What do you guys think?

What do you guys think?
It's kinda old but I still love it.

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Made me realize I'm not alone.


Well what do you clasify as old when it comes to music videos? I realize it's not old, I just meant it wasn't recent and came out a few years ago. Plenty of time for those looking to discover it.


I liked it, it made me tear up. And it's anime despite what people say. When all of the actual animation and directing was done by Japanese, it can be considered anime.

I wish it also inherited western style of animating instead of still image "animating" on 3s/4s that anime does.

When literally everything other than the writing and music is Japanese. It is full on anime. Anime is a form of art that anybody can create. No form of art is a birthright. But if being Japanese is what qualifies this as anime, then this is 100% anime.

>But if being Japanese is what qualifies this as anime, then this is 100% anime.

Well maybe 90% since as you said, the writing and music is still by Westerners.

"Westerners" I hardly qualify European as western.


Love the animation but Porter Robinson is a it too easy listening for me..

Yea, I like him, but I can get behind that. What do you think about TFR?

... What?

Porter Robinson is American and Madeon is French. Both of those nationalities fall under the category of "Westerner".

I didn't know Porter was American, I don't follow him much.

A non-lewd and sad af version of ME!ME!ME!

Loved it

So that's why it's actually good.

> Oct 18, 2016

Also, France is not West. It is Wester, but not West.

Yea, I realize that now. I thought the song was older.


Enjoyable, but came across it from this of all things.

I very rarely listen to music outside of video game OST's or in anime so when I do I like to have something less passive listening.

Not every anime music video should be compared to ME!ME!ME!

You're either retarded or don't speak English as a first language because France has been considered part of the West since before America existed. The idea of there being an "Eastern world" and a "Western world" predates the discovery of the Americas.

Exactly. Then America was discovered and suddenly France is smack in the middle.

The West and Western(ers) are concept, not geographical entity you fucking retarded.
Japan is West of the U.S. and suddenly America is not west anymore?
You're a fucking waste of oxygen.

>You fucking retarded.
You lost.

Do you like TFR?

Well, at least, my problem is to be unable to write properly in english.
Still better than being a functionnal retard.

The song was released a few months before the music video was, but still 2016.