Seth Rogen got away with sexual harassment and molestation? Is this true?
Seth Rogen got away with sexual harassment and molestation? Is this true?
uh oh
looks like sethy boy in in trouble
OP here.
What can be done about this? I only recently discovered this information.
To be honest, actually, it appears that somebody has protected him entirely from the backlash. After Larry David made it clear that Jews are the molesters, I don't believe they will allow any more negative publicity to reach him or his fellow Talmudists.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but this asshole is going to get away with everything.
What can be done?
OP here. The point of this thread is that he already got away with it- like, a long time ago. Even I am behind on this info and looking for more. What do?
mmm this tenders my loins.
OP here. Still trying to explain that he actually got away with it. Hollywood won't allow any more Jews to be thrown under the bus. They don't want "The Disaster Artist" box office sales to be affected.
That's all. Going to kill myself now.
Keep posting this thread here, eventually a major News outlet might pick it up, I see shit posted here that appears in headlines a few days later like clockwork.
Yeah you guys just keep tweeting shit. That's how these accusations come up anyways. Boost that signal all day tomorrow and by Friday everyone will believe it.
Bump. Get memeing boys
Kek, When i saw the pic for a moment i thought it’s another thread about that suicide Croat
Honestly, she seems pretty committed to the story... because I hate Rogen, I choose to take her side. (((They))) are running cover for one of their own.
NO!!1 he can't go down yet! I need more Preacher series before that can happen!
Pr00fs. Thank 0 for that one.
Heebs a Jew so probably
Did Scarborough murder his intern?
Who cares if it's legit or not? (((Rogen))) and his cronies deserve it . All that (((Judd Apatow))) associated shit is pure brain cell killing, anti-intellectual, pro-degeneracy cancer.
Good post op hopefully this can get more media attention
I fucking hate Seth Rogan, that unfunny piece of shit.
>Somebody correct me if I'm wrong
(((Matt Lauer))) just got BTFO, so try as they might they are still getting exposed.
You don't have to keep saying OP here, OP. Unlike Sup Forums, you get assigned a unique ID for each thread. Of course your ID has OCD at the end, so maybe it's just a compulsion you have to keep saying it. Also, don't kill yourself, you belong to Sup Forums now. Find whatever you can on this.
We need to make more people aware.
God Jews are so fucking ugly
Not surprised.
#MeToo was made up by them to distract from (((Weinstein))).
>grabbing breasts is considered sexual assault
What's wrong with the USA?
So when will he be hanged?
You guys missed something in that first tweet
>That's really rich, Seth.
>rich, Seth
>Seth Rich
Is Dana Jade trying to tell us something?
He def. has the physiognomy of a "helpful molester" - y'know one of these many self proclaimed male feminists etc.
Why the fuck didnt she report him or something? I cant wrap my head around someone being assaulted and then years later casually writing about it on twitter.
To be fair, grabbing boobs isn’t worth a report.
Seems frivolous, but if I was that roastie and then later this guy is bragging bout being a male feminist type, I’d speak up to
>((((seth)))) grabs your tits
>report him to the police
>any proof?
Thats where it ends
A Jew?
Shit, he leads to Apatow. That retard has been bad mouthing Trump for months, he's going to go down too.
Rogen has been laying low since his Bud Light commercial with Fatty Hebe Chipmunk. That shit didn't play out the way they thought it would, he's vulnerable.
Oy wey the goyim know SHUT IT DOWN SHUT IT DOWN