Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv

Wish the autismoe a good year, will you?

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I want to marry Kasumi

And what are you gonna do when you marry her?

Did you even ask her if she wants it?

Lots of headpats and hugs.

I'll ask her before I do something like that though.


What if she tries to coerce you into lewding her?

nerdmoe is the cutest!


Flabby out of shape butt

Hi, sis

Nerds are for bullying

Fuck I forgot about her birthday.


If age ever does an TE Maniax, I want it to be Matika Maniax!


But I didn't post Suzy

Suzy didn't have half of east germany inside her.

I love Iris

That's what she wants you to think.

I'd love to tell Iris her tea tastes bad

What would you give Farka and Anett for Christmas?

Would it be rude to say "hair dye"?

Look at who age decided is the true love/heroine of SM.

And back to sleep I go

Cryska is the only worthy one.

True Love and Main heroine are two different things. Though if they settled on Katia for both, then they haven't gotten the memo that no amount of shilling will make her more popular.

Also, can't poor Lise catcha break?

>two roaches
Run, Cryska! One of them has a tendency to get cute girls killed!
Around cockroaches death approaches. Sleep with one eye open, Irisdina!

Inia is not good for anything

She's good at being lewd.



It's Sylwia's birthday.

Why don't they just nuke the hives?

But they do.

So in other words, they pick the ones fans hate the most. As expected of the rusemasters from âge.

Because the Laser-class would shoot them down.

>No Meiya
>No Irisdina

Cryska is alright but I think Yui being shafted to being a imouto is fucking cold.

Actually why don't they just bomb them from the sky? Like really high up there. What about chemical/bioweapons? If they can make TSFs, they'd certainly be smart enough to make something effective like those.

>Actually why don't they just bomb them from the sky?
Aliens have magical super-AA
>What about chemical/bioweapons?
Aliens have magical fuck-you-bioweapon genes


>>No Meiya
Where have you been the last ten years?
>>No Irisdina
The is THE "Saint Iris"fag. He loved what he imagined her to be not what she, not her. Either way, she was too good for him.

But continuously fighting them off on ground, head on, is the stupidest thing they can do. It's like they want to get chomped.

Happy thoughts


>metal dust grenade can disable laser class aliens
>can't just drop super sonic nukes through clouds

it's cause of illogical plot.

Because Japanese nukes are worse than Satan and every nuclear explosion contaminates dozens of kilometers around itself with super-deadly radiation until the Second Coming.

>Look at who age decided is the true love
Doesn't say that anywhere. Katia is the deuteragonist of SM and is more of a secondary MC from whose POV we often see and whose sudden appearance and actions the plot begins and revolves around, because of the way SM is structured differently than the other two series it makes sense for them to feature Katia predominately as the poster girl. She's the main 'main heroine' but thats not the same as the 'true love'.
Besides especially after Martyrs its really undeniable who the true love is.
約束しただろ? ずっと一緒にいるって
出会った頃から, そう願っていた
ロにせずとも, 確認せずとも, 互いに気持ちが通じ合っていた
改めて約束を交わさずとも, 俺たちは... 互いに, ずっと, 恋していた. 添い遂げようとしていた... はずだ.
おまえが死んだら, 俺は生きていけない. 頼む, そんな責似はやめてくれ
そうだよ.... 世界のすべてを放り出してもなお
そんなに泣くな... ずっと一緒にいるから

It's still hilarious that Katia is the main heroine.

How long would you last?

Not long enough!

Bravo Age, you never fail to disappoint me

Does the muv-luv Stasi do with but with mini TSF?

i would wank before fucking her so i could last longer.

I want to see Stella bundled up in warm clothes for the Winter.

Looking at Rikka, it made me wonder - does being autismo make you get a fat butt?

Not exactly the same fireplace.

Long enough

>Not exactly the same fireplace.
It's the symbology

You can't spell rage without age.

>Sumika and Katia

Is she really the main heroine though? TE was sort of odd like that, it could have went any way.

Suddenly, I understand.

Cryska's too, right?

Silver haired girls should get happy birthdays.

Yuzuka's smile is a miracle of the universe.

How many maggots were in that mouth of hers?

Did they ever actually scan this then or still no?

None of Beatrix's doujins have been scanned.

Problem faggots?

>quote wall
Found one.

25 kiloton is the shit.

And pretty light to carry.

What do you guys want to do with Irisdina?

Marry her and have hot sweaty sex every day for the next 60 years

I would defeat Beatrix and overthrow the stasi to protect her smile.

Make her apologise to my waifu

Will JAM Project ever do anything Muv Luv related? They rather like /m. and like projects.



Spike her food with aphrodisiacs, tell her things that would turn her on and leave

This is the only sensible option.

Based Poland.

>No beatrix cockpit CG

Maybe after your waifu stops trying to murder/torture my waifu and all of her friends.

Irisdina's friends are long dead. Only one remains, and she's a broken failure - something she has in common with Irisdina.

Why wouldn't you want to finish the job with a woman that fine?

For the sake of bullying

Hasn't she suffered enough?

Pump and dump Stella and Latrova

>you will never beat up Suzy

All girls deserve love

>Only one remains, and she's a broken failure - something she has in common with Irisdina.
Iris has Pham and Walther as friends/confidants. Beatrix isn't really her friend anymore.

Except rebel girls.

Two wrongs

Don't make a right.

They do, two negatives multiply to result in a positive.

Beatrix/Irisdina hatesex when?

Finally illuminating the room that was previously believed to hold 1 person. Yet when Pham entered, she quickly noticed that this number had been doubled.


Pham walked closer to the bed that had two lumps underneath the bedsheets. What should have taken seconds seemed to stretch on for months inside of that room for Pham to reach the bedside. Pham herself felt her body lighten up with adrenaline, as she glanced at clothes laid strewed all over the floor. Pham finally arrived at the bedside and got hold of the sheets, increasing the strength of her grip before she ripped them off of the bed.

Not even Pham herself was prepared in all of her 20 years on planet Earth for the grand reveal. As the sheet softly glided to the floor, Pham stared at a half-naked Beatrix being hugged by a fully-naked Theodor.

It begins

Someone is gonna have some splainin to do.

This is gonna ruse my feels, isn't it?


Girls are for bullying and making cry!

Are you the original author or the other guy? Just curious
