Hi Sup Forums. Slavic is not an ethnicity.
That's all I have to say today.
Hi Sup Forums. Slavic is not an ethnicity
but all slavs are subhuman
Slav is a life. And Slavlife is bestlife.
And what is an Australian?
Yeah it's a race
>That's all I have to say today
Whole day without leafer degenerate mumblings?! YES PLEASE.
Different Slavs have different haplogroups and different blood mix. Many also look very different from each other.
Nogs come in all kinds of ooga boogas as well. What's you're point? They're still all nig nogs.
they look obviously and distinctly different from whites (and behave and speak differently). You can't tell most slavs from a white person. Anglos and Germans and Nords don't have some kind of similar blood..
Not always. But a lot of them have kind of a different look and character. I had the opportunity to work with some Slovenians in my professional capacity the other year.
Really nice people. Almost nueuro in a lot of ways. But they had slav traits for sure.