Why is the MSM reacting so harshly over onions?
Why is the MSM reacting so harshly over onions?
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lol whut
literally never heard of this shit, someone obviously posted a troll thread and the dummies in the MSM lapped it up.
Because it puts us down and spreads misinformation at the same time. Two birds with one stone. Won't work, though - never does.
I say good on them. let the disinfo fly. it'll just give us more room to move to get shit done.
This whole Retarded meme ended up being exposed.some cuck reporter making his own thread & reporting on it...Angela Nagle is another one doing the same b.s.
As they are out of OC I would expect it more and more,this fucking tibetian sand painting forum is now the center of the media universe.
>Because it puts us down
i started eating 1 raw onion a day for breakfast and my test went up 156%.
>jews trying to keep us from being uncucked gentiles by lying about the wondrous benefits of onions.
All according to plan
Manly test boosting onions have always triggered the feminine blood sucking jew
>be msm
>realize that people would rather listen to the ramblings of turbo autists on an anime enthusiast forum than you
>decide it's easier to just shitpost on said forum and report on your own shitposting than to actually investigate anything worthwhile since that might get you Seth Rich' d
>find something that isn't entirely made up but dramatize certain facts to make yourself seem like just another shitposter
Pretty soon le 56% face will be on the cover of the NYT
Onions are pretty damn awesome. They’re like the Barlow lens of savory food.
if you want to increase test, do heavy squats and deadlifts 3x a week.
I'm convinced the onion thing is a shill technique
They made the threads.
Onion pill me. Are we still chugging OJ or not?
>not eating onions
Alliums in general are based. Some lose all their value when cooked (garlic) while others can be eaten any way you want besides deep fried (onions).
>wanting bestchan to be known
you honestly have to return from your place of origin
>exit posto
Because the MSM planted the threads to discredit alternative media like Sup Forums
i hope it does, that is what they wanted wasn't it? a nation of mongrelized mutts too dumb to do any labor impovering their overlords before they turn on them blaming them for their failure and eat them in the streets
haha is this real ?
know your onions boy, become a man
asians eat onions all the time. we need asian pol users to go on social media calling the msm racist fucks for attacking their culture and connecting it to white supremacists.
how did you miss the solid week of daily onion meme threads?
Come home onion men.
>msm shitpost about onions giving testosterone
>msm reports shitposting through their channels
>a bunch of anons start consuming copious amounts of onions the same way greeks and romans did
>Sup Forums becomes high test stronk anons
Don't forget your garlic too anons
There was lots of threads user. And onions are a super food that appears to increase testosterone. Google the science.
>uneducated content tier 'journalist' trying to laugh because tests were done on lab rats not on humans
>tests are always done on lab rats. Humans are used at the last minute IF someone can make a profit and run VERY expensive tests.
>can't make a profit because onions are cheap/ubiquitous
Garlic is a super food too. It's a better anti-biotic than penicillin.
Always use organic if possible, from my experience with treating dental abscess with garlic (it was like a miracle).
>onion men
I'm taking that
I just carmalized some onions today. My first ever attempt. Turned out ok, room for improvement. I don't care if it is a meme, onions have some of the lowest phytoestrogen content so they are actually pro testosterone in the sense that you aren't harming your T as bad as most other shit out there like:
- hormone injected non-organic meat
- estrogen loaded milk and dairy loaded (up to 33x more due to modern year round cow pregnancy practices)
- high phytoestrogen plants proven to lower free testosterone
Holy shit, hang yourself
this why would you destroy all the nutritional benefits of onion with heat? You must eat them raw
sounds like some shit right out the vegans mentally deranged handbook.
it's possible. still good to know diff ways to prep onions. but yeah carmalizing them is pretty damn near a chemical state change it's so brutal.
the spammed a few threads for a day then wrote an article about it.
Onions do work but they're also toxic in large quantities and you need to a) build up a tolerance to them, and b) Be prepared to reek of onions for weeks ( c) have a healthy liver)
Brazil nuts
Black pepper
Red grapes
All test boosters, eat a diet mixing all of this garbage and you'll look like a greek god. Also, don't jerk off in 2 week intervals.
also fasting in 24-48 hour intervals will boost test
I just eat a clove of garlic daily. Not sure if it's just as good or what, but it just seems like a concentrated onion to me.
>not onion knight
Fukken yanks
Accurate title tho lul
Lower even, 16-18 hour fasts are called intermittent fasting and they boost your test up to 50% and HGH up to 300%. Basically limit your eating to a specific 6-8 hour window every day. I skip breakfast, eat a late lunch, and a normal dinner, but that's it, no snacking outside that 1:30pm to 7:30pm window.
