Sargon have official sited with kraut even though he's has been heavily debunked even within the skeptic phere.
E-celeb thread: Sargon is a fag edition
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Sargon hasn't watched JF's videos in response, you'd have to encourage him to do so. He knows about them just hasn't watched them.
doesn't matter, Carl lives in a illusion.
Sargon has non-white ancestry, he will never side with race realists.
Cucked and Low T has always been a merchant.
his granny got blacked true.
Krauts latest video is like a giant strawman of the alt-hypes point about quantitative genetics and he's arguing a completely different point.
Alt-hypes point was that you dont need to 'find the gene' to prove there are racial differences in IQ and that it is heritable to some extent and Kraut is arguing that you do if you want to know why.
>All of this because Kraut was too butt hurt over to admit he tried to get a woman fired over a video just like a dirty SJW
This little back and forth is like people acknowledging that the children of wealthy parents are on average wealthier than the children of poorer parents and people saying well what amount of their wealth is inherited from their parents and what amount was due to the environmental effects of growing up in a wealthy household.
It's irrelevant as you can see they're wealthier.
ikr, and then sargon proclaim the "alt-right" to be the "sjw" the amount mind loops you have to make....
I wonder if Sargon's reputation can take the same hit Kraut was getting. Would his patreon dollars shrink if he quadruples down like Kraut did and start making nothing but "hURR aLT rItE DuMB!" videos?
>muh feminst sjws can't handle free speech
>muh online harassment isn't real
>muh gamuhgate
>censors all dislikes and comments
kiketubers not even once
>censors all dislikes and comments
Isnt that from the flagging of the viewers? The layout looks way different if Sargon had disabled comments and likes. That is youtubes hurt feelings more where it throws a video into digital gulag because of "offending" content
sargons mirror of the video got put into limited state
The question I was trying to get clarification on was if Sargon put it on limited of it Jewtube did
Butthurt alt right cucks got so offended by being proved wrong they flagged sargons mirror into limited state. So much for free speech.
jewtube did it
German "Skeptic" die vulgaere analyse also mirrored it
That is the big LIE he and his friends are putting forth.
The truth is that Kraut commited copyright infringement over an animation of DNA, and the video got reported by the copyright holder, a chinese TV company who probably does automatic image recognition.
Yeah but that guy is also a retard. Can't see why people push him, all skeptics are enemies.
>Krauts neues Video wurde organisiert von Alt Rightern downgeflaggt & Sargons Mirror innerhalb von Minuten ins digitale Gulag gesteckt. Deswegen hier mein Mirror, fühlt euch herzlich eingeladen es mir gleichzutun.
Look at me Sup Forums
We are the jews now!
>commited copyright infringement
>german education
They haven't been proven wrong. Krauts entire video is based around an irrelevant omission in the alt-hypes video when he was making the point that 'finding the genes' is irrelevant because we can already identify the difference and that to some extent it is genetic.
For some reason Kraut thinks finding the omitted passage that says 'its now possible that we can find the genes' disproves the point that you don't need to find the genes to say that some part of a trait is genetic and heritable
Where are all the Sargoniggers now?
Dont see why they flagged the mirror into a limited state if they werent proven wrong. I dont have a horse in this race though
Well someone posted a screencap showing it was a chinese company who complained because he used their animation.
Truly a Rational™ Skeptic™
Sargons video would be removed as well if that was the case. It was Krauts video that got dmca'd. It even says on sargons vid that it was flagged.
>gets so buttmad he can't continue speaking english
>DMCA strike wasn't automatic
>implying some guy actually has the knowledge that some snipped in the video was copyrighted by some chink tv company
peak sceptic
its over
alt hype/jf btfo eternally
how can they even recover?
alt right science man might as well kill himself
It took a few hours for Kraut's video to get reported, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens for others too after some time.
The software monitoring for visual matches is quite capable, but not instant. It probably also prioritizes videos based on popularity.
>all faggit E-celeb KYS
>and those who pander to faggit E-celebs
considering the sketchy ground sargon is on it's probably not a good idea for him to be mirroring content that has dmca claims against it.
>Caring about ecelebs
>Any year
Absolutely pathetic
Did anything ever happen with that lawsuit against him?
Sargon of Faggots
Just you wait until JF Gariepy debunks it.
It's so entertaining.
Kraut and Peterson getting BTFO today. Fucking liberals.
Jordan "Anti-semitism is evil, most of my friends are Jews" Peterson? Link?
You don't need scientific testing to confirm that water is wet and the sky is blue