What the hell is Delta Force?

>Classified troop strength.
>Don't use identifiers for rank, senority, awards, etc.
>Buck uniform and grooming standards present in all military units.
>Highest average age of all special forces units worldwide.
>Operator's identities are kept largely secret.
>Operators are given discretionary funding and travel covertly.
>Operators are trained to blend seamlessly with civilian populations across the globe.
>Operators are taught to break from military authoritarian modes of thinking and work largely with discretion.
>Recruits from across services branches from SEAL teams and other elite counter-terrorism units.
>Despite recruiting soldiers that are already elite, Delta selection often passes less than 10% of applicants.
>Open secret that they employ tactics that violate Geneva Convention and other martial treaties.
>Open secret that they engage in wholesale assassination of Tier 1 personalities.

So what type of high speed shit does Sup Forums think they get up to?

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The same as all your other special forces, getting BTFOed by a bunch of criminals that live in a desert.

Delta Force was at Waco and the WTO protests. Under whose authority?

High FSM engagements really. DOD implemented the piranha culture years ago into the Spec ops game which turned into a free for all.

T. cuck who’s too much of a pozzed faggot to let our navy into your ports

They are inferior to the Spartan IIs.


Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire OP

Run around and shoot people more often than regular military members.

Getting their dicks wet and trying to stay sane

Still better than Kiwi Force you sheep-fucking hobbit.

>butthurt Deltacuck
How does it feel to know that your "most elite special force" is being BTFO-ed all across the globe by all sorts of muddies, nogs and spics?

>What the hell is Delta Force?
america mossad

Well I know they do hostage rescue. They are essentially trained to be the best at entering a room, eliminating a target despite there also being a large amount of non-combatants also in the room. I read from a guy in it they repeated these drills over and over and over, busting into a room and blasting all hostile until they could do it instantaneously. Also said it was pretty much their life. Pretty much didn't personally associate with anyone who wasn't in the unit. But obviously the top secret shit they do is not meant for us to know..

No, no, you miss understand. I have great admiration for Delta. It's just the culture fascinates me. I try to study different BO/SF/SO groups, and I've studied a lot. But Delta just seems... different. Special among the special.

they're those big burly white daddies that fuck me violently in secret.

What book?

>a fucking kiwi

Major in my unit was a former CAG guy. Seemed cool but all he did was push papers and deal with bullshit. Some nigger stole his axe and it was a big deal. For a super secret squirrel he still made the mistake of relaxing around blacks.

>Most powerful Navy in the world
>Get's told to fuck off by a Navy with only 2 frigates and 6 patrol boats
>Actually fucks off like a cuck

Eh, I spent about 1,000 hours in a truck with an SF colonel and he seemed to think anyone who thought the Army was run like a rusty turd would fit in great. He thought traps were gay though so I question his judgment.

Except it's not.
That's almost funnier than you getting rekt by Australia.
Your special forces get rekt by ours as well.

>when your shitty island isn't even worth taking by minimal effort

Delta Force is the governments off books murder / kidnapping / assassination / rape squad.

Sounds kinda familiar

why are your stars red Australia? Are you blushing?

No its just a fake flag

>off books squad that's on the books


Anyway, I'm quite certain that they just outsource this stuff through a third party. Plausible debiability and all that.

oh like sandy hook


Also. How's Paddles doing?

Oh. They do rapes now? When did they add that feature?

Wouldn't know, I'd have to ask a pyccки

Pretty much. I think the kiwis are the ones responsible for the emus that almost took over Australia

When did those not go together?

>W...W... We co... Could take it easy!
>Over b... By lunchtime! Ha ha.
>W... We w... Won Vietnam as well!
>Ha ha ha ha

We have a fuck ton of natural resources, and very little population. If you wanted the least effort for the most gain an invasion of New Zealand is probably a good bet.

>The Civilian
Fuck I'd forgot about them, always a good laugh.
They're the party that proposed taxing trees which didn't create enough oxygen if nobody's heard of them.


> Non-nuclear AUS BTFOs world's largest Navy and accompanying state of the art Naval Air Force.

One U.S. nuclear sub could wreck the entire AUS Navy. Then move on to a wreck a considerable portion of the country. No more Golden Gaytimes for you!

And I'd like to see the entire NZDF BTFO even ONE U.S. Marine Division. Shit, give me one U.S. Marine BATTALION with ass and air and NZ is New Washington within a month.

Also, shit bait, mate.

Read "Rogue Warrior" about the creation of Seal Team Six, if you want to get the basic run-down on the driving mindset and activities of delta-force. Only difference is the brass condones it now, having seen how effective it actually is.