What would the reaction be if Trump onionposted on twitter?
>shit what should I write today???
>Let's see what Sup Forums/Reddit is up to
This is our time and shouldn't come as a surprise anymore.
I think the onionpill is organic - there's years of old forum shitposts about onion's effect on test, and if it were really a psyop I think they would choose something more malicious than onions, like cow shit pancakes or mustard gas crystals or something
The reporters are just lazy and don't want to do any actual reporting so they just write some political drivel.
Just another op to screw with msm. They report it and ridicule us, but there's always gonna be a few pathetic leftist cucks who'll secretly try it and end up stinking with bad heartburn for a few days.
It's fuggn delicious
I don’t know about the testosterone part, but there are SO many benefits to intermittent fasting. I would caution people with extremely low body fat (hardcore excercise junkies on a cut) to not intermittently fast, however; you will experience negative effects. Absolutely crazy beneficial for anyone who is overweight though and so much data and study on it I won’t even bother linking, google it up.
Benefits begin at about 12 hours fasting, I recommend 16.
>msm: Onions are the foods of the baby killing jew burning nigga blasting alt right
>soy boys eat less onions
>soy boys become more soy
eat your onions and garlic lads
Everyone would lose their fucking minds, it would be amazing.
well I do agree it's delicioso and it's better than not eating any onions, so eat up lads
why is there a seperate word for garlic? In swedish it's just white onion
I wonder if I raised a kid on intermittent fasting would he turn into a super being? A god among men. Or would the CPS just take him away from me.
Onions are good for you but their not gonna make your testosterone spike.
>Trump posts a tweet about something he's signed
>Picture of Trump sitting at his desk signing papers
>Everything looks normal
>Look closely
>There is an onion on the side of his desk
No idea fellow Swede, I do know their kinda in the same family but we view them as different foods. We even view scallions (green onions) differently from onions and garlic but they're high test too
I want it subtle. A tweet with the word layers and something bringing a tear to his eye.
We don’t want to spoil Sup Forums just keep them high energy.
of course cps would take him away, they're instructed to keep children plump and docile.
I ate pad Thai with three types of onions in it last night and was thinking, wait, this isn't white food.
I took the onion pill 4 days ago.
I'm eating two raw onions everyday, one purple one yellow. I slice them on sammichs, dice them in omelettes, put them in soup and eat extra of them with liver.
Don't notice anything yet, but I never was a soyim to begin with.
It doesn't increase it, but it might have an effect on spermatogenesis and being horny
Fresh onion juice enhanced copulatory behavior in male rats with and without paroxetine-induced sexual dysfunction. (Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2014 Feb;239(2):177-82. doi: 10.1177/1535370213508360. Epub 2013 Dec 3.)
Evaluation of androgenic activity of allium cepa on spermatogenesis in the rat. (Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2009 Feb;68(1):45-51.)
The role of Allium cepa on aluminum-induced reproductive dysfunction in experimental male rat models. (J Hum Reprod Sci. 2012 May;5(2):200-5. doi: 10.4103/0974-1208.101022.)
>It is thus suggested that Al exerts reproductive dysfunction by oxidative damage. A. cepa antagonizes the toxic effects of AlCl(3) and improves the antioxidant status and sperm quality of male rat. However, testosterone level did not increase with A. cepa treatment.
How should I eat my onions?
I'm thinking chopped red onions with tomatoes.
No, it's very much legit. See ergo-log.com
>Studies have also shown that onions contain strong antioxidants. So the researchers put two and two together and bought ordinary onions – Latin name Allium cepa – on the market. They peeled the onions and put them in a domestic juicer made by Tefal. The juice they got is what they used in their trials.
>Their subjects were a group of 8-week-old male rats. Of these, 10 were given ordinary food for 20 days. [Control] Ten other rats got 0.5 g per kg bodyweight of onion juice, which was pumped into their stomachs using a tube. Another 10 rats were given the same treatment, but got 1 g/kg bodyweight/day.
> The table below shows that after 20 days the onion juice had improved the sperm quality and increased the concentration of LH, FSH and testosterone in the rats' blood.
I drank a mixture of red onions and tomatoes and I was fine. It's obvious why they want to suppress it.
>An academic study from researchers at Brunel University London assessed 171 men, looking at their height, weight, overall physical strength and bicep circumference, along with their views on redistribution of wealth and income inequality. The study, published in the Evolution and Human Behavior journal, found that weaker men were more likely to favor socialist policies than stronger men.
it takes months if not years of dedicated clean eating to turnover your body's shit cells to gud cells. That's why athletes stick to a dedicated dietary plan of food cooked from raw/basic ingredients. You are what you eat
Sometimes the weirdest shit can be true.
