Donald J. Trump Wants You To Ask Him Anything


Other urls found in this thread: 2015 Tolerance Camp Description and Application Form.pdf

Is this even real?

no, sadly


When will the D.C. Pedos start being arrested?

>When will the D.C. Pedos start being arrested?

What is the true meaning of "covfefe"?

What if it is actually Trump LARPing as a larper with basic mspaint editing skills as a way to get through to us?


This reminds me of net neutrality. "We don't know who is jewing who".

Can you spell out the big happenings that are coming? Don't beat around the bush.


Great - when is Hillary going to jail?

I may as well bite, why is Tillerson actually gone? And why Pompeo?



How good was that taco bowl you ate on cinco de mayo 1 year ago? Also, where can I get a taco bowl like that?

You realise if you don't drain the swamp I won't vote for you.


This is probably the most retarded thread ever, but it’s making me laff. 8/10



Send a tweet on your Twitter page today at 10:45am pacific time (roughly 6 minutes from now) about whatever you want.

Yeah, hey long time caller first time listener.
Do you think when the San Francisco Giants come to town they reach out to the New York Giants and have a get together?

>San Francisco Giants come to town they reach out to the New York Giants and have a get together?

To what does Ivanka cunt taste like?

should USA nuke seoul as a warning to rocket man?

When are you going to do something about the kikes.

Nice to see some high effort shit posting

Are traps gay? Scale of 1-10 plz



What about rounding up and gassing the kikes. Should the US lead the in doing it for real this time?



In the off chance this is real:

Hi I saw your plane fly in yesterday while hiking near the river bluffs. I love st. louis but it needs to be made great again - and I have a comprehensive plan on how to do that over the course of my career - starting with floodplain agriculture. I work in ag-biotechnology and some of things I see going on are not good... GMOs are great but they are only one tool in the tool box - at a large scale their are ecological practices that would be economical and ensure the stability of our ag sector - the foundation of civilization and our nation.

Can I get a loan of $200K that would be the start of making st. louis great again? It be one hell of an investment


Why did you share your favorite daughter with Jeffrey Epstein and the Lolita Express crew? What do foreign leaders say when you offer your daughter's sexual favors as part of diplomatic negotiations?

What is your opinion on baltic states mr. Trump?We hope you remember that we helped america in iraq after 9/11 and lost soldiers there.

Could you make the World great again? Please

I agree with this user. I also live in the St Louis County. Wit the exception of South County, where I live, St Louis is a shit hole. Please nuke.


Are you going to close the CFPB so user can get said 200k loan? Bretty difficult to get one right now as most loans are not profitable.


right you are
say hi to Q

Are blacks people?


why do you hate niggers and muzzies



Why dont you stop funding spread of degeneracy in our countries then?



fucking savage lol
America First



Asuka or Rei?


How the fuck does funding of tolorance camp for children in baltic states by american tax payer get you any vote?

boasting about the (((stock market)))

Jew shill Trump

Fucking saved


What American institute is funding this "tolerance camp" bullshit? Does anyone know?


Merry Christmas!

Trump 2020

Nit sure but its about
''Teaching tolorance trough english'' 2015 Tolerance Camp Description and Application Form.pdf

it was supposed to be coverage you fucking retard, shit thread get your act together

How big is your cock?

Please im geting desperate!



This was high effort shit. Thanks Mr. Pres- I mean, user.

Would you officiate mine and my girlfriends wedding?
We have a baby girl due in April and have had so many other blessings since you took office.

We could fly in ourselves and do it real quick if there is time in your schedule.

You can probably figure out who I am.


Trump doesn't write like that, if you're going to make fake tweets at least write how he writes you fucktard

Total discression obvs.

No pics, signed NDA's, etc.

Pic related


Thanks user.
>I'll be waiting for a call from your people.


Merry Christmas, Mr President.

please write "oliver from germany is gay and bad at Formula 1"

>all have 41 thousand likes
You could put more into it, you lazy cunt.


Can you fucking glass North Korea already?

are manlets subhuman?

was Hitler right?


Trump which prototype of the wall did you like the most?

Ok Mr. Trump, what's the answer to the JQ



Oh boy leddit and libtards will go MAAAAAAD when they will see the GOD EMPEROR himself did an AMA on Sup Forums

praise KeK!


I want to believe make her Nordic too with an accent and I will never cheat on her.


Can you please Glass North Korea before Christmas?

#1 it's a tweet...he's not AMAing from Sup Forums you tards
#2 it's a fake tweet. It takes 2 seconds to verify

ofc not, nobody in their right mind could do that, not even the god emperor
>or can he?

Merry Christmas!