Defend this pol
Defend this pol
Cameron Martinez
Other urls found in this thread:
Noah Ramirez
Parker Evans
What do you mean, monkey man?
James Gonzalez
Jordan Nelson
Literally media generating stories they know are bad/wrong because the absolutely pointless bullshit gives them views/clicks. Watch for bullshit articles all Christmas
Carson Collins
Well it is fucking Christmas... so MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS you fucking idiot.
Are all Brazilians this dumb?
Robert Gomez
>dat signature
Barron has autism 100%.
Christian Powell
He's 11 years old you stupid cunt. Like he gives a fuck about his signature.
Levi Garcia
He's good at cyber tho. Pencils are dead grampa.
Sebastian Richardson
>only signed by donald, ivanka, and baron
are they trying to tell us something?