Vegans even have a couple valid points.
That’s fine and all, but it really was a bunch of troll threads a la “grow kewl crystals at home” more than it was anyone posting taking it seriously. People were shilling about how they drank blended onions and then being made fun of for not eating several like an apple.
It was definitely focused more on “trick newfag who want to fit in into doing something stupid” than people actually eating two or three onions in a day.
>It doesn't increase it
In the first paper there was a large increase in testo levels.
"Serum testosterone levels increased significantly by onion juice administration"
Figure 2 shows increase from 450 to 800ng/dl.
I would call that practically significant vgiven that 450 is borderline soyboy and 800 is high for a 20 year old.
High testosterone and bad breath both trigger lib shit dykes. As far as they're concerned the only good man is silent, unnoticeable, has clean breath and low testosterone, never speaks up and pays 70% of his income as taxes with no complaint.
We've stumbled onto something powerful, onions of great testosterone, and it scares them. What do liberals do when they're scared? Yeah they spurg out and spout nonsense, as they did with Trump and as they're doing here.
I eat 2 whole onions a day, I cut them into boats like an apple and eat them quickly together with a shot of olive oil
testosterone pumped sex warlords
jesus christ metro lol
onions are great for health.
Desperate MSM just filling column inches and attempting to make the far right look ludicrous like they did with skinheads/rednecks/kkk for decades. They never try to pull this shit with people like Jared Taylor because people who actually listen to his arguments start to think: 'hold on, the msm are talking shit, this is all basic reasonable stuff'
Because they're the same shills that say salt, bananas, eggs, etc. are bad for you, but eating soy is perfectly good.
The soyboy fears the onion knight.
onions are to bugmen what garlic is to vampires
When you realize you get raw onions in your burrito on a daily basis and the onion juice in the salsa and you start drinking onion juice. Soy boys will forever be the betas
I don't even get this meme. I ate quite a lot of onions before and after I stopped eating meat.
This makes my dick hard.
Take the berry pill.
but that's nutrition science and you get killed
>will drink raw onion juice
>won’t give up the visual soy
No. Vegan is miss definitively a moral plan not a health plan.
Yes, soyim, you need a healthy liver to ingest God's onions, but don't worry about NSAIDS. Those are fine.
> the soy cries out as it strikes you!
This guy gets it.
Onion knight is a class in a few different final fantasy games that is largely ignored by your average player and considered a “joke class” due to its below average stat growth, however it becomes game breaking towards the end of it’s power curve and completely overshadows any other class through overwhelming strength in the endgame
This was our arc.
This is the endgame.
We are the onion knights.
Our power is now undeniable.
Soon the weak will fear the strong.
Our existence is no longer a funny joke.
They bruise our heels, we bruise their heads.
The meme war closes, the final war begins soon.
>not a health plan
>longer lives
>less diseases
>lower rates of cancer
>lower rates of diabetes
>lower rates of osteoporosis
>alkaline, less acidic in general
>healthy fats
>nutrient dense
ok kiddo
It's idiot """journalists""" venturing to other boards and thinking they are the same people that also post on Sup Forums.
Garlic is a poison.
Oh wow, people who give a second thought to what they eat are on average healthier than your average bluepilled welfare recipient, what are the odds?
Refer to the picture in my previous post, Veganism will never be an optimal diet. Having a diet that is better than average isn’t exactly worth a gold star.
Onionism will be our credo.
>be me
>21 year old male
>2 sexual partners one female one female (male)
>eating Cliff bars everyday
>turns out theyre made with soy protein
>i had become a literal soyboy
>start eating an onion every day
>onion with my eggs for breakfast
>onion with my brown rice and baked chicken
>onions like im trappin on the silk road
>start losing weight
>depression cured
>gino cured
>go to the doctor
>get bloodwork back
>testosterone above average for a male my age
that's rich in a thread about ONIONS. can you even begin to explain what is unhealthy about a diet without animal products?
Shit, my bad, I just skimmed it.
Anyway, onions are great and I can't imagine cuisine without them one way or the other. BBQ without onions, meatballs without onions, salads without onions, that just doesn't work with me.
What about shallots?
>have to buy Vitamin B12 and iron supplements from pharmaceutical companies
>have to give up on leather
>have to give up on biological agents like antibodies because they're made using hamster ovary cells
its time to take this onion matter to the next level I think
Based onions. Bitter as the red-pill