bump :)

Atlantan here.

Go with Seattle. It’s pozzed but don’t underestimate the damage niggers can do to a city. Seattle has blacks, but nothing on the scale of Atlanta.

Also, can’t do Atlanta without a car.

You think "Atlanta has niggers" isn't an argument only because you've never been there


They call it the seattle freeze.
Don't know what the fuck that means though.

Seattle is a liberal pussy fest and is overpriced.

No one lives in downtown Atlanta except nogs and millenials with rich parents. Look for stuff in Gwinnett, Cobb, or sandy springs instead unless you really have to be close to your college. I lived in midtown for mine and it’s ok but infested with nogs and “liberals” whose parents pay their way and think life is just wonderful. Our cost of living is better and you can find actual southerners here too like me who are friendly and aren’t “evolved city people” or elitists liberals. We also have guns.

t came to Atlanta for college in 2005 and have a house here now in the northeast with a wife.

Coke-a-Cola is gross. It's hot. Traffic is lame. And well, Atlanta has Niggers...

Starbucks is gross. It rains. People are to smug to drive. And well, Seattle has fags...

Your call.

I went to college in Atlanta and have friends from college who live and work in Seattle now. I would say go to college in Atlanta. It's a fun, growing city with a lot to do. If you have an specific questions ask away.

Also, the people in Atlanta aren’t nice lol.
It’s a fucking giant glob city like any other. It’s not Gone with the Wind dude.

Southern people are very different from the rest of the US, but Atlanta is very cosmopolitan and has lost it’s “Southerness”.

The women in Atlanta are much prettier, but the men are also generally more muscular/handsome so if your spergy the hotness of the girls is irrelevant. You won’t have access.

Seattle has a bunch of girls that look like librarians, but since all the guys are soys boys, it was easy to get attention from the odd 7 or 8 I came across there. Repeat for Portland.

Are you a nigger by chance?