Its not good PR to annihilate anyone with almost nothing to defend themselves. Also it's difficult to go to war when you can't figure out a good false flag that anyone would believe, because the cocksuckers are too weak to ever try anything, and the world knows it

You fuckers would probably side with us during the invasion. Yet to find a war we can’t con you into.

Good point

nope, it's a proven fact the "koala kommandos" generally do nothing more than basic soldiers in any military, let alone the US.
the one thing they do well is talk about their feelings in a round table after your missions to hungry jack. oh, and your book clubs have a pretty good reading list.

Lol more like an infantry squad and maybe a support squad or 2 to cook lunch and bring in supplies

soldier / / state alchemist / / a lord.


Burgers know too much, shut it down.

>You cheated in a wargame
>You still lost with every advantage against an Aus sub

Yeah, so weak you'd walk over us, just like list time you attacked someone super weak in the Pacific.

We like to fight shit.

Da fuqs a Hungry Jacks
Da fuqs a Koala Kommando
Da fuqs a book

Meanwhile, at Ft. Bragg....

Leading to...

Tbh I thought kiwis would be better at shitposting considering how close they are to Australia. Even their flag is a shitpost of the Australian flag. I feel let down

they are basically highly trained mob hitmen, serving the international banking and oil cartels and the military industrial complex. a worthless bunch of men with daddy issues who think if they play gi joe hard enough, daddy will come back

>Get's BTFOed in a discussion about how shit is military is
>W... Well your posts aren't shit!

Are you on drugs mate? You need help with whatever mental problems you have.

It was called, "Inside Delta Force." By a dude named Eric Haney. He talks a lot about the selection process and training and some ops they did. It was pretty interesting. After the book I think a lot of delta dudes shit on him for speaking about their secret club. Pretty interesting read though.

>antfia projection : the post

surprised you didnt talk about sucking dick, honestly


ITT: projecting kiwis

With how much you're sucking AUS' dick I'd think it was covered in vegmite and sprinkles or whatever you soyboys eat. War isn't maneuvers, Kiwi. No amount of RIMPAC war games will change that.

And with how small your island is we have probably enough firepower to wipe it out just with naval barrages. It we didn't give a shit about the civvie pop. We wouldn't even have to touch saturation bombing and nuclear capabilities.

>implying a solid group of neighborhood kids with slingshots couldn't do the job

No s on a singular.

Aus is pretty shit mate, which is why you being even worse is such a good laugh for the world.
Australia has worse internet than third world countries yet still a better Navy than you.

Although I like how you've changed from being cocky and only need one divison to wanting to hide out at sea on your boats and bombard, really showing your true colours mate.

Oh look, it's bargain bin Australia.

Oh look it's another salty American who is afraid of reality.

>tfw pg 165

>Be me
>Avoid this thread because pussy and don't want to die cause random user puts a bunch of classified information outta nowhere

dont have my copy anymore, gave it to a friend. remind me pg 165?

my favorite part was probably when they drive around beirut with a cia radio squak box in their taxi, sending out random radio frequency bursts, and watch the carbombs and apartment blocks blow up as they come into range.

Kiwis troll like none other.

Whatever you say, kid. Just be grateful the next time you're comfy in your hobbit slippers, sipping sheep piss beer, and watching your wife get fucked by a Maori that the U.S., your big bro AUS, and Mommy U.K. saved you from the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

my daddy never left me, so i don't have to slurp down gallons of drill sergeant jizz to feel loved

Says the vodka nigger whose military is only good at gassing Russian kids to death

there it is.

You're in it now, motherfucker.

Tbh D-Boys probably bagged Seth Rich.

>Saved us
More like saved the Nips from us.

An the Maoris are actually getting bred out, pretty much no pure ones left, getting absorbed by some of the more degenerate here, honestly the chinks in Auckland that are the real problem.

when deployed we had some "former" delta guys sent in by a private company to assess our Troops tactics and operations in Iraq. Did a couple foot patrols with them. Of course one was a ginger. They told us our COP was shit and they could kill us all the way it was ran. Nice guys.

>Maoris are actually getting bred out...

That's NZs problem, mate. The hori bastards are fightin' fit. But there getting muddled with your shit tier England reject genetics. Why did England colonize NZ again? How did you gain your weird pussy-ass pseudo-independence from Queen Mum? No one even in the Anglo-Sphere cares enough to know this off hand is why I'm asking.

Beslan went off exactly as planned, those kids were anti-Russian agents.

did you change your COP?

US lost about 60,000 troops compared to the 1.1 million dead North Vietnamese. Also, we did not lose a single major battle during the whole time we were there. The reason we withdrew during the PPA is because popular support for continuing intervention was in the tank.

Thats a real pity. The only high test Kiwis I've met are Maoris, its a pity they love domestic violence so much or they'd be top blocks. Most white Kiwi men would fit in well in Surry hills sipping soy lattes. I cant speak for white Aussie men either. Guys in the cities are fucking pussies, most have never been punched in their lives, the tough guys live on the land or in country towns but even they are becoming weak. The Anzacs would be ashamed.

Doge city, Risher possibly had some kind of nervous break and marches down the middle of a street firing his mg at vc, and gets shot in the head, he lasts for a few minutes and Dick is crying and cursing him out while trying to hold his brains in as the evac him.

Second tour of Vietnam was pretty great read.

these guys never have to pay for their own drinks at any bar they go to and get to travel the world, do things that long after you cubicle turds are dust, will be read by generations to come.

Those men were tough because they had tough lives, no one here had to leave home and work for a living at 6. We will never be as tough as the generations before us and our children will be even weaker.

ahh yeah. the whole book was awesome, but yes the 2nd tour was Dick at his prime and in his element. they made vietnam look easy.

Lol because we didn't have an *actual* legitimate reason to be there, as always. We should've started it with a better false flag anyways, and whoever did the PR obviously sucked. I hope when we go to war with North Korea, we have a good false flag to *justify* anything we need to get the job done. I'd like to visit someday, but obviously it won't happen under current leadership... Unless I reenlist, I suppose

the shittiest spec ops unit in Wargame. You might as well just be throwing expensive conscripts at the enemy.

I've been curious about Wargame for a while now but it seems like something I'd have to sit down and really learn in order to get much out of.

that false flag you desire so much will probably be an airburst nuke over one of the carrier groups steaming around out there.

What are they wearing?

>What the hell is Delta Force?
Soldiers who are allowed to use methamphetamine and alprazolam at the same time.

Eh... I doubt it but possible I guess. Just another to add to the plethora of reasons I'd never join the navy

Shame. Wish kimmy would sack up an nuke LA and San Fran. be cool to see CA turn into a red state in the course of a day.

You clowns are repeating the same stupid discussion that always occurs in these topics. The posing game that will never actually happen.

Western SOF have very similar mindsets. Even SOF in non Western look and act very similar and unless in opposite sides of the battlefield, would likely get along very well together and have a beer or two.

We are generally quiet. Don’t talk shit about others, don’t attract attention to ourselves, and most importantly, don’t start arguments about what country’s SOF is better than another. As if we wouldn’t be on the same sides if shit got bad.

All that said, never took ‘The Long Walk’ but had a few buddies that did and a few other brothers that I knew after the fact. The guys that did make it through the Operators Course came out the other side more thoughtful and observant. Just highly, highly fucking trained. Like, the sort of time it takes to become a virtuoso on a musical instrument, these guys spend that time firing rounds in all sorts of different training environments and scenarios.

Combat becomes an absolute art form. Plus unconventional warfare is the root of SFOD-D with most guys coming from SF Group. So not fighting fair generally ensures you come home far more often than the other guy.

And to that point... if you look you can see how many died (unclassified) anyway. There are some in the list of Green Berets killed who were assigned to JSOC when killed. But not many... they are smart more than anything and extremely valuable. Millions of dollars have went into training them all, each.

Take it for what it’s worth.

I just wish it could be done without irradiating the whole place. Nice coastal towns if you got rid of all the faggots, niggers, and cholos

Delta has another oddity.
They do not work within the confines of the Department of Defense.
They report through the Treasury Department hierarchy.
Just like the Secret Service.


That's why chemical weapons are great, never got it until I had to buy my own bug spray.


Oregon oreganaloni

Can confirm, the 2 kiwis i work with live in Calton and Brunswick, and are both soybros.

If you really wanted to know you'd look it up yourself.
But I take it you don't really want to know.

Well if an user with a meme flag posts it on a Chinese cartoon sharing webzone it must be true

Wait until it possibly gets a sequel, RD was made with an inadequate budget. It's a very good semi-realistic military RTS though, tons of in-depth features and lots of ways to manage units which does require a bit of learning. I'd give it a solid 7.8/10.
t. Milsim fan

This is true
>t. Guy that lives in one of those pozzed towns

Good words. Clear eyes.

They're the special ops boogeymen the US military enjoys giving so much money to.

Generally the idea is that since the general readiness of the military is so poor they're taking a quality over quantity approach. Making their activities secret means there is no political consequences to using them until someone dies and an embarrassed Pentagon has to explain why there are are bodies on the news.

We burned them, not gased.