Where in the spectrum are you? Why? Genuine political discussion thread

Where in the spectrum are you? Why? Genuine political discussion thread

I don't know how i choose my clothes in the morning

>still using the compass jew




bitches get on my level


>Where in the spectrum are you?
It's still hard for me to get along with others, though.

>economics being totally divorced from authoritarian/libertarian ideals

Is this basically just leftist propaganda?

I suggest reading some anarchist literature, my dear property--and I mean real anarchist literature, not that "anarcho"-capitalist crypto-Judaism.

I am what I am

free trade and vicious crack down on reds can both happen within the same borders

Your ideology is a spook, faggot.

Spekr is much better and more accurate.

Tis only a semi-spook because it does not bar me from my ego's desires, unlike actual spooks, my dear property.


So adorable! I think I'll sell you last.


Just rape me to death instead. I'm not worth anything anyways.

Heres my 8values


Ha, the look on your starving face will be priceless.

Beg your new warlord to rape you to death.

Ohh rape me to death daddy, please

>you must deposit 69 dogecoin to MemeCorp™ to see the full sized version of this image

All Anarchists are faggots

How am I doing, bros? Leaf land is far behind me.

Sounds about right.

I'm straight.

I'm not a faggot, user. Nobody kills Communists like Fascists.

Thank you.

Surveytaking is not allowed.


Marxist-Leninism is just fascism with a red coating. MLs kill communists?

I doubt you exist, my dear property.



My large number of traditionally right-wing views and notable number of traditionally left wing views means I would be authoritarian center.

but considering I am in full support of ethno-states and eugenics programs and active discrimination against fat people, "centrist" is not what one would use to describe me.

So basically: that rudimentary system is insufficient


It's about the same. However, it moved me up a notch because I said taxes should be applied to everybody equally, even though I'm an ancap and don't believe in taxation.
If you're gonna tax, don't discriminate.

Rape and gay daddy issues. You're a real piece of work. How many new boy friends did you watch plow your mom?

You're on the level of someone that will never actually get bitches. Anime posters are pathetic.

>where am I

my metapolitical ideology can only be found on 3D spectrums... anarcho nazism

Safe to say that everyone at Sup Forums is high on the autism spectrum and even higher on the retardation spectrum. Average IQ is probably 90.

Fun fact: same people are running our country

Ancap, because no other view offers a plausibly reliable solution to the problem of corruption.

anime posters are better than racemixing you kike leaf fuck

Do you fucking buy toilet paper on the black market

how the fuck are you going to force people to produce for the public good without force

>Marxist-Leninism is just fascism with a red coating
Anarcho-Communism is literally an oxymoron
>no other view offers a plausibly reliable solution to the problem of corruption
What about a nationalistic state government?

If you're willing to ignore the militant atheism and the entire economic model I could see how MLism (fucking communism, you over educated faggot) could be called Fascism with a red coat...

It's a fine line Authoritarians play with, but there's certainly a "more evil" among the "two sides".




>What about a nationalistic state government?

even more likely to be corrupt since they have more control over the populace


Removing a government and then renaming "corruption" to "smart business" is not a "solution".


>actually is a fleur-de-lys
Please, make the difference.

Here's where I am on the political spectrum

this is me after my hard shift right. goddammit.

Read up on polycentric law.

Leftism can only be libertarian at the tribe/village level, as soon as it becomes state level with money involved it stops being libertarian. This is because the state is forced to control the value of goods which is inherently authoritarian

Keep goin'. You can do it!

Fascist governments allow private ownership so long as the corporation serves the "interests" of the "nationhood" but the moment they don't serve those interests, the state seizes the corporation's means of production or destroys the corporation.

In a Marxist-Leninist "socialist" state, the nationality is the proletariat class and boss-worker relations are seen as against the proletarian nationhood. Therefore, the state seizes all privately owned means of production.

On top of this, fascism suppresses opposition. Has Marxist-Leninism not done this in the past? Let's just forget what Stalin did to Trotsky.

Furthermore, not all fascism is religious.

Fascism also is super-hierarchical. Marxist-Leninism is also like this. According to Mikhail Bakunin, statism and socialism are incompatible because a state-dictatorship by the proletariat just creates another underclass--a new proletariat--and the old proletariat become the new bourgeoisie (Bakunin: Statism and Anarchy). So, even in theory, ML is hierarchical. However, it becomes even more hierarchical when you consider it relies on representative "democracy" and an all-powerful dictator. Where have we seen dictatorships before? Fascist Italy? Hitlerist Germany?

Note the representative "democracy" bit. The proletariat didn't actually have direct control over the means of production; a statist over-class did--Stalin owned and managed the means of production, not the people. Socialism is when the means of production are directly managed by the workers through direct consensus democracy, a Marxist-Leninist state society cannot even remotely be called socialism without serious mental gymnastics. Just as Hitler betrayed the socialist aspect of national socialism, but still called his ideology "socialism" and ran in the NSDAP, Marxist-Leninists throw out the socialist aspect of the historical dialectic.

>tfw no commie gf to fuck my ass

end the fed

The communist society is stateless, classless, moneyless, and socialist, so anarcho-communism is not an oxymoron. Anarcho-communism is a theory about how to get to a communist society. It rejects the socialist state in favor of a transition from capitalism to libertarian socialism into the communist society.

I'd fuck you. Sex is mutual aid, after all, and who can reject that? I assume you like girl-dick, right?

black anarchist in top right is cute desu

Yes bby

My ass is your personal property

anyone have the "rich jews in american government" one?

Sexual union of egoists rn desu
So, what time and place?


>inb4 100 gorillion dead


>Even remotely tankie

>A fellow comrade on Sup Forums

what you think about me?

AC isn't anti-communist, it's just anti-Marx is all.

Marxism-Leninism is not Marxism.
But yes, an-com includes revision of Marx's dialectical materialism.

i actually just want to kiss your cute cock

I myself am roughly this.

It's interesting to see how the other half lives 2bh.


How do u realistically get people in a Nation to follow your commie rules without a State gov?

I'd be fine with that too.
Go ahead and kiss my cute, flaccid, estrogen-laden penis, my dear property, before you run out of time and it gets chopped off. UwU

I'm an egoist anarchist so I'm not a communist though I do believe at least small-scale communism within unions of egoists would be inevitable.

But, probably through culture. Class conflict would result in a very social anarchist culture built on horizontal free associations, which would lay the foundation for a communist society, which would arise out of post-scarcity.

Seems like you need to retake the test. How do you fail a political test


Shitty 8values thinks I'm a neo con cause i like traditional family values but i'm a 1776 libertarian

This is good but you should also remove the authoritarian right because the state is inherently incompatible with equality because it relies on social hierarchy by its very nature.

Authoritarian left*
Sorry, I'm tired.

Good luck on your transition user, you're gonna make it

I love you and the world loves you


Thank you, Sup Forumsfriendo; I needed that right now

Fucking degenerates

>"Away from race"
I never had a race to step away from--only my ego.

Off my board homo

a spook
also I don't like girls usually, my dear property

Be nicer to commies

Theyre probably going to win

An-coms won't kill you, unlike Leninists.
Usually. Anti-fa is counter-revolutionary, of course.

>le ghost man
Take your pseudo-intellectual nihilism back to leftypol degenerate

In an Ancom society, ancaps can't exist
In an Ancap society, ancoms can exist

Cease this degeneracy

Leftypol is gay, my dear property.

>Complaining about people being more intellectual than you.

Ancaps can exist, if you don't exploit anybody. So, boss-worker relationships would be disallowed, but you could still have free-markets, though post-scarcity would probably render markets useless anyways.