Fuck it
My name is Robert O’Donal, I’m a special agent working with the FBIs domestic terror unit. My ID number is RO243743. I have been in the unit for almost three years now and I haven’t done a very good job. The guys upstairs figured I was a fuck up (hey, they might be right) so they sent me to interact with the alt-right. They said I needed to gather information and all I’ve fucking gathered is that you racist assholes are more retarded than I am. You “sperg” out on the simplest things and your slang goes from idiotic to barely understandable (“spoal” isn’t as funny as you think it is) and I have to type it all up on my stupid fucking computer, attach it to my stupid fucking .gov email, and send it to my stupid fucking bosses who laugh at me behind my back. Why? Because there’s a team out there responsible for killing The Branch Davidians and I’m just fucking talking to internet racists about fucking “Blaire White” (his real name is Robert, you fags)
There, I said it, and I hope my handlers are reading this so I can finally tell them to fuck off.
Austin Sullivan
Joshua Lopez
Soooo...you get paid to read Sup Forums for 8 hours?
Aaron Wilson
Trolling your professor?
Tyler Wilson
Hi rob! what's new?
Cameron Peterson
pics with timestamp or kys
>in all fields until proof
Samuel Sanchez
>img file name download (14)
this is such low quality bait. 1.5/10
remember sage goes in all fields
Anthony Rivera
Welcome brother
Thomas Sanchez
Ask your supervisors about the Awan/DWS scandal for me, cunt. Suck my dick and afterwords stick around because now you can never leave.
Juan Stewart
Tell stories.
Grayson Rogers
Just for the sake of argument you are actually telling the truth all I have to say is this ; your job sucks.
That is all. Nothing more really needs to be said. Lol.