Tell me how a Clinton presidency would have been worse than the Trump mess

I am honestly disheartened at what I see in America. Trump hates Germany, wants to massively increase the deficits, hates competition and free trade and hasn’t built the wall.

Clinton honestly would have been like Obama and the world and stocks did great under Obama. He did not take away guns and under him states legalized weed. He narrowed the budget deficit and fought ISIS and was about to make huge strides on international free trade.

Can’t Trump nominate Hillary as VP after Pence steps down and then himself resign? This would be the decent thing to do.

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you misspelled founded

The only one obsessed is Hillary's worthless ass. She hasn't shut up since the election. Too busy daydreaming about Trump's dick.

Anyone with any sense would hate the current Germany.

Full on degeneracy and pedophilia
Right wing sites shut down and users unmasked
White people thrown in jail for hate speech, UK and Germany style

>Trump hates Germany
U wonder why, Achmed ?

>stocks did great under Obama
Not for years, and they are doing even better under Trump. You should try reading things.

>states legalized weed.
which has NOTHING to do with the Feds, you moron.

>He narrowed the budget deficit
Debt goes from 10 trillion to 20 trillion.
Ok, now we know you are a complete fucking idiot.

>huge strides on international free trade.
and a cocksucking globalist shill.

Fuck off, you retarded Krautshit rapebaby.
Too bad your family wasnt killed off for stupidity.

>"Trump is obsessed with me"
>Says the person who is still acting like a complete sore loser over the election

I'll make it ultra simple for you.

TRUMP IS A FUCKING JOKE. At least Clinton can speak in public, doesn't Tweet like a fucking 12 year old, and hasn't been indicted on goddamn everything.


>muh optics

>Anyone with any sense would hate the current Germany.
Obama was a Harvard prof and he loved us.

Fuck off faggot. Clinton was merkel x10.

and merkel is a piece of shit cunt who couldn't run a country if her race depended on i....oh. right.

Your country is now fucked from all the cuckoldry. pol should ban German geo flags because you're worthless.


She is right about one thing. We are obsessed with the most corrupt politician in modern history. I can't to hear her speeches behind wired glass.

I hate Germany because of Nazis and Putin, fuck off!

This would have happened already.

Obama isn't a person, and I'm not even referring to race.

ISIS wouldve taken control of Syria and Iraq by now

>are doing even better under Trump
Bubble bubble bubble.

>which has NOTHING to do with the Feds, you moron.
Trump wants to ban weed nationwide.

>Debt goes from 10 trillion to 20 trillion.
80% due to Bush policies.

>and a cocksucking globalist shill.
Free trade adds trillions to your wealth.

>TRUMP IS A FUCKING JOKE. At least Clinton can speak in public, doesn't Tweet like a fucking 12 year old, and hasn't been indicted on goddamn everything.
I see it like this.

The real question is, why don't you use adblock, you cuck?

I think she would have been impossible to sell to the American people as a war president. There would have been strikes and rioting, which is very unkosher.


Drumply-Blumplies get all grumplies, throwing their rattles and mush
Poor little Blumplies, sad little dumplies, go back to your cotbeds and hush

I hope the big woman didn't scare you with her powerful voting numbers. Never forget, sweeties!

>I hate Germany because of Nazis and Putin, fuck off!
This is why Trumptards are so stupid, they don't even know Putin is Russian and that this is a different country to Germany.

Tell me how McCain would have been wosre than Obama

>The real question is, why don't you use adblock, you cuck?
Why should I? I don't care about ads.

Without Trump, none of the Weinstein shit comes out since he was BFFs with the Clintons, and without that, none of the other hundreds of allegations come out. Yet another reason to love this fucking President.

that is not in Germany

Hillary doesn't deserve decency, and she doesn't deserve the office.

>Tell me how McCain would have been wosre than Obama
He would have lowered taxes and thus increased deficits.

he got ll the people behind him and the people run this shit, so I think he did well

I think she would've revved up support for ISIS/"""""""""""""""""""moderate rebels"""""""""""""""""""""""" in Syria at the very least.
Trump at least lets RuAF and SAA do their job.

The United States would be embroiled in multiple wars either directly or through proxies.

