Anyone else MGTOW?

I've settled into a really good routine and I'm happier than I've ever been, just working and exploring my hobbies.

It's kinda an empty life though, but I'm so happy that I feel like I could coast like this until I die.

Is there anything wrong with MGTOW or did I find the key to happiness?

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>worst girl on pillow
Man I almost agree'd with this life style too.

Maybe if you grew a pair????
You would umm...have a gf????

I have a fuckbuddy who I see sometimes and I jerk off like mad.

Gfs just get in the way in my experience, too much work for no real reward.

There's literally no reason to go MGTOW if you can get a GF.

Why work hard for a GF if I can just satisfy myself with my hand?


You do realize the jews literally want you to get married and spend all your money on women, it's how they keep the economy going, having men slaving away for women

god are you fucking retarded
is this thread a joke or are you just actually spastic

Don't be a loser. Man up and become high energy if you know what I mean. Plenty of pussy to go around.

Zero arguments detected

IMO being a loser is being a slave to pussy

my relationship with my wife is the most rewarding companionship i have ever had

oh yeah, i havent gone out of my way for women in months. Its quite liberating

Maybe I haven't found the right woman?

I do live in leftist hellhole, so the women here are like 90% hipster feminist dykes.

masturbation is empty pleasure, it's like going places alone, it's like riding a roller coaster alone, it's just empty without someone to share it with

He's not completely wrong, western marriage gives women an incentive to be disgusting cunts and only stand to gain from a divorce while men can have their life ruined. It's happened to too many of my family friends and it freaks me the fuck out

this is why birthrates are declining and the family is falling apart, they want us to get hitched so bad

So what you're saying is we need to make a MGTOW jacking meet ups?

not my "western marriage," faggot

i used to think i'd never find anyone, someone just comes along, do your best to get her

Marriages are very profitable for the jews, people spend a ridiculous amount on them

Relationships basically drive consumer culture, so many scammy businesses would go under if all men just went MGTOW

I have nice things, girls like nice things. I put my peepee in girls with promises of nice things, I never follow through my promises though

to be honest i dont pity any guy who gets raped in divorce these days. marriage is a scam and AWALT. Marriage is obsolete.

How do you know retard? it hasn't ended in a divorce yet. Most of the horror stories always begin with how great everything was in the beginning burger nigger. I dunno how it is there, but if you even live with a girl here for 6 months she's entitled to your shit even if she had nothing to do with you obtaining it

the someone (singular) you share it with needs to want the same thing for you, true love is sacrifice, it is selflessness, it includes more than just having sex

If I'm jacking it with bro's I'll want them to get off too, the same way I'll get off.

It’s retarded fucks like you that are killing the white race. “Oh there’s a small chance I met get divorced so I’m going to just let my women become coal-burning whores! It’s easier to just spend all day playing video games and being a hedonistic degenerate anyways!”

You all need to kill yourselves.

you just have to live as if you are going to be in love forever and as if your marriage is going to be the perfect one, the exception to everyone else's shitty marriages

the perfect marriage will only happen when both parties have this mindset, nothing can separate them then

I'm not MGTOW, I just been divorced twice and gave up on relationships.

Seriously it's always the guys that are like "My marriage is perfect, my girl is the best!" who end up getting cheated on and losing everything.

>Oh there’s a small chance I met get divorced
>small chance
>However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce


Marry if you find a woman that isn't a dumb whore. Most are dumb whores, so I could see your position, OP. If you aren't married by your late 20's and established in a career than it's probably better you go mgtow than date mentally ill women or be a man whore.

How do you know I'm white? Maybe I'm black and I'm actually killing the black race.

So there’s a 50-60% chance that you’ll live happily ever after. If you never take a risk in life, you’ll never have anything worth having.

love is trust is what i'm trying to say

you have to trust her and she has to trust you

if either one of you is running around jealous or suspicious, it's going to kill your relationship

don't put your head underneath the sand, though, if you know that she's betraying you and breaking her promise, you need to get out of that relationship or change it quickly

>hey heres a gun. 5 chambers, 2 of them have bullets and the other 3 will slightly improve your life.

Yeah it's even worse than that, because you could be stuck in a terrible marriage and not even get divorced

Like a nigger would ever say no to pussy. Actually, no white man would say no to pussy either... unless they’re unable to get it. I bet this guy in the pic is mgtow

Are you retarded or something? lol

Are you implying marriages are perfect, even if people don't go through divorce? Fuck off. If you're not married you can do whatever the fuck you want, until a certain age, where it will suck either if married or not.

don't generalize

furthermore, the ONLY people who have lasting relationships that improve their lives and happiness are the ones where both parties go around saying "My marriage is perfect, my girl is the best!"

you need both

In all honesty, there's better more productive risks you can take then getting married.
Marriage is just "Advanced" Dating in this day and age,divorces are easy and cheap to get and the man usually pays in the end anyways

Yeah it's either choice-supportive bias or naivety. Ironically the guys writing that shit tend to have boomer parents that are divorced

I’m implying that if you don’t try, you’ll never know. Why do people like you give up before you even try?

I don't say no to pussy, I just put very little effort into it

If a girl doesn't make it easy I'm not interested

MGTOW is a win win it will save the west

So you'd fuck nancy pelosi if she offered up her pussy to you?

>Hey! you dont *know* for sure that your life will be ruined. Y'know you just got to take risks for shits and giggles, how else will you know if its good or not?

And you wonder why all the girls you come across are trashy whores. Nothing worth having comes easy user, whether that be a good woman, or anything else really.

I say no to pussy all they time, and I put very little effort into it.
It's called standards, you sick fucks

all analogies are incorrect

you don't die when you get divorced, you learn about yourself (really the thing you need the most help with) and others

this is also why abortion is bad, it is literally murdering someone in order to prevent yourself from learning life lessons about morality and sacrifice

parenthood is a giant spotlight shining on you, your kids turn out looking like you, acting like you and you have to watch yourself from the outside

Yeah dude, I would totally do it. Charge up my crystal too

>It's kinda an empty life though

It is. Your stupid manchild hobbies will never replace the spiritual fulfillment of having a loving wife and raising your own flesh and blood.

>you don't die when you get divorced
A very high percentage of divorced men commit suicide

Because we're smart enough to learn from others' mistakes. Especially in this day and age, girls go for dick on a daily basis. They are not loyal at all. They are already tainted, they won't settle for too long before getting bored (that until they hit the 'wall').

Read the case of Chris Mackney. It's horrifying what women will do to someone they 'loved'.

Whores go for the guy putting a whole act, guys with "game" ... acting casual but they're not, it's all years of practice. Whores go to guys making all that effort, they don't guy to guys minding their own business.

>loving wife

They arent "my" women. Sure they're my race. But if you think I can control what whores do, you give me too much credit

>worthless childless NEET pride
Hitler would have exterminated the lot of you

As a divorced man, I can spot someone who's been married for less then 2 years

Women can never spiritually fulfill a man, retard. Quite the opposite. Only you can lift yourself up spiritually.

You come into this world alone, and you die alone. No matter how many things/people you have near you, you'll always die alone in the end.

That's implying that there are hordes of women that are "loving wife" material that are dying to get married. You've even posted a photo of a certain caliber of people that are extinct for the most part. Marriage isn't what it was to our grandparents and great grandparents and the state has turned it into a business

There is definitely a primal instinct to pair up, but modern society has ruined relationships

Mate guarding - outlawed. If your girl cheats on you, there is literally nothing you can do about it, you just have to take it.

Marriage laws all favor women.

Child support laws all favor women.

Societal expectation is basically to be a slave to your girl, while she provides nothing more than meaningless sex.

No thanks.


so you're saying all of those MGTOWs who can't see their kids anymore, they're not real?

i love how dismissive you are about 'the guys writing that shit tend to have boomer parents that are divorced'

frankly, kids with divorced parents have personal experience with terrible selfish parents who divorce instead of being selfless and modifying their behavior to benefit their spouses and children

and you just laugh at the kid with divorced parents like he didn't see during his childhood how terrible divorce was for himself and his family

the bliss of marital harmony is just "shits and giggles" to you? very immature, grow up before you consider getting married

you do realize jews want whites to go extinct because we're the only group that challenges them in their plan to rule like gods over a planet of low iq shitskins

What else is it? Security? Tell that to the all divorcees.

Yup today's women don't belong to you, or your community.

They belong to the consumer complex, they belong to the media and they do whatever the media tells them to do.

The media has taken advantage of women's natural proclivity to follow authority figures and now mind controls them from afar.

Yes the game is rigged so what are you going to do about it faggots? Spend the rest of your life collecting Star Wars figurines with your dick in your hand like a pathetic numale or try to find a suitable mate? Fucking move abroad if you live in Roastieland.

I'm not being dismissive, I'm just saying that it's ironic that some of the men that harp on about modern marriage and can't see how broken it is in the west have divorced parents themselves


>have a gf
Sounds like a net loss to me.

>being that shallow you just need to have people around you all the time
I like to travel, I traveled alone, with friends and with a girl and had the best time being alone and the worst time with girlfriend, because you don't have to consider what somebody else wants you just do your own thing and enjoy it, I imagine mgtow being somewhat similar.

yea, they aren't suicided, you get to choose to kill yourself after a divorce, you also get to choose to kill yourself every second of the day

i don't like that some men kill themselves after a divorce, but they shouldn't

i won't kill myself if i get divorced, it's a choice

>loving wife

The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.

(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.

MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintenance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.

>spiritual fulfillment

Have you even met anyone that has been married?

It's all a make believe. People are supposed to do this and that. It's not real. Just social constructs.

Meanwhile, the manchild hobbies will in fact give you the true fulfillment, whether it's travelling the world, sail a boat, afford that car or that house, build or develop the skills you've always dreamt of, but never had time, plus your wife will hear none of it.

To be fair, everyone should at least live with a woman once, know what it's like. You can meet the right girl, but it's like winning the lottery. Usually it's not the right woman. Then you're stuck with someone living a prison sentence.

All studies point out, married with children respond they hadn't had a fulfilling life on average. And they're honest about it, because they're pressured to lie and say "YEAH MY CHILDREN ARE GREAT" ... if they go as far as admit their own children didn't make them happy, they're telling the truth so many others are hiding.
Wife and children wont make your life fulfilling, won't guarantee it at least.

Go your own way.

Dude, I tried to find a suitable mate, got married twice.....Women change now of days, you could find the best female ever and she turns into a self entitled whore in a few years. I only have fuck buddies now, and there's really no point in pursing more than that from a relationship

They'd rather we juts be slaves to their system, good little consumer whores who give all our money to women, so women can spend it on useless crap.

Interesting fact: Women make 80% of all consumer purchases

Youre ignoring the root cause. They get divorced, and sometimes lose it all. They lose their kid. Their life. Everybody will believe the wife. Even if you never hit her. Everybody will judge you. Can you live that life? Some people just cant.

THIS 100%

only god will lift you spiritually

it's all this secular humanism shit that's fucking you up

and despite what they've taught you your whole life, don't first learn to love yourself

learn to love others, be selfless

yes not stop breeding,
but breed the white race out,
You said same thing only longly worded,

When white gene is bread out a race of stupid half niggers are made

What is MGTOW? Judging by picture - being coach potato and jerking off at your "superiority"?

you need a women disciplined and mature enough to keep her hands out of the state's corruptive divorce cookie jar

Why mgtow desperatly need other men to tell them they are doing just fine and well?

This post screams desperation....

As a mgtow, Follow your way, improve your self steem, your appearance, try to be a person who has something to share(new experiences, new knowladges, high energy....) and this will improve your value in some points. This will turn you able to finally get over the unreal expectation of having that 10/10 and then dealing with a heartbreaken rejection to realistically trying to have that 6 or 7/10 into you because you will go from low rate to 6,5, 7 or even an 8/10 in value.
-I'm not giving the final solution, just pointing behaviors I generally see on guys who identify with that particular "movement".

(female here)

the core thing is not signing marriage contract, everything is else is up to you.

Tits or gtfo

Nah, most mgtows i know are really successful and in the upper 20% of the "looks" department. We don't care about women in the marriage sense (or any sense). We just see them as a quick pump and dump.

This, this eternally.

You're from the USA so I don't blame you, US women are fucking toxic garbage with their heads filled with Sex and the City crap and Canada is almost as bad, however I do believe unicorns exist. Not all women are roasties. For instance I heard latinas are very loyal and make great mothers, you just need to find one that doesn't look like a goblin.

It basically means living for yourself, instead of living for women

this is true, you don't need the state's permission to be married to someone you love

your marriage is completely independent of the state's corruptive system

>Everybody will believe the wife

No shit, my second wife went ape shit and started breaking shit in the house because I didn't do something the second she asked me to do it. (Her laptop wifi adapter stopped working) She started breaking shit, ripping the router off the wall snapping cables, all I did was restrain her.
Her story has change so much over the years it's ridiculous
First, I pushed her, then a couple of years later it turned into I hit her, now the story is I strangled her
The best part, she hit me and gave me a black eye before I restrained her, she bit me, I mean she straight flipped out, but I'm forever the bad guy because everybody believes her over me automatically

Tits to each Dick pics

woops, for

You're a woman so you will naturally hate MGTOW

We are slaves leaving our female slave owners