The EU is a Nazi superstate, when the time is right the ethnic cleansing will begin...

The EU is a Nazi superstate, when the time is right the ethnic cleansing will begin. This is the reason for importing so many migrants, to anger the people.


You know what I mean you dim cunt


Ask your local Jew, the holocaust was all for show. They're the ones behind Nazi Germany.

Well get with the cleansing then, i'm tired of this shit in my neighborhood

The normies haven't reached sufficient outrage as of yet.

you have read too many shit.

The day will come, I suggest you bunker down until then.

idk, I can't shake the feeling that this whole thing is a depop ploy in the opening stages. I really feel like Kalergi is the fall back plan in case things go awry. I can't come to any other sensible conclusions