>The United States would be embroiled in multiple wars either directly or through proxies.

Not like now... when the US is at war in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea etc.

>80% due to Bush policies.
Okay shill, King Nigger is not responsible for anything in his 8-year reign of destruction and terror. Everything is Bush's fault. Pretty sure now that the U.S. economy is turning around, you give all the credit to King Nigger. Not the removal of bureaucracy and over-regulation that King Nigger imposed that Trump has gotten rid of.

Well first of all he got more votes when you discount all the dead people and illegals that voted for Hitlery.

>Not like now... when the US is at war in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea etc
You mean the continuation of everything that King Nigger started that President Trump is ending as expediently under the direction of his military commanders, unlike King Nigger micro-managing the wars to death in favor of the terrorists with his marxist academics and sophists.

Who cares what his day job was? He was a privileged spoiled brat who had everything handed to him.

Name something that Obama did which increased budget deficits.

He reduced the military budget, he increased taxes, he fostered economic growth etc.

>over-regulation that King Nigger imposed that Trump has gotten rid of.
can you give an example?

>TPP stays, WTO and NAFTA reinforced
>(((ISIS))) stays
>US destroys Syria a la Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan like they tried to in Obamas second term
>next in hillbots first term are Iran and Lebanon
>military is further depleted rather than being rebuilt
>Muslims imported to U.S. en masse like in Europe
>another Jew to chair the fed
>another Jew to head thei rs
>another Jew Supreme Court justice
>even more programs to transfer money from whites to blacks and Hispanics
>immigration- and welfare-centered anti white eugenics program increased support and efficiency rather than the immediate slowdown of illegal immigration under Trump/Kelly, DACA stays, chain immigration stays, legal immigrant quota gets even higher, no improvements made to the wall WHICH ALREADY EXISTS and needs to be upgraded
>no base in Israel with any president but trump and they've all been begging for it
>every poster on Sup Forums gets doxxed and/or imprisoned
>satanism thrives here more than ever
>CNN niggerkikes really happy with everything

What mess?

Is that why King Nigger and his cohorts (Clinton et al.) sent millions of muslims to your country through their Arab Spring coup? How does it feel that within two generations your population will be over 50% muslim majority? Prepare for sharia and the pain. Really hope native Germans fight back to restore their country to the once great culture it had.

hillary isnt even a democrat . she supported gold water who was anti civil rights.

hillary on illegal immigration 2014

hillary on illegal immigration in 2008

the highlight reel of hillary being a bitch. she will never be president

Fuck you...

>stocks did great under Obama
I have only recently recovered from the losses during the Obama years with my Fidelity account. During the Obama years I lost nearly a third of my investments.

>Name something that Obama did which increased budget deficits.
>fostered economic growth
Oh yes, deflect to deficits while ignoring the fact that he increased the actual debt from 8 trillion to nearly 20 trillion. More than every prior president combined. The anemic growth through his 8-year disaster was an average of 1.4% if I remember correctly with not a single year that exceeded 2% growth. Now President Trump has our economy churning at 3% growth and steadily increasing. That alone destroys the 8-years of King Nigger failure. People here want jobs in the private sector, not over taxation and theft of wealth to transfer to others. You are too ill-informed to spout off uneducated opinions. How many shekels are you receivng this shill thread?
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Friday that President Trump is “systematically” removing hundreds of regulations put in place by the Obama administration.
“The president has already knocked out some 860 rules and regulations from the Obama administration, and every day we’re finding more and more to do. Remember, Obama put in something like 7,000 new rules and regulations just in the last two years he was in office,” Mr. Ross said on Fox Business.
When asked what types of regulations Mr. Trump was removing — whether oil and gas, environmental or banking — the secretary responded, “All of the above.”
“You would think the American public was a wild and woolly place two years earlier to require 7,000 new rules. But the president is systematically removing them, changing them, getting rid of them. And I think we’ll beat his formula of two reductions for one increase,” he said.
Mr. Ross said the upturn in the economy is due to the loosening of these regulations, and companies have said they feel the relief of less regulation and enforcement. He did say infrastructure is also a top priority for businesses and Mr. Trump, but declined to say whether it would be tied into the upcoming tax bill.

>while ignoring the fact that he increased the actual debt from 8 trillion to nearly 20 trillion
So give some examples how he did that. What did he do that increased that debt. Please provide some examples.

>The anemic growth through his 8-year disaster was an average of 1.4%
Source? From which date to which date does that measure? What was the growth rate when he left and what was the growth rate when he got into office?

>Now President Trump has our economy churning at 3% growth and steadily increasing.
I do not think this is correct. Pic related.

>During the Obama years I lost nearly a third of my investments.
Sorry, but that is your own fault that you invested in companies which went bust. Not Obama's fault.

Bigger wars in Syria and Ukraine, mass refugee and Mexican importation, probably wouldn't have the sex scandals like we're having now since Hillary was pretty nuclear on "bimbos" accusing people and would have protected her own.

>“All of the above.”
So you cannot give a single actual example, can you?

I could just claim "Obama did LOTS OF STUFF" if I am asked what Obama did in his 8 years. Would you concede that this statement is an example of what he did?

Now I know you are an idiot


Trump is half German and he's said in interviews that he takes pride in his heritage. he doesn't hate Germany or the German people. he hates your current (((government))) for obvious reasons.

Well 99% of what you said was wrong, but I'll do my best to help
>Trump hates Germany
Why would any American give a shit?
>Trump wants to increase deficit
Maybe he will but he hasn't yet, and it would be almost impossible for him to be as bad as Obama on that front
>Trump hates free trade and hasn't built a wall
Accurate and fair
>World stocks did great under Obama
They did fine overall, better some years than others, but never as good as they've been under Trump
>Obama didn't take away guns
He was president not a dictator, he didn't have the power to do anything he wanted
>States legalized weed while Obama was president
If you're too autistic to understand why that has nothing to do with Obama I won't bother explaining
>Obama narrowed the budget defecit
No he didn't, he doubled it
>Obama fought isis
Isis was created under Obama. Furthermore, 2/3 of all land taken from isis was taken in the first 6 months of the trump admin
>Obama helped free trade
That's generous to credit Obama for that but I'll give you that one

>oh, I got caught with facts
>shit what do I do
>oh, let's call him a Jew
>and an idiot

The absolute state of Trumpftards.

but why wouldd anyone hate the Germans???

>>Obama narrowed the budget defecit
>No he didn't, he doubled it
Just pointing out this one. Can you back that up?


WWIII /endthread

But all germans hate that bipolar diva homo, what do?

i guess war is expensive. then again peace times after war become very profitable. and obama rode that wave of pax

Clinton would have used the EU as a proxy for her secret war with Russia. We would have taken the blame and probably being put in a military escalation. Don't mention the mandatory refugee intake hike.
Trump for more 7 years if you ask me, he cares about his county and he doesn't meddle with our internal politics unlike Obongo.

We would've been at war with Russia.

Last time we had even decent relations with Russia as when Bush was president. Obama fucked it all up and Hillary's campaign promises would've led to legitimate war with Russia.
Putin likes Trump just like he liked Bush, so that opens up a whole lot of possibilities.

Leave it to cucked Germany to be a "HER TURNER".

>Trump hates Germany
stopped reading here.
He has German ancestry and studied Mein Kampf and Germanic lore. He is based AF and of course he hates Germany in its current state because it is not Germany anymore. He will bring back peace and prosperity to the western world and especially his ancestors, the Germans.

Germany got treated very bad after WW2 by the Jews. (Muh 6 million)

You have given zero facts in this thread. Only your biased conjecture and slanted opinions. When presented with truth, you divert just like a jew to a new argument instead of acknowleding that you are wrong because you are an idiot. I can post pre-made graphs all day long which have absolutely no value, which is what you are doing.


she got more vote than obama in 2012 too, but the faggots on the left arnt bitching about that time tho

why is it if you don't like something it's
>"the last president's policies totally fucked my guy over"
but if something is working out for them then it's
>"golly, sure seems like my candidate is brilliant"

WW3 with Russia over No Fly Zones to protect dirty muslims

This alone was enough to vote Trump and she's a criminal

"Clown" > Traitor

Nice sauces, idiot

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USA is not a Democracy, dumbass. Thank God for the Electoral College so commies, niggers, spics and illegals fraud is harder