75,550,000 MILLION

>wake up in 2050
>muslims are 14% of Europe
How fucked is your country?

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Have fun


"High" migration scenario you paranoid pussy faggot. Go out breed them then if you're so afraid.

Look at it on the bright side, if you live, you get to see the happenings in africa when our new muslim overlords decide to cut off the foodsupply to the turd world

"high" migration newspeak for keeping the current levels.

their moderate projection is 0 more rapefugees

low projection is fullstop on all immigration from today

High does sound like a low estimate if you calculate in that these subhumans are going to multiply by 10 in africa and middle east by the end of century and their living condition will be shit as they are today. Germoney will welcome them all in.


It's at the bottom of the image my man. Your women will side with the 30 percent muslims, I fear your country will burn to the ground in the near future