The EU is a Nazi superstate, when the time is right the ethnic cleansing will begin...

The EU is a Nazi superstate, when the time is right the ethnic cleansing will begin. This is the reason for importing so many migrants, to anger the people.


You know what I mean you dim cunt


Ask your local Jew, the holocaust was all for show. They're the ones behind Nazi Germany.

Well get with the cleansing then, i'm tired of this shit in my neighborhood

The normies haven't reached sufficient outrage as of yet.

you have read too many shit.

The day will come, I suggest you bunker down until then.

idk, I can't shake the feeling that this whole thing is a depop ploy in the opening stages. I really feel like Kalergi is the fall back plan in case things go awry. I can't come to any other sensible conclusions


idk what that means

above post

Ohhh shit I thought the 6 was code for something until I realize it shares the same key as the arrow. Fuck me. I appreciate your patience with my autism sensei

It can't be a Nazi superstate because I'm against it

im not sure where to start on this, its too dumb.
the goal is to destroy the white race, as historically thats been the only threat to ((their)) control.. they want to create a mut class globally that can function productively but is never capable of overthrowing the, ((they)) will live in castles and benefit from all the coming future tech that will prolong their lives and wield all sorts of power, nobody else will have access to it.
im not going to detail every single step because ive been up all night and im tired but believe that one of the main steps is to destroy any sense of cultural identity among white europeans. the way the EU operates is wrong on so many levels i cannot even fathom that somebody cannot see the long term plan and this thread must be a massive troll.

they will fail though, they know themselves they have made the mistake of forcing their hand too quickly before conditioning the population into full accepting the coming changes.

Let's give them a little push then

The reason for importing so many migrants is to blend all the people from around the world into one. It part of the globalist agenda, and the reason they are so fucking much against nationalism. Nationalism kills Globalism.


So EU is letting as much people as can, to contain them and kill then.

Sounds legit.

One was German Nationalist the other is MultiKulti Garbage that deserves to get Nuked

The Nazis and Jews were working together.

Two snakes coming together... Facing each other! But they're one.

First comes territory then comes ethnic cleansing. Such is Hitlers plan, they play the globalist ball game for now but soon in the future whne the borders are dissolved and all lands belong to "earth" then they will release their diluted Aryan genes into the populous via a revolutionary new food. Then within a few generations all the impurities will be bred out and Germans will conquer the stars.

Precisely. Consider them German martyrs.

Well, who made you fuhrer?


It's a globalist-Communist super-state. National Socialism has nothing to do with it. You could call it the Communist 4th Reich, because Germany will rule over Europe.

Thats the thing though, who's to say none of this isn't Germany playing ball while secretly "acquiring" territory through globalist means only to shape it in the fuhrers image in the future.

You know they'd do it, they're practically Jews.

nothing creates a stronger ethnic identity and divide between ethnic groups than diversity

Almost noone in Europe has this nazi/EU, this is an anglo comparison

There are whole books written in Italian about how the EU is the 4th Reich.


>we were only pretending to be cucks
Sure thing, buddy

Is that so? Well why does (((jews))) like George Soros found them and hell the eu?