Jew ama


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Why do you think anyone gives a fuck about you?

idk i see these all the time now so I figured I'd cash in.

What's your favorite brand of shower heads?

do you have a sharpie nearby?

Why do you refuse to integrate?

The EJC lists as its primary objectives on its website the following:

To combat the resurgence of anti-Semitism through education, justice and security, in co-operation with governments and European institutions.
To promote a balanced European policy towards Israel and the Middle East, and to assist in the construction of a healthy dialogue between Europeans and Israelis.
To foster inter-religious dialogue and understanding.
To ensure memory and education of the Holocaust.
To contribute to a democratic European society based on peace, understanding and tolerance.
To assist in the revitalisation of the once rich Jewish life in Central and Eastern Europe.

To counteract assimilation of the European Jewish population

what is the square root of 169?

Reform, Conservative or Orthodox?

Do you feel nervous?