The right has abandoned Academia

Why has Sup Forums given up on higher education? Why not fix the problem that is tainting the American School system. Instead the right is abandoning ship. STEM is vital to Americas future. Higher Eduction can be on your side it just needs help to fight back the radical left..

Not everyone thinks like this.

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Too far gone. Can't be saved. Must construct alternative system.

I'd reckon >98% of my ancestors didn't attend college and we survived, and I'm surviving. I'm not a fan of the country of America or any other white country as they are right now so I shouldn't be supporting it. If anything I should be squeezing as much out of it as I can like the niggers and spics do.

Bitch I have 100+ acres in Kentucky and enough ammo to start a war. I'm waiting for shit to go bad.

In case you haven't noticed, there really isn't a "right" in the United States. The "right" in America embraces deformities, weakness, victimization, persecution complexes, international intervention, etc. It just has differences of opinion how minor details and degrees.

What kind of education system do you have in mind? Just curious.

yea we decided to learn trades

let the brown people have their gender and ethnic studys

we'll study Hegelion philosophy on our own time

you guys see that fattie from project veritas that got outed as a spook? that's the best the right has to offer. Okeef gets 300000 in funding and he can't even fool leftists. Conservatives are brain dead.

The right is entering trade schools and becoming self-employed. Why don't lefties understand that when you saturate the market with degrees they become less valuable? It's basic economics.

It became terminally cancerous with Frankfurt kike-think.