Why haven't you watched the greatest romance anime of all time yet?
Kare Kano
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Would a normie like it?
I've been meaning to. Then [s4s] created the teeth girl meme and reminded me I still haven't gotten to it. I think I heard that the author didn't approve of the anime because of it's lack of focus on the romance or something.
Not with those production problems it isn't.
People warned me too but the latter episodes shit the bed worse than I imagined.
I did but the manga goes to complete shit and Arima is a terrible main
Because i did many years ago and still have the manga, why did you watched it just recently?
>why did you watched it just recently?
I was actually just rewatching a particular episode.
I have.
It is.
If you stop watching at like episode 18 it's pretty good.
Honestly, there is not a better RomCom anime out there, although Hana Yori Dango comes close.
Which one?
it's trash
I have. I loved it. I own it on dvd. I own two OST cd's. I rewatch it often.
Yes the point where anno walked off because he was tired of the mangaka shit sent the series into a tailspin from then on, it still stands as classic and must see anime in my opine
But I HAVE watched it.
Many times in fact.
I got like 10 episodes in and got bored, is it worth continuing?
Hana Yori Dango is god awful, what is wrong with you? It's pretty much the epitome of cancer infesting shoujo. When your "romcom" involves the main love interest hiring people to gangrape the lead, you've failed.
All of you who say it gets bad in later episodes are trash.
It was okay, i only really cared about MCs tiny friends who wanted to fug her step brother.
But I really liked Makino ;_;
I don't think I've ever raged so hard at anything in manga as much as I have when I read all the chapters with Arima's mom.
I'm about 10 episodes in. It's one of those shows that's so good I feel as though I have to dignify it with a decent watching experience (no distractions, dimmed lights, etc) but as a result I usually put it off. It sounds autistic because it is. I feel as though I'm hyping it and when I eventually get to finishing it I will be disappointed, especially considering Anno doesn't direct the second half and they run out of budget.
That results in some of the best and most interesting moments that exist within the medium.
If your favorite part of Gainax shows isn't when they run out of budget, your taste is suspect.
it's shit, better watch meguca
HYD is terrible. The author even complained that that she was forced to make major changes due to editor retardation that concluded the audience's shit taste in male leads > the author's plans for her own story.
Because I've heard it's incomplete and unsatisfying and that would trigger my autism?
But it's worth it
It ends right when the manga takes a nosedive into melodrama shit so it was really for the best
Because I read the manga first and it killed all interest in the male mc for me.
It's on my backlog, but I couldn't even finish Nodame Cantabile or Honey & Clover, even though I really like them. They just don't draw me in and leave me wanting to burn through them
It has one of my favorite ending song. Still listens to it now and then.
This isn't really like those.
For the longest time I thought the song was original.
Then I was pretty pleased to find out it was originally a Yuki Saito track.
How so?
Could you explain without spoiling?
Kare Kano isn't a typical, straightforward romance/shoujo anime at all, even if the source material might be.
But I have.
First time I watched it a long time ago, I really liked it. But on re-watching it a year or so ago I was pretty underwhelmed by it.
hey dezaki
He's dead
tumblr user dezaki, formerly known as kinotabi?
I watched the first episode and was not impressed. I'm not a woman though. Should I keep watching?
>I'm not a woman though
Why is this relevant info
kare kano is one of my favorites
anno's underrated masterpiece imo
I like the show. But what fuck with that half assed ending?
budget issues + lack of anno
Wish it got a proper ending
10 is like the peak dude
It's already over
Just finish it off fag
episode 19 was my favorite episode by far, just because the art style was so unique. shows how a lack of budget can sometimes push a show forward
not being able to afford a main character's voice actor for the last episode and having to have the narrator read his dialogue of power points was a massive let down, really shows how a lack of budget can limit a show
The Imaishi episode, huh.
absolute kino
I watched it and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It's a shame it isn't more well known, but for some reason it seems to have been getting more attention lately.
Was 19 the ice-cream stick figure episode? I loved that one.
*read his dialogue over power points
Dropped it the same time the Lord and Savior, Master of Animango Hideaki Anno dropped it. It's almost a marvel at how unfunny and uninteresting the show got once the focus shifted from comedy to ""serious romance"" as portrayed in the original. It goes to show that Anno was right: no one in the anime scene, whether it be the consumers or producers, care much for ""serious romance"". And, whether you like it or not, the anime scene does not like sexual intercourse being explicit between a couple. Every single time, an (implied) platonic couple attracts more people than a non-platonic one. It's a simple truth of the animated medium: once you start adding in heavily realistic parameters (i.e. sexual activity, serious family problems, complex backstory) to your cartoon characters, they shift more toward being a 3D character than a 2D character. And people watch anime for the 2D charm, not 3D. Though, there have been instances where realism has been a plus, Kare Kano is not one of them. It was a more entertaining experience as a slapstick than as a melodrama.
Le teth gril
That is a lot of typing user.
Ep 18 is the canon ending, just stop there.
You're just describing the fact that nip writers are terrible at writing good romance.