Net Neutrality

I figured it out! I figured out why NN is bad!

Consider what you use the internet for:
>Web Browsing
>Netflix/Youtube/Video and Music Streaming
>Vidya Gaming

What do you notice? That all of these uses have different requirements. What is important for Video streaming? That is streams fast enough that the video is not interrupted, you care about bandwith, you don't care about latency.
What is important for video games? Low latency, most games use very little bandwith, even with voicechat.
What is important for email and web browsing? That it loads within about 2 seconds of you click the button, bandwith and latency requirements are pretty low.

Internet traffic is not equal and should not be equal.

Other urls found in this thread:

I need feedback and help in defeating Soros, Google and R_t faggot normies who believe NN lies.

bumping with lies

fuck you faggots, read my thread.

Remember that different internet lanes is good.
>Low latency, reliable connections for realtime applications like VOIP and games.
>High bandwith, buffered and smooth streams for video where being 2-5 seconds behind realtime is totally okay.
>Acceptable and reliable connections for general web browsing and email where performance requirements are low.

Web sites and emails are also far far smaller than a 4K video.

One suprise I learned when using a limited connection overseas was that skype video is extremely low data bandwith even when the quality seemed very good.

Compare that to youtube which just eats up cellphone data without a clear reason why it should use so much more data. Know who wrote Net Neutrality? Google, who owns youtube.

maybe I should have had the OP be a giant baitpost where I pretended to support NN.

Boy! Its like that's what we've been saying for years! Good job!

I might not be a smart man, but I finally have arguments that directly counter the commie lies about NN. We've been stuck being only able to answer, "I disagree." But now I can tell numales that net neutrality harms both their netflix and video game addictions.

>Botnets Target FCC Website Over Net Neutrality, Researchers Say
Net Neutrality is astroturfed by fucking commies. It is manufactured public opinion that the soyboys believe.