This is Nagisa

This is Nagisa.

She is the daughter of local bakery. The wife of honest man and the mother of cute daughter.

Nagisa is a LEWD woman.

It's a shame Clannad threads don't get over 10 replies.

Nagisa a shit.
Threadly reminder.

She was a bit annoying in the LN but pretty amazing in the anime. Ryou was also greatly improved in the adaptation.



Literally the perfect girl, if onyl I could have a wife like nagisa

Just one more guys

Also need more characters like Nagisa's dad or Tomoyo


>She is the daughter of local bakery
>daughter of bakery

Maybe OP's Japanese? It works in that language.

Boring Shit moeblob WORST GIRL

D-delete that

Isn't her full name Nagisa dies at the end of Clannad?

I agree as well fellow user.

And the daughter of a cute mother.

Silly user, no one ever dies in a Key anime.

I should rewatch Clannad, it's been so long.

Considering it's in After Story and not anywhere near the end, no.

You mean... DEAD?

I have to say that Nagisa and Tomoya's relationship in the VN is much lewder than in the anime.

Kyou > Tomoyo > the rest > Ryou > Nagisa

I was thinking the same thing the other day.

Kyoani was so prude

Not if you can unlock the discount KEY dragon